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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Watch the Bonus features in the Trilogy DVD pack...lot's of fun stuff in there.
  2. I am sadly stuck with Time Warner; it has been reliable - their 8Mbps package (or is it 7 or 9, I can't recall now), pulls usually 9Mbps down. Upload sucks ass...usually 350-450k, far slower than WOW's lowest @ 1Mbps. I miss having 2Mbps uploads. Ping times with my TW isn't as good as my WOW was either.
  3. 1. Coil pack from a running Raptor...guess I shouldn't have said new, rather new to me. Check 2. Will have to tear apart for that one. 3. Same as above 4. Already cleaned the reverse wiring, as we initially thought that was the issue 5. Doesn't seem to be that way, as the choke is functioning like it normally did, and you can tell when the choke is on idling very easily. Also, I've hit the choke before warmed up (by accident) at higher RPM and this symptom did not occur.
  4. No, it was stated as fastest in existence, not fastest at that race.
  5. I get my Raptor out, after not running it in months (due to being wrecked in the front slightly and needing repair). Change oil/filter, clean the air filter, and get the damage repaired (all wheel/front suspension stuff). Quad runs perfect first day. Next day is running perfect, then all of a sudden won't run at higher RPM's, and this is the status it has been ever since. Symptoms: - Starts perfectly fine. - Idles fine - At low throttle, under 3500-4000 RPM (have a tach), runs perfectly - Hard throttle and/or higher RPM's, no power at all, backfires badly, shoots flames out the exhaust, can smell fuel. Due to being able to smell fuel after trying to run it hard, and seeing fireballs, I would think this is ignition related. Things tried: - New spark plug - New coil pack (which also includes the plug wire) - New CDI (ignition control unit) - New fuel - used the same fuel in my wife's quad, and it runs perfectly on it. Nothing has made any difference at all. I did the CDI after reading threads online about simlar issues (doesn't seem all that common). Checked to make sure it wasn't the reverse rev limiter, and testing that was different than the symptoms I am having. At this point, I need suggestions. I will likely need to do some more wire tracing, and test some other items to find the problem, but I was looking for starter ideas before I tear this damn thing apart. Service manual was of no use.
  6. As are all the 10.5 Outlaw Vettes. There are a lot of rules on stock stuff that has to be on those cars. Are there a lot more factory parts on Mark's car? Yes. Does that make the other cars not real Vettes? No So because he has a nice, clean, fast car, he should hold the title? How does that make sense. I've never said anything bad about the car. Mark's car is nicer and faster than mine will ever be. Period. Probably has a nicer home too, nicer DD, etc. It may bother you, but doesn't bother me...there is always someone with something nicer/better/faster. His car is fast and bad-ass. But I am a hater because I disagree on it being the fastest C6. You won't find any 8 second car that is truly street-legal (hell, go find one that would pass an emissions visual and/or sniffer test). Import or domestic. But I'd agree it is a street-driven street car that is very quick. My wife isn't loaded. She buys me cool presents on my birthday/X-mas - and imagine this, I do the same for her. You know, actually putting some time/thought into my significant other, and noticing that she did the same for me. I'm not going to feel embarassed because we are both financially stable that we won't go broke spending a couple hundred bucks on each other twice a year. Facts: - Mark likely has the fastest IRS Vette. - Mark's car is very quick, and likely quicker than anything I will ever build/own, and likely has run faster than I will ever drive a car personally down a track. - The car is beautiful, and one of my favorite kind of cars - Have never met Mark, seen the car in person, or really know anything about him. Have never had any beef with the guy. But because I 100% disagree with it being the fastest C6 out there, with evidence to back it up, I must be a hater / think he didn't accomplish anything / think his car is slow / wish he would die in a fire / whatever else someone thinks up next. Hell, I'd love to see his car beat the IRS record for any car, as I'd be much happier to see a Vette hold the title than a Viper/Supra. But I see C6's that have been modded further that went faster, and personally can't justify the statement of his being the fastest C6. End of story.
  7. What ownage? Where was anything I said disproved? He has a fast LSx, and likely the fastest IRS Corvette. I never stated he didn't. - Who is bitching. I have no priority in the car, but have no reason to get rid of it. - You haven't seen the car in years, so how could you see it rot? - Cars don't tend to rot in clean/dry garages.
  8. What you haven't done is fully re-do a Reynoldsburg house after it was trashed, restore a forclosed home you purchased, and boat every weekend you can (on top of getting married, more work responsibilities, etc). The car is not a priority, and hasn't been for a while. I'd rather go boating/quading than worry about the car, so it sits in the garage and waits. I still can't figure out how that randomly came loose...that bolt had been in there for a couple of years and thousands of miles (both street driving and numerous track runs). I forgot that even happened until you posted it.
  9. Sure does. Mine has all the parts to run (far slower) as well - I don't have a shop to put mine together, and other priorities over working on it, though that is starting to change.
  10. Okay, so you won an LSx challenge race. How does that = fastest C6? Your 8.15 isn't even the fastest LSx in Ohio. You may hold the fastest IRS Corvette title, but not the fastest C6. Don't get me wrong, 8.15 is moving out for sure, and one of the fastest on this board (probably the fastest regular poster). But I get annoyed seeing credit for something that isn't really true.
  11. - Pontiac G8 GT - Lexus IS 250 AWD or IS 350 - Infinity G35x (newer one with the updated interior) - 3-series BMW
  12. I was trailering a car and had the chute open while driving. Bet it scared the shit out of the minivan behind us. Forgot to put the safety pin in...opps.
  13. I hear Singapore is actually very clean and nice. I love that infinity pool...never seen one that high up before.
  14. I don't care about the "lie," but the design is kind of lame. It's just a more advanced hybrid...not a game changer by any stretch.
  15. TL, maybe...but it is FWD in those years. I don't like the RL. Fusion = lame. Legacy didn't impress me. Maybe the S60R (not the standard S60). Personally, I don't like any of those choices - I can think other cars in that class/price range I'd much rather have.
  16. Well that sucks. Not that I cared much for it anyway. The idea of using a gasoline engine as a "charger" for an electric-only driven plug-in hybrid was stupid. A small diesel would be the only intelligent choice, as it would be far more efficent at doing a charging task like that.
  17. I downloaded the first 3 Episodes. Can't find a HD copy of the first episode that is good (both I found had un-known audio sourses when I tried to de-mux the .mkv file). Still haven't started watching yet, but everyone I talk to that has watched it loves the show.
  18. I am sure these douche bag kids probably think they are cool because they can show a picture, give no real info, and everyone just has to guess at the lame/asshole prank they pulled. The car sucks, and I am sure the prank does even more. /thread
  19. Yeah, but Verizon still doesn't offer rollover, which is what seals the deal for the low minute plans.
  20. Better corporate discount + they had a lower minute plan Verizon didn't offer us = a lot more money saved. Why don't you stop giving logical solutions to solvable problems?
  21. J Gilberts. Great steak place, but noticably cheaper than Ruth's Chris.
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