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Everything posted by Nitrousbird

  1. Umm, yeah, it is sunny and warm out. Watching soccer or boating...yeah, I'll be on the boat. Have fun watching TV.
  2. Why the hell are tards littering in the first place, and why isn't anyone saying anything when people throw crap on the ground?
  3. - I don't give a shit if people are on the same page or not. Illegals should not be working in the US, period, end of story. - There are plenty of legals working in the food industry, from McD's on up. Are there illegals, yes, and plenty more legals as well. - If food prices go up 25%, then that is what they will do. Or some of these businesses will have to take a little less profit or find other ways to be more efficient to keep their prices within check. America will go on, and go on very easily, WITHOUT illegals. We don't need barely paid slave labor to get things done.
  4. These batteries for German cars are expensive. Cheapest Auto Zone battery for my wife's A4 was about $110.
  5. Griggs, if you get to the corner of Fishinger and Riverside, you are pretty much at the boat ramp. Just south of Fishinger (like .2 miles). O'shaughnessy ramp is at the corner of Home Rd and Riverside (just south of Home Rd...like .1 miles, if that). O'shaughnessy would be less busy for sure. Griggs is pretty one of (or likely THE) biggest Wakeboarding areas in Ohio...tons of wakeboard boats out there. Only real rules are no PWC's or tubing. You might get a little chop on Griggs mid-day Sat/Sun, and usually never on O'shaughnessy (especially if you boat along the west side). I will be out tomorrow afternoon on O'shaughnessy. If you see a white w/ green Sea Ray 160 (though it has no badging other than the 160 on the back) open bow boat, come say hi to us...probably just my wife and my best friend will be out there.
  6. http://www.malwarebytes.org/ Try that.
  7. That's fine...I would rather pay a little more for my fruit and veggies than have an illegal pick them.
  8. Bindings should be tight, and should require lube to get into them (unless you have the hinge-type bindings), but not to the point of being painful when using them for a length of time. Mine will sometimes hurt a little after boarding for a while. I ride on 07 Gator Saints, and love them. Not cheap by any means, but you shouldn't use cheap bindings anyway.
  9. " farmers have become used to cheap labor and don't want to raise wages enough to draw in other workers." There is the reason.
  10. That would cause a urine stain in my pants.
  11. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs464.ash1/25498_579543109307_50609503_33353608_6918508_n.jpg LOL, like you would know.
  12. Good luck. We had to fight them tooth and nail to get them to prorate the 3 fucking days of service we used (post contract) before switching to AT&T. They wanted to charge us a full month. This is after their CSR had already told us, before we switched, that it would be prorated, and they had it documented in their system that they told us this! That said, if they are unable to hold their end of the contract, you may be able to get out of it and go elsewhere......
  13. Pictures of actual items: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=168&pictureid=4153 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=168&pictureid=4152
  14. I can't believe they are making an even more expensive version of the LFA. Isn't 375k (base...that's without navigation even) too much as-is?? Sucks to hear about the driver.
  15. My wife and I decided to change up our half bath, and are selling the sink and toilet. All Kohler, both in black. The sink and faucet are in perfect condition. Because our house was a foreclosed home, water sat in the toilet bowl, which now has hard-water deposits in it. Being black, it luckily isn't too noticeable. Sink has the drain assembly/faucet already installed, so it will be far quicker to put together than new. Here are the units on Lowes (Lowes doesn't stock the pedastal sink top and toilet in black, and they usually go for more money in non-white colors): Faucet Pedestal Sink (shown in white) Pedestal Base Toilet (this is the white version) All of this purchased at the store new would be $575 + tax = $615. I am willing to go half that @ $300 firm. I already checked Craigslist, E-bay, and Amazon...you won't be getting a combo like this for $300 there.
  16. I have Sciatica. Never had the piss feeling, but the sciatic nerve is no joke. It can make you non-functional to the point of not being able to walk. I've worked through that pain more times than I can count, and it is freaking BAD. Just a thought, but this could be a first sign of things to come. I've done the chiropractor thing a bunch of times, stretches, X-rays, MRI, heat and cold compresses, etc. Only thing that really helped me was either time (which a couple times it never went away), or Steroids (they are magical little pills!). Thing I've done myself that has really helped is putting my wallet in my front pocket. Has made a world of difference.
  17. 2 months ago. Wasn't able to do any of the useful functions that a spreadsheet I normally use utilizes. Office 2003 and 2007 work fine with it, though. So unless they made some significant improvements in 2 months, I can't use it (for some reason my company LOVES Excell with a passion, and uses it far beyond what it was ever intended for).
  18. I suggested OpenOffice, but it isn't superior by any stretch. If you need to do anything beyond basic spreadsheets/formulas in Excel, you are screwed in OpenOffice.
  19. My choice was simple - best smart phone cell rate we could get was through AT&T. iPhone is the best phone they carry. This = me having an iPhone. The iPhone is a good, solid phone. But honestly, it is a phone. Occassional web surfing, a few aps that are useful, check the e-mail, camera, music, and that's about it. There is a point where I just want it to work and not deal with customizing. Had AT&T carried a GOOD Android phone, we would have had to play with both and decide. Most of the Android phones are shit. Played with an Incredible today - niffty, I liked it, but other than the screen size, it didn't make me die to have one over my iPhone. In the end, most Apple products are way overpriced - the iPhone wasn't compared to the competition. OS X sucks badly, but since iPhone doesn't run on that - no biggie. These iOS 4 updates have been all good, so I'm happy. I still don't get the point in the iPad.
  20. Hmm, like it so far. E-mail looks a bit better, camera is improved slightly, multi-tasking is nice, changing the background is something that was needed. I did lose my Pandora account on it, though. Somehow didn't recognize any of my e-mail addresses, even though the account is still good as I have it on my Blackberry too. No biggie, and probably not Apple's fault.
  21. I like my iPhone. My wife and I have iPhones, lowest minute plan, no texting plan, unlimited data, for just under $100/month after taxes.
  22. I have 5 bars both at home and my Reynoldsburg property.
  23. Nitrousbird


    Can't happen. It is against their card-member agreement. The card companies will simply not allow them to charge to their cards = instant death. Fake rumor, nothing more.
  24. I'd hate to get Hennescrewed for 600k. http://sportscarforums.com/gallery/data/39/hennesscrewed.jpg
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