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Posts posted by dragknee66

  1. Here at the office were having this whole diet thing. BUT.. this time ITS FOR MONEY. Thats rite.. Theyve made teams of people to see which groups can lose the most weight in 4 months time, winners are taking home probably over 100-200 dollars each.



    I still see.....

    Yesterday this 300lb girl CRAMMING down a muffin while her team was away from their desks.


    Today.. free bagels at the office.. all the dieters are eating bagels loaded with cream cheese.



    I mean WHAT THE F*CK PEOPLE!?!?! No offense to any on here, but I cant stand fat people who BITCH about not being able to lose weight, then see them cramming down the shittiest foods on gods green earth. :mad:


    Im SURE my office cant be the only office with half healthy people and half bitching overweight people. Some of the things I see these people eat just make me sick.


    "wendys double with extra mayo, and mayo on the side for my fries" Thats my favorite one graemlins/puke.gif


    Some might want to ask me "Why do you care?" Because I have to hear about it all the damned time.

  2. Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

    The amount of ignorance in this thread is actually making my head hurt.

    God damn your rite. I read the first part of this thread and Im just shaking my head after that crap.



    Formula for MASS =

    PROTEIN 200-300 grams minimal

    CALORIES 4k-5k per day



    For high school kids or ANYONE under 23 or 21 years old.. taking ANYTHING that alters your hormones is STUPID. Your hindering your still growing body.


    I dont want to hear any more newbie lifting opinions in this here thread graemlins/nonono.gif

  3. OH MAN. That 100lb tank is $80 bucks....

    I just called some place called SPECIALTY GAS HOUSE on campus.. they said it was $58 dollars to fill that huge tank.


    That might be the cheapest thing to do next time. That 100lb tank would probably last me all winter. I used 20lbs in 2 weeks time of being in the garage. Yup.. that would last just about the entire winter.. not to mention about maybe half a summer on the grill hah.


    I wish I would have bought that tank instead of buying another refill. grr

  4. propane heater for the garage.


    $16.06 after tax for a blue rino exchange tank :eek: makes me want to graemlins/doh.gif


    I should have bought a damn kerosene heater instead :rolleyes:


    Does anyone know where I can get propane cheaper?? This is getting rediculous. Next season im going to get a huge ass 100lb tank and get it filled 1 time for the whole winter.



    ^ 100lb'er graemlins/grin2.gif

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