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Everything posted by dragknee66

  1. 10 seconds of google http://i.neoseeker.com/a/r420preview/card-2.jpg
  2. Gonna call you today.. wont be able to meet up until tomorrow though
  3. Damn no shit crazy. At least hes back and kickin though rite
  4. wow.. thats blown to shreads hah
  5. Thats great hah. Kids these days are out of shape.. most of em.. when I see chubby kids I cant help but blame the parents for not limiting use of video games and computer time to keep their kids mouths quiet. Oh well.. fatness is totally in our American future lets be honest.
  6. I should probably buy one of these soon. Ill buy it Dan. Where and when can you meet
  7. details? location? age? times? agency? details? details?
  8. Yup. Fellas this is seriously a steal of a deal.. if I didnt have one I would have bought this moments after he listed. You probably wont find a deal like this on an AR for a long ass time.
  9. stop buying guns and selling them rite after! I will let me fellow officers know of this.
  10. ITS bumped AGAIN... either Im freakin out bad or I keep seeing this damn thread pop up! Does anyone else see this!?!
  11. lettuce talk about lettuce http://www.coolmarketingthoughts.com/images/lettuce3.jpg
  12. Buy a real car with some balls /thread
  13. I wouldnt buy a used one though.. eBay usually has OEM and japanese rip off batts you can buy. Itll probably be like 80-110 dollars or so. Dell laptop batteries blow.
  14. Ya.. amazing for damn sure *drool*
  15. can we delete this thread? I keep seeing it pop up on the damn sale section!
  16. Yup making it just use useless as an xbox with the RROD
  17. Google search that shiz or If I was you I would go on the xbox forum and check it out.. there are plenty of threads there on it.
  18. Red Rings of Death they are called ya. Im sure Sciongirl will chime in here too, shes an xbox neerrdddd
  19. I once read.. crappy solder points and the overwhelming heat of the towel trick sometimes makes it all better again. Do you have an external cooling unit on that xbox? I have a little fan setup built onto mine that has done me well for the year Ive had mine so far.
  20. 33k miles Just has some wheels and a set of long tubes and catless mids. Babied everyday like a grandma would drive it. LS1 ftw, when I bough it the LS2 car was 5k more, I lold and said no way. Dont think I would officially list it for sale but if someone wanted it Ide sell it and buy the vette I want PM if you want pricing
  21. We shouldnt have bailed out shit
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