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Everything posted by Boost-n-Juice

  1. Yep. I could only find the plastic ones though but they are the correct centrics.
  2. bet you wish you had the wing option.
  3. Mod motor has a different bell housing pattern than a SB Ford doesn't it?
  4. Is this behind a MOD or Windsor?
  5. U need snow tires and weight over the rear axle.
  6. they make a repair kit for this as well. It's like liquid metal
  7. not sure how much u need. this stuff is pretty durable and cake to install. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=44863
  8. bot sure how much u need. this stuff is pretty durable and cake to install.
  9. Don't make excuses for her and guess what...she'll do it again. If you stay with her, you'll never get over it but you can get over her. If there are kid's involved it's a different story. One of my Grandpa's last words was he never really loved my Grandma as a Wife because she had cheated on him years ago and stayed with her for the kids. Hell of a man if you ask me.
  10. OK, I'm at my wits end here. The car - '05 Maxima The Wheels - 18" ADR's wrapped with 245/50's "Performance Style tire" (stock rim/tire size) 1st problem...The steering wheel shakes at speeds of 60-70mph but at anything above or below is smooth. The car itself never shakes and is always silky smooth. Some times the shake @ 60-70mph is sporadic and some times will go away if you accelerate or decelerate. 2nd problem...the car wanders the road if it's un-even, transitions to bridges or any kind of groove in the road it tries to pull either way. There is no play in the steering and nothing feels loose. It has been aligned front and back by Nissan, tires balanced/rotated on a top of line roadforce machine. They claim the car is with-in spec, including the tires/rims. Nissan plays the "it's your aftermarket tires and rims" card. Ideas? Can you recommend a good shop to take a look at it? I'm sick of paying an arm and leg @ Nissan, just to get no where!
  11. Depends on the brand. Bendix is Bendix, Autolite is Autolite and anything in between 80% of the time is made/remanufactured at the same place. I will agree, some things/brands I would not buy from Autozone. The above does not apply to my Stang, just my daily drivers.
  12. Snow tires and sand in the back (over the wheels, not behind). Suck it up, you sound like a little girl. Man handle that 5.0! ;-)
  13. studs are for ice. would make for some cool burnouts at night
  14. u my friend r having way too much fun. very nice. I'd get into carts but I'd have to wear one like a pair of underwear. Do they make carts for fat boys?
  15. I think it's a 20 gallon. I'm too lazy to bust out the tape measure and my ill Geometry skills. Comes with everything in the picture (including the lonely white fish). Or, I can flush the tuff little shit. Whatever works for you. I just spent $80 on under ground pumps, filters and whatever else you put in a fish tank. My son could care less about the damn thing and I don't feel like hauling it to Florida. First $40 takes it all. http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/12/33717500711.jpg
  16. this is too ironic! One of my neighbors (10 houses down) put a chair out for the trash last week and some how ended up across the street from my house, probably kids. Maybe it's floating around still. I'll keep my eyes out.
  17. They are amoung the fastest we have to offer. Beware.
  18. Unlimited Audio and Accessories is MIA or out of business. Pete is a great guy and gave me a hell of a deal on my Wife's Maxima last year but the damn thing quit workin. It might be something simple but the thing never did work quite right.
  19. I emailed him...told him to sign up with CR.com so we could help him out and follow the story.
  20. Exactly. If you do it the wrong way, owning a business just becomes "another job". The perfect scenario is to own a business that runs itself, in return allowing you to free up your time to do other things, business related or not. For example...My friend opened up a Minute Man Pizza shop. The was about 4 years ago and he still work 60hrs+/wk. If he could hire someone to run it he could in return free up time to do other things. Yes this would cut into his profits but in the long-term the time he would free up could be used to possibly open another shop.
  21. Maybe this is his way of "coming out".
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