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Everything posted by Boost-n-Juice

  1. TTT Now includes the tires. $400 for CR members only $500 to anyone else.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcmyjgsrbB0&feature=related
  3. Sad but true. Wherever you decide to go just double and triple check EVERYTHING prior to firing the engine.
  4. ...Norris that is. Explain to me how he made such a come back? Does anyone think he's gettin played out like a Britney Spears #1 hit played on WNCI over and over again?
  5. Exactly. Bear is still a badass, I don't care what spin the Director/Film crew put on the show.
  6. "7.Jaguar XJ220: 217 mph+, 0-60 in 4.0 secs. Twin Turbo V6 Engine with 542 hp, base price is $345,000. Made in 1992, this car still got what it takes to make the list."
  7. Top Gear Hating, as usual... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBDzukCX2U8&feature=related
  8. seriously is that blown up? I was having Vietnam flash backs.
  9. You like the # 1500 don't you! This guy is just looking for something to bitch about, that is the ONLY reason he started this thread. and this one... http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=45413 and this one... http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=45195
  10. Sorry your pussy hurts. Try clicking "Log Out" at the top right.
  11. Congrats! Listen, I've said it before and I'll say it again... Understand the following things and DO NOT try to understand the rest... #1 - A Woman will NEVER be totally happy. #2 - All Women will require medication at some point in their life. (if they realize this is another thing) #3 - God gave women short feet for a reason, so they can stand closer to the stove and sink to cook and clean. Also, try to call her a bad name atleast once a week... I.E. - "Damn BITCH, this is some damn good dinner!" You see, this way when you REALLY mean it "BITCH" doesn't sound so bad. Good luck!
  12. yes! they were always published in Motortrend etc..
  13. it's called TV. Les is a big baby and whines too much. He rarely explores, he just sits for a week. Wow.
  14. Good point. Taking Asprin helps. This is also important if you have a desk job.
  15. Was it crazy? Did you have to get there early?
  16. Ouch. Owned. I think the washer was there but had too much load on it, for what reason I don't know. I personally don't know enough about the topic to say what the problem was, but I do know these washers can be under some serious pressure/friction, which is why most HP applications are "rollerized".
  17. Just a 255 in tank. 36# injectors. I just sold my CHP 347 and 60# injectors because the compression was too high @ 10.5:1. So I'm basically taking a "few" steps back and just want to enjoy the car for a while until the Boss based low compression 331 is done. I'm a lil burned out right now.
  18. Getting out of the car, going up to the guys car/window, traffic was obviously stopped or stopping before he got over into your lane etc. If the guy didn't get over into your lane could this have been avoided, most likely. I'd be pissed also and probably would have done the same thing(s).
  19. I fixed this for ya. "I'm giving you kudos on this one, as your grammar and punctuation is top notch in this post. But, it's spelled CREDIBLE."
  20. I'll leave it to someone else to pick your "story" apart. People are just plain STUPID these days! Seriously, people don't think to themselves, hey, maybe I should turn my headlights on. Humans will be extinct one day, that's all I know. EDIT - glad u r OK. Could have been worse!
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