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Everything posted by Boost-n-Juice

  1. http://www.summitmotorsportspark.com/main-news1/pinks-sold-out/
  2. that sucks. to be expected though. bunch of BS
  3. I have 6 packs of Heritage tongue-n-groove parquet style hardwood flooring. 12"x12" squares, 10 "Tiles" per pack (10 sq ft)x6=60 sq ft. Purchased from Lowes, so if you need more it's $10 a pack. $25 for all 6 packs. http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/12/33614055914.jpg
  4. I have a Desay model that skips sporadically. W/remote $5
  5. Amen Brotha. It's all about time and time is money. Life is only so long.
  6. I'm with you man and can relate in so many ways (you know). Just when you think things couldn't get worse, guess what? They do. We've got to move on. Set a goal and make it happen. I'll be in Florida ASAP with or without VZW. I plan to get my real estate license and do sales on the side for my friends company. Hit me up. You and the Fam need to come over for dinner. We need to talk.
  7. That's custom fab'd stuff and jegs doesn't carry parts of this quality. The SVX...anything is possible.
  8. Final score OSU 24, LSU 13
  9. Maybe she didn't realize she didn't like it until she drove it for a while. Geesh. Go away NOOB.
  10. What exactly is a "nitrious set up". I googled it with no luck.
  11. So basically what you were trying to say is that you're rich and gay. How "Cute".
  12. That thing would do good to run my lawnmower, and it's only a 24" deck. seriously, that is a sick motor and heck of deal!
  13. The same thing happen with my friends 351, with the same pistons. We even called Keithbkack and let them know our exact combo to determine the ring gaps. Good luck with the sale.
  14. Wow! You need a vacation. Although I do admire your determination.
  15. 3 things I have learned in my 31yrs on this place we call earth is... 1. Women will NEVER be happy. 2. They will all require medication at some point. 3. God gave them short feet for a reason, so they can stand closer to the Kitchen Sink.
  16. I have the best package/price ever. Ask Joe.
  17. I am. I went hunting this morning, other than that it's been work and then on the couch or in the cold garage. I hate Ohio!
  18. I was able to get ahold of the guy who I got the block from and he found the mains. Thanks guys!
  19. Be careful to make sure the flash point meets the standards for the tank/pump your're using. Purple stuff works good also.
  20. Nice work Hobz. I love that blue.
  21. He's 55, but still. He seems to be aging pretty well. The mohawk is getting shorter.
  22. Transfluid? Really? I'll have to try it. What's the ratio?
  23. 2 bolt... I need to get this car together and my center (#3 Thrust) cap is bad. It would be nice to get a complete set so I can get the mains align-honed. This cap is so bad my end play is .016, twice the allowable tolerance.
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