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Everything posted by Boost-n-Juice

  1. Sorry to hear about your Aunt. I was just talking to her a few weeks ago and she seemed to be doing great. I hope and pray for the best. Let us know if you need anything.
  2. perfect example why I'm moving. Columbus SUCKS! the people are up tight fuck sticks.
  3. you're breaking stuff because your pinion angle is not right. You need to get some adjustable uppers. it's going to be hard to pull the wheels with those springs you have, which is half your problem anyway. The car looks so damn good though.
  4. I used to do stupid stuff like that all the time. I rode from Cosgray rd. to Dublin Rd/Fishinger.
  5. you don't need to do the mini-tub on your '04. you should stop over the house one day after work so we can talk shop. I'll have Rob over and he can entertain us.
  6. pop your tail lights out so you can access the wiring harness. You will need a test light. The rest is common sense.
  7. I would love to see a Cinci or Hawaii Team make it to a decent bowl game.
  8. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/football/ncaa/09/30/bc.fbc.t25.collegefbpol.ap/index.html
  9. just keep pretty boy on the bench and we'll be good.
  10. it's all in your tune. I have been making over 500@wheels for years on a stock roller block based 347, both on spray and boost setups.
  11. T5's take Dexron. I switched to Royal Purple years ago and it mad a HUGE difference! I've never heard of running Motor Oil. EDIT - I was just thinking about this. It seems to me motor oil would not allow the brass syncros do their job. Dexron being more of detergent it would help the syncros.
  12. If you had my number I could have pulled you out on my way to work. I was rollin down alkire at 5am.
  13. Hey, my twin brother drives a Pontiac! They need to pull some timing out of it I think or add a little fuel. I don't care what anyone drives. It's all good.
  14. All you accomplished with this thread is proved to us that you are truly a piece of shit. You think this is funny because of kind of car it is? This isn't a DSM board, Z28 board, Supra or whatever board...it's a board where all Makes/Models are welcome. It's about a passion to make your car perform better no matter what kind of car it is. You should do us all a favor and click the "Log Out" button.
  15. We ran my friends '90 with the stock computer after the T5 swap. Now that I think of it, it did have a Hypertech chip, not sure if that had anything to do with it. I was thinking it was the opposite, if you went from T5 to AODE, then you had to swap computers.
  16. Damn, nice Fox. Not too many out there that clean/stock. Nice!
  17. trunk brackets turned out nice. "the front bumper wont fit on there". hahahaha! proved me wrong.
  18. works good and it should for that kind of $$
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