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Posts posted by Doug1647545489

  1. haha, are you seriously such a failure at life to have enough time to find threads from more than 2yrs ago? What a pathetic loser.


    Besides, i was the first S40 on the site, it was something different. It wasnt like i bought a Civic Si and was like, CH3CK 0uT mY M4d 7Yt3 C1vIc Y0!!!one1!!



    Yeah it took three clicks...

  2. Alot of parts are like that, I know alot of aftermarket springs are all made by the same place just different brand names on them


    correct. Only two aftermarket valve spring companies actually make there own springs. The rest are from suppliers and there are only a handful of those.

  3. Not a fan of you Doug! j/k


    i hate the grille and the hood doesnt bother me but its what the previos owner like so i am stuck fixing it.


    I hate your face.


    You gonna be in C-bus this weekend? We should get drunk.

  4. I took it back and they exchanged it out for me. the funny thing was, the guy who sold it to me was telling me about this issue, and when i walked back in and told him, his jaw dropped. he couldnt believe that i had gotten one. but they gave me a new one and this one has an HDMI hook up in the back of it.. the other one didnt... i think they gave me the Elite one instead of the premium.. but its not black... i dunno. Runs 1080p with the cable it comes with so who gives a fuck :D



    Sounds like you got an old one or a returned one the first time. All new 360's have HDMI now.

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