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Everything posted by Doug1647545489

  1. The Econolodge in Reynoldsberg, room 13 if you would like to join us.
  2. Really? I never thought that you never thought of that.
  3. FMUs are junk. I had one with my grand am. FP would rise like it should but car was still lean as hell. What the car really need was a reprogram and bigger injectors.
  4. My guess is lapping won't be enough. Probably have to get the valve and seat grinded/cut. THe valve could also be damaged beyond repair.
  5. Wow that clutch should hold a good amount of torque too.
  6. ugh that was fustrating. I think they should of played Smith as the starter and the whole game. Seem liked he played with much more enthusiasm.
  7. RC is a pretty good cruise line. My parents are on one of thier cruises right now. We are also planning on going on the maiden voyage of thier new ship the Freedom of the Seas.
  8. our bible..... http://www.cygnusx1.net/supra/library/TSRM/index.html
  9. Nice, the turbo version is going to be awesome.
  10. I don't like it. Dunno they just seems out of place.
  11. Well I see what your saying. They are the lesser (monkeys) of the two species but if there is no reason to die off... then they don't. But hypothetically lets say where all the monkeys live a ice age occurs. Well the monkeys won't know what to do. THey wouldn't know how to build a shelter or a fire. So they are screwed and would die off. But if there were humans in that same area they could adapt to the environment (because we're more evolved). Sure some maybe would die but the affects wouldn't be as devastating as say the affects on the monkeys. kinda make sense? THe weaker species doesn't always have to die off they are just more likely too.
  12. Big mutations like that don't happen often. I mean most, if not all mammals have 4 appendages. If you want to see a good example of evolution look up a Mudskipper. It has nothing to do with your body figuring anything out. Evolution happens over huge periods of time and many generations. It's just how species adapt to there enviroments.
  13. Because I don't believe in a "higher power" or a "god". Evolution (and the evidence that supports it) is still a theory but its a helluva a lot closer to a truth to me then a book. Same can be said for religion. Just substitue gov't for parents or some other influential figure in your life. My parents are very religious. I went to a catholic school yet I believe in evolution and science. Believing in something isn't stupid. I would just like to figure out why. It's hard not to step on people toes with subjects like this because everyone always thinks they are right ... well I guess that isn't much different when it comes to cars either
  14. How so? To me at least, I think evolution has already been proven. It's just how did the process start that hasn't been yet. You can't ignore the facts like our genetic links to other species and our neanderthal ancestors. We have evolved. It blows my mind that so many people can believe in something that is as outragreous as the bible. I mean everything in it reads like an old folk tale. Most of it goes against reason and rational thought. Take adam and eve for example. Like I said above, we have hard proof that we evolved from cavemen. Their remains are sitting in museums. Hard concrete evidence and yet people still believe in the story of adam and eve. It just doesn't make sense to me. I can see why in the 15th century we could believe something like that, but at that time we also thought the world was flat and the earth was the center of the universe. You would think that as a modern civilized society we would come to our senses. Yes, its hard to let go but we really do need to move on. Sorry if I'm preaching a bit but I do find this to be a fascinating topic.
  15. re·li·gion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (r-ljn) n. -Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe. -A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship. -The life or condition of a person in a religious order. -A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader. -A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion. ehhh no
  16. Hey man I have no money to donate but good luck!
  17. I think what we have here is a case of Karma. haha
  18. I love top gear Did anybody catch the US one where he called the french frog eating surrender monkeys or something like that. haha
  19. Try hitting the brakes as hard as you can (stomp on it hard) when bleeding the ones that don't have any fluid coming out. Sometimes you can get pretty big air bubbles in the line and it takes a lot of force to get them out. Did you replace the hoses too? Def. gravity bleed though or you'll be getting air bubble forever.
  20. Tighten it until you get some compressor surge and then back it off. Not much to it.
  21. Torque COnvertor are very simple. THeres really nothing in them that can be intermittent. If the one way roller clutch goes bad its usually toast. If the fins on the impeller or the turbine get damaged they can't fix themselves. And like I said on the TCC. When the TCC solenoid fails its either stuck on or off. And you know that it's not stuck on. Being stuck off wouldn't really have much (if any) affect on accelleration. The bogging really does sound like a bad one way roller clutch but the interminttent part leads me away from that as being the problem. Just to make sure I'll email my Automatics teacher from last session to see if it could interminttent. hmm its also hard to diagnose problems over the internet smile.gif [ 26. July 2005, 07:12 PM: Message edited by: Doug ]
  22. Then is probably not the stator clutch that I was talking about. When they go thereno going back. Doesn't really sound like a torque convertor issue either. Usually the TCC won't apply in first gear and most TCC problems I have seen either its not applying or not disengaging. (stalling the car). To see when the TCC is applying look at TCC PWM Duty Cyle on autotap. Its gonna be a percentage since the TCC is pulse width modulated and actually allows the lock up clutch to slip. See if it applys in 1st gear. Most cars only apply is in 2nd, 3rd, 4th or above 50 mph.
  23. If the one way roller clutch inside the stator fail you'll have sluggish acceleration.
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