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Everything posted by Doug1647545489

  1. I love my job. I get free valvetrain parts. I have a custom set of Brian Crower cams coming... free. I get to meet all kinds of top racers. I've been in meetings with F1 engineers and bullshitted with top NHRA drivers. I also get to travel a ton. I get paid quite well. THe only thing I don't have is a lot of free time. Expense accounts + private company FTW. I also have a very fair boss that wants me to succeed. Plus I get all those perks that you get when working in the auto industry.
  2. 424X w/ LC? or just the regular inertia model.
  3. Yep spent the time to wash mine and after 10 mins of driving it was covered in salt again.
  4. Kinda. Just started my career and I'm just now starting to have some cash free to save.
  5. wtf... kinda cool. It'd bug the hell out of to not know who put it there.
  6. I'm leaving for so-cal tomorrow.
  7. That's fine with me. That's still over 4000 miles of unregulated highway.
  8. Nice Lunai. Now my turn to make you jealous. I just found out I get to drive on the autobahn in April
  9. You should get him a blackberry or one of the new treo.
  10. In time there will be economical players that will read both formats. They already exist but are expensive.
  11. Columbus radio in general blows. 89X up here in Detroit is where it's at.
  12. Good write up. I've never been to NYC. I really want to go sometime soon. I'll probably have some kind of business trip there this year. I'm also very jealous right now because a lot of my co-workers are in England right now. I couldn't go because I'm the only one who knows how to run all the tseting equipment properly. Next year though...
  13. If anyone comes up that knows me. Shoot me a PM we can get together for dinner or something. I will be in Chicago for business the weekend of the 19-20-21st though.
  14. You're right. Heres one of my Cup engines @10k. http://www.racingsprings.com/movies/PRI%20Web%202.wmv
  15. Nah... Ferreas videos were really shitty. The ones I posted are low res clips and the ones we used in our booth looked really good. BTW we make Ferrea's springs. And as for the springs spinning. Spinning helps with valvespring seat/retainer wear. Some spin faster then others and some barely spin at all. I've seen springs spin one way and then stop and spin the other way. Really cool stuff. Matt, That spring was not broken or fractured.
  16. That makes me sick. I think your grey car was one of the best turbo buicks I've ever seen. It's at least me favorite.
  17. Didn't Sam try to go the back way and it hadn't been paved yet? Off-road corvette
  18. Nothing much... I didn't ask for anything. Bunch of nice dress clothes. Really nice Dyson vacuum cleaner. Bunch of Polo Cologne.
  19. My brothers friend brought over one last night. GT looked pretty cool on our HDTV.
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