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Everything posted by Doug1647545489

  1. That's some police state bullshit right there. There are so many things that could make you "look" like you're speeding. What if you're passing another car that is going 10 mph under the speed limit? If your car is a bit loud it could give the perception that it is speeding.
  2. The F1 race was the best of the year so far.
  3. wtf you should at least stay one night.
  4. Cool pics. We ran like shit.
  5. MGM is decent value. You can usually find deals for 25 bucks a night. I stayed at circus circus for free in 2005. You couldn't pay me to go again. I also stayed at the imperial palace a year ago. Great location but a shithole too. If I went back again I'd probably try planet Hollywood. In the middle of the strip and looks fairly clean.
  6. Tasco or Centerpoint? I have the centerpoint 1X red dot. Works great for me. Seems to hold zero fine.
  7. Why the Sig over the mp?
  8. That car uses one of our engines. As do the GT1 Ford gt's.
  9. I've read it's just as good as the mp... and I have the 15-22. It doesn't come with any sort of sights I believe.
  10. If they admit to it they may lose support from China. Which is the only reason they are still a country. If they deny it, then that gives China a reason to defend them and keep s. Korea from acting militarily. Imo Kim is only hurting himself with these little stunts. Even China is growing tired of it and may be willing to cut ties at some point to keep there economic ties to the rest of the world.
  11. 2002's are meh. The newer ones are not too bad. The Edges are much nicer.
  12. I love how they play up the Nascar part when he was a nobody in a regional series.
  13. I would tell the judge just what you told us. You were turning and the car braked a little harder than you anticipated. Seems like a logical explanation to me.
  14. Looks cool. Like a half mile version of Darlington. Short track racing usually produces the best racing anywys.
  15. I thought you might be posting nudes. Happy birthday though.
  16. I love mine. I don't miss my keyboard at all.
  17. I remember having the old grand am up there 7-8 years ago. Looking back I'm suprised I didn't blow that thing to hell. I'm sure you have 100 happy customers for every 1 unhappy. Can't please everyone, you can only try. It's just that the unhappy customers are 10X louder than the happy ones. I loved hanging out at dyno. Now I get to play with my own.
  18. My incredible will be here tomorrow. Is there a way to tether for free?
  19. Was meaning to post pics last week. Still a lot of work to do. http://i42.tinypic.com/mt2des.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/2mf0xec.jpg
  20. I killed a huge ground hog wiht a .22lr last weekend. One shot.
  21. Nothing but 200 acres of forest behind me.
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