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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. The kits from the Westerville Chad are way better than the kits from Sunbury Chad.
  2. I think the main reason people debate true DAO vs. Striker fired is that if the gun doesn't go bang the first time with a striker you can't simply pull the trigger again for a retry. Some people seem to think that's an absolute deal-killer. I don't think I have ever had a round that didn't fire except junk-ass .22 ammo or a gun with too light a hammer spring and hard primered hand-loads, so I don't think it would affect me one way or the other.
  3. Mine is chambered at all times and ready to fire. If I were carrying an SA it would be cocked (and locked) too. Dropping the safety lever on a 1911 is easy to incorporate into a natural draw, but chambering is not. I don't like the idea of needing to fumble with the gun if I truly feel it necessary to shoot a person. Stress will already be high in a situation like that and you don't want to turn into Barney Fife when seconds count.
  4. Yeah, they have gone up quite a bit. I think I paid around $650 for the P9 (~5 years ago) and the PM9 was about the same. Love the gun. I found followup shots to be difficult on the PM because I couldn't instinctively get a real good hold on it (same issue I had with J-Frame revolvers). The P's full grip length is just right for my hands.
  5. I prefer it that way. Less protrusions and gimmicks equates a simpler, easier to carry package in my opinion. If you are well practiced and using your head, safeties should be a non-issue (though that doesn't apply to single-actions - I'd still want a safety). I've always been a 1911 fan and have had a few nice ones over the years. It has been my experience that cheap and reliable don't often go together with those. I was really close to picking up a Kimber Ultra-Carry but found that most 1911's poke into my fat a bit much when carried in my usual way. I could adjust my clothing or mode of carry a bit but I tried to get a gun that I was likely to keep carrying regardless of what I'm wearing that day. Also, while I love 1911's they can be a little more work to clean. It's nice to be able to get home from the range and have your gun clean and ready to carry in under 3 minutes. I'll say that after trying alot of different setups I ended up going with the Kahr P9 and have been very pleased. Some people don't care for the trigger, but I like it better than the Glock. It's no bigger than a traditional .380 but packs alot more punch. If the P45 was available at the time I probably would have gone that route because I prefer the round and it's only a hair larger. They now have the CW45 (cheaper version of the P45) if you want to keep cost down. Though it's not on your list it might be worth handling/renting one to see what you think of it.
  6. I'm not really a Glock guy, but since you clearly are, what about a G36? Yeah it only holds 6+1 but it's really thin for a .45 and will have a familiar feel and operation.
  7. Shows what you know. Them's Xenons fool. ...I'm a skeptic also.
  8. The level of ignorance our species has reached, even among the "educated" people of the world, is fucking astounding. Less capacity = less killing. Seriously? No one can really think that shit makes sense. Not to mention that all of the criminals and predatory fucks will still have hi-caps anyway.
  9. Same here. Good protection and no "death grip" (not that I had an issue wit it before). Adds maybe a bit more thickness that I'd like but is a worthwhile tradeoff for the added protection.
  10. Current Beater (only vehicle with 4 wheels actually...) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v691/twistedfocus/2001Jeep.jpg?t=1296221315 Sold this a while back and wish i still had it http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v691/twistedfocus/1.jpg?t=1296221401
  11. As mentioned above, start with the safety sensors and work up. I just replaced mine a few weeks ago because of similar issues. Mine would randomly not close and blink the light as though something was blocking the safety sensors. I made sure they were properly aligned and free of debris but it would still only close about 1/4 of the time. I ran new wire down to the sensors to no avail. I then jumpered the terminals where the sensors attach to the opener and found that it would still only close sporadically. I determined it must be a problem with the circuit board inside the opener itself. I found a few boards to fit my model on eBay for about $80. A new one that was nicer than mine was only about $150. So I bought a new opener and swapped the opener and sensors and it works fine again.
  12. Gingerbeard? http://www.anorak.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/ginger-santa.jpg
  13. I really like the MS6, but that's going to be more difficult to mod (though a bit faster already). Having driven both I vastly prefer the LGT for DD use. Should be easier/cheaper to maintain long term also, even if you're not concerned about modding it. I think they only made the MS6 for a few years and that kinda worries me for long-term maintenance/parts availability. The MS6s have some definite power and handling advantages (stock to stock), but I found them to be more difficult to drive. It's hard to describe, but its like they have a 1 lb flywheel on the car and it seemed more difficult to drive around town than I'd expect. I've known 2 people that had them and both said they ate tires up (not just the stock soft ones), even with repeated trips to the dealer for alignment checks or realignment. It also kinda sucks to lose the ability to fold down the rear seats, as you do with the MS6.
  14. As a DD, I'd go LGT all the way. Reasonably fun car with a decent interior and AWD for snow drags.
  15. They need this guy. He takes the information from the engineers and relates it to the customer. http://yourseosucks.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/tom-smykowski-jump-to-conclusions-mat-office-space.jpg
  16. Its hard not to get too caught up in just the weight number, but really it's all about how much better it makes you feel/look.
  17. That's how it was for me this past week. I had an extra "cheat day" and was sick for a couple of days so I didn't do anything like exercise last week until Saturday. According to my scale I'm down 1% body fat but the same weight, so maybe it's not all bad. I don't have alot of faith in the BF percentages from my scale though. I may have to dig out my calipers.
  18. I have been doing it for a few years now. I have made about 5 or 6 batches total so far. My last batch was the first one that didn't turn out as well as I would have liked and I kind of lost interest for a while. I have been meaning to get back into it. Check out Listermann.com for kits and supplies. They are in Cincinnati and have anything you would need. I talked to the owner at length and he showed me around. They use good quality ingredients in their kits. I bought bottles from them as well because I picked up my kit in person. Over the years I have replaced any that i gave away with used Sam Adams bottles or whatever. You can soak them in TSP and the labels peel off. I haven't made the jump into all grain, I'm still a "kit brewer", but honestly if you go with a good kit you can't go wrong. My favorite beer is Dogfishhead 90 minute ($11 for 4) and I can make Listermann's Imperial IPA for about $50 (50-55 bottles). When I do my part I like it nearly as well as anything from a store. It's a lot of work, but once you do it a couple of times it gets pretty simple. I can do brew day in about 4-6 hours and bottling in about 2-3 hours. Fermentation time depends on the beer mainly, but most will only need about 2-3 weeks in the fermenter. Remember to keep detailed notes about any changes you make. I'm 99% certain that switching up the yeast brand on my last kit killed the flavor profile because I know that's all I changed.
  19. "In the Ghetto..." http://southparkstudios.mtvnimages.com/shared/downloads/images/season-6/612/612_image-01.jpg
  20. They don't seem to have much available as instructions go, but there are a few instruction sheets here for some of the component parts and sub-assemblies. http://www.moserengineering.com/moser/order-forms-instruction-sheets/
  21. "Thank you for calling USA Prime Credit. This Teggy. What is problem please?"
  22. Do you know something I don't know? Have they "fixed the glitch"? http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_eFWDTYBFkqA/S9b697WaR9I/AAAAAAAAAUo/6sA9j2gUK4E/s1600/MiltonWaddams.jpg
  23. I think that would be great. If they can be on one side of the fence we can be on the other, right?
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