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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. I heard it's coming to Ohio soon. Wholly Joe's near Polaris has it on tap now.
  2. That one's pretty good, but the only one that has made me actually LOL in years was the Dairy Queen Falcon ad. Most of them are stupid as hell, so it really caught me off guard. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BokvMo8P8A
  3. Making cheese sticks is generally a business, right? :gabe: I often thought I should at least take something pretty general but I'm afraid it wouldn't interest me enough to keep my attention and possibly not really help me do anything with my life since I don't know what the F I want to do anyway.
  4. http://wtyf.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/welcome-to-the-internet.jpg?w=440&h=240&crop=1
  5. This is how I keep talking myself out of going to school. I'm afraid to spend thousands of dollars for "nothing" and I have a hard time focusing on things unless they interest me. :fa: Forever uneducated.
  6. Shit, I'll be 32 on Thursday. At a graduation this past weekend I was thinking how I really need to go to school for something... but for the life of me I don't know what I'd like to take.
  7. I guess I'm a giant pussy then. I likely would have done the same thing.
  8. Unsalted cashews? They're not everywhere but CVS usully has them. http://www.cvs.com/CVSApp/images/fs/large/5042808216.jpg
  9. +1 Those are 2 important steps I forgot to mention. I hate when I see people plopping cold or even near-frozen steak on a grill. Instead of foil I usually heat a cup of water in the microwave for 2 minutes then toss the steaks in there with it for a ~5 minute rest. The hot water keeps it warm & humid in there.
  10. Moral of the story - Pay your school loans or SWAT will come to your house and disrespect your whole famiry.
  11. Finally dropped back under 200 lbs this morning. Another 10-15 to go. I'd like to get the BF% down more though for sure. Name----------------Jason Starting Weight------226lbs Current Weight------199lbs Bodyfat % according to my scale (approximate at best) Starting------ 30% Current------ 25.7%
  12. That's Salt & Pepa and they are 50% dead. (didn't one of them die???):gabe:
  13. Agreed. Quality of the meat absolutely makes or breaks it. I actually prefer Filet Mignon over t-bone myself. I find it to be easier to cook consistently and you can get a nice contrast of nicely browned exterior but still soft mediumness in the middle (assuming it's a proper 1-1/4" or so thick).
  14. I like a small amount of McCormicks Montreal Steak seasoning, a dash of garlic powder and usually a little olive oil on the outside of the meat as well (before the seasoning). Then simply add fire and smoke. REAL charcoal (not propane) and usually a small amount of soaked hickory chips for added smokiness. Also, I don't use lighter fluid unless I absolutely have no charcoal chimney around. Even then, I use it sparingly because I swear I can taste it on the meat. Be careful not to overcook it. T-bones are basically 2 different cuts of meat together and can be a little tricky to cook evenly if you're not paying attention
  15. Yeah. It was dark as hell in all directions and pouring, but now it's sunny again. I suck as a weatherman. :gabe:
  16. FYI - It's raining like a bitch here in Delaware... maybe it will miss Alum, but I doubt it.
  17. Yeah, the V-Stroms are more touring than sport I guess, which probably does make them a different category. There are so many types of bikes these days it's hard to keep them straight. What actually got me started down the path of replacing the Buell (besides carpal tunnel syndrome, having sore arms & back) is I really had alot of fun riding a friend of mine's supermoto. I sat very upright/relaxed on it and could have ridden it all day probably without wearing out my clutch hand. It was way underpowered but a ton of fun... Ideally though I'd want something with a bit more power and a little larger with a windshield and such. The supermoto gets blown all over on the highway so I think it was just too light. That's how I got to looking at V-Stroms. The ST1300s are ~650lbs, but I'm sure I'd just have to try one out to see if it's too big. I don't think I'd have a problem handling a bike that size and I have also read they don't feel as heavy as you'd think, but I'm trying to keep the weight similar or less than the Buell (~400). The 1300 sure has enough power though. I'll keep an eye out for one if I go shopping.
  18. I thought about the VFR also. I know a couple of people that have had them and liked them alot. For some reason they seem big to me in person, but to be honest I haven't checked out the V-Strom close up yet, so maybe it's around the same size. I think I'd be more upright on the V-Strom as well, which would help my back alot. I still have to lean a little more than I'd like on the VFR. I do think the Concours is too big for me. I guess I need to actually get out to the dealerships and start checking them out in person.
  19. Yeah, I'm a 34" inseam as well. The X is a decent option because it's so similar to my current bike (same bike actually, just different bars, seat, etc), so I'd be pretty familiar with it already. I love the look and feel of the XB series bikes. I have actually even considered swapping some X parts onto my bike, but that just seems wrong. The major issue I have with staying in the Buell XB family is that because fuel capacity is kinda low, so is the range. I usually get about 160-180 miles max between fuel stops. I'd like to stretch that a bit. I have some other minor complaints about the platform also, such as the heavy clutch and clunky gearbox. I have considered a new clutch ramp to reduce the effort a bit but there's not alot you can do about the transmission. The Harley stuff just isn't as smooth as the imports it seems.
  20. The way I ride really don’t need a sport bike. I’d hate to get rid of the Buell because I love the bike and it’s fun to have the handling and power there when I feel like playing around, it’s just not really that practical. I'm only good for about 150 miles or so in one stint and I'm done for the day. Also, there's basically no storage on the bike, not that I couldn't get some small tail bags or something, but it's just not a touring bike. So I'm considering a V-Strom or something like it. I’d be in a more comfortable position and have greater range. It makes me feel old considering ditching the Buell because my wrists and back hurt but I don’t really care if it’s still fun to ride. I even considered a dual-sport (KTM maybe) but I’m not sure that’s for me either. At least the V-stroms are known to handle fairly well and are still about as light as my Buell. The V-Strom 650 is no powerhouse but I think the 1000 really isn't necessary, though I may miss the torque of the Buell. I don't ride 2-up because the wife has her own bike, so it would just be my 200 lbs plus any cargo. So - having said all that, has anyone had a similar experience? An insight/regrets? I heard Ben went to a V-Strom recently so maybe he'll chime in here also.
  21. Colt 45 :gabe: Mixed- Captain & Coke Beer- Dogfishhead 90 Minute IPA primarily, but I have alot of favorites Shot- Maker's Mark
  22. Ignition-based rev-limiters. They range from simple single purpose devices: http://www.jegs.com/i/Procomp-Motorsport/746/2031/10002/-1?parentProductId=1611661 To full ignition boxes plus the rev-control feature, like the MSD 6AL, etc (hundreds of options here). http://www.jegs.com/i/MSD+Ignition/121/6425/10002/-1
  23. I often pair a nice full-bodied Swisher Sweet with my King Cobra. :gabe:
  24. That cam really isn't all that mild. It's not a really high lift, but it's 246/253 @.050. In a 383 that's not a huge amount of duration, but its still pretty stout. It also has a very narrow lobe separation and would probably work well for you since you actually have enough compression to make use of it. I'm no cam expert, but I think it's a pretty sound option. I second the suggestion to check your seat pressure on those springs to make sure it's not too much. As long as the springs are within spec and you use a good break-in lube you shouldn't have any lobe wipe issues. EDIT: Comp calls for their 986 spring for that cam. It's 132lbs on seat at 1.75" (293lbs open), which is fairly heavy. I doubt whatever base option springs you get on your heads will be any heavier, but it's still a good practice to check them.
  25. "Accidentally" spill a big ass bottle of Roundup on the corner? 3 days later, no bushes. http://www.sott.net/image/image/s1/38583/full/212_020_Gazette_1_CMYK_resized.jpg Though I agree that calling the general City number for where you are and having them transfer you wherever. I would think that even if it's on the homeowner's property they'll have to do something about it if the City is getting safety complaints.
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