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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. For as cheap as they are, I'd still change the plugs before you throw any more expensive parts at it. I have had mishandled plugs right from the parts store more than once. Sometimes they can be cracked/loose at the base where the porcelain meets the hex and be electrically open but look just fine. You could test them, but for $8 I'd just swap them. May still not be the problem, but certainly worth trying at this point I'd say. If the jack-hole that sells you the plugs slams them on the counter - have him get you another set.
  2. The Jeep says "Bring it". http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v691/twistedfocus/2001Jeep.jpg?t=1288723406 Actually, it's really just quietly dribbling trace amounts of oil onto my garage floor from the rear main seal...
  3. Options you should never use in a car being driven by Ken Block: Cupholders. Check.
  4. http://blogs.lasvegascitylife.com/wp-content/media/2009/11/most_interesting_man.jpg
  5. Maybe next week we can all collaborate and listen to his brand new edition.
  6. 88 Magnum. It shoots through schools. http://www.imfdb.org/images/thumb/3/3d/88mag.jpg/400px-88mag.jpg Seriously though, I agree with most of the posts above. Making sure you can put the rounds where they need to go is the most important part. After a lot of trial and error I settled on a 9mm even though I consider myself a .45 guy. It was the best compromise for me to get enough oomph in a small enough package.
  7. Coin purse / wallet? ...If she really is a 1920's hooker I bet she often had some dude's coin purse in her hand.
  8. I has a Jeep. Does that count? Someday I'll catch up on my obligations and have some spare money again... http://i361.photobucket.com/albums/oo57/ekim969/other_awesomenessShiftyEyes.gif Sad face x2
  9. They had some early KBs when they first came out because they have an unsupported chamber (Google Glock Kaboom). Most handgun manufacturers ramped up their 9mm frame guns to take .40 when it caught on and many of them leave a bit of an open spot at the rear bottom of the chamber to allow them to function properly. Almost any modern ammo has a beefed up case base nowadays and should be safe, even in an unsupported chamber. All of that shit is why the Steyr M40 was the bomb for those in the know at the time... but their importer f-ed up and they fell off the map in the early 2000's (not that they were very "on the map" to begin with). Most people reading this will be like "WTF is a Steyr M40". But, again, these days it's not much of a problem because the ammunition manufacturers "fixed" the problem for the most part on their own.
  10. Negative. I grew up there but if I ever drive an R8 I will not be detouring through the hood - ever. Hal 9000 can suck it. On topic. I'm maybe a closet Audi guy at best (mostly a Mustang squirrel), but DO WANT.
  11. Supposedly there were tornados on the ground in Washington Courthouse. Looks like ass here in Delaware. I'd better not come home to a roof with no shingles or another broken tree or I'm gonna be pissed.
  12. X2 You could keep it in my garage this winter! You'd need to leave the keys of course, just so I could get my bike out... If you see someone doing 4 wheel burnouts down 23 in an S4, it's not me.
  13. Also, to anyone assuming that returns always go back on the manufacturer, you'd be surprised how many manufacturers these days don't accept returns. More and more of them are tired of dealing with the returns process (and getting f'ed over by people "fighting the man") so instead they offer a discounted rate to those who handle returns on their own instead of sending them back for credit. It's an instant win for the manufacturer and a gamble for the distributor. If the distributor suddenly gets a wave of defective products back that they are simply destroying then they take the hit on their own bottom line, not the manufacturer. This may not be true in this case, but I see it a lot in a different market.
  14. If it's a newer model it's almost certainly injector heat soak. I believe #3 is the usual culprit. There's a TSB for them and the dealer just puts a heatshield on that injector. If I do alot of low speed driving and shut mine off and start it back up shortly after I still get little rough idle for a bit and I already have the heatshield. A friend of mine has a 2001 without it and he has the issue you describe fairly often. Also maybe a leaking injector? (if it's an early model) Edit: the heat shield is just a simple piece of heat insulation stuff that you could probably fab/install yourself if you don't want to go to the dealer. I can take a pic of mine if it helps.
  15. Maybe I misread it, but I think they said that the engine is there solely to charge the batteries and does not drive the wheels in any way. Much like the electric car with a backup generator analogy used above. I think it was maybe a bad idea for GM to throw the 230MPG figure out there. As soon as I saw that I knew it would get twisted and people would be crying. I think alot of the problem is the public's perception. Partially flawed marketing perhaps, but mostly perception.
  16. You know the old saying... "If life gives you Van, make Vuck" or maybe it was something about lemons...
  17. I hadn't seen those, but It's still a bulky weapon in a quirky caliber that I don't think would be a good choice for CCW, for me at least. At 27 oz it's almost 10 oz heavier than I'm accustomed to.
  18. Yeah, but I can't see carrying that slab of iron around all day. If you won't regularly have something with you it may never do you any good. I'm not saying you couldn't carry a Judge for CCW, and it would hit hard up close, but it seems like a bad choice to me. "Drawer gun" or "Glovebox Gun" perhaps, but I aint carrying that bitch around all day. Edit: the gun in the previous post is not a Judge by the way. Maybe that's not what you're implying, just putting it out there. That is a Mateba Autorevolver. Kind of a weird foreign made revolver.
  19. Kahr P9 http://www.kahr.com/PA-1_9mm_p.html http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSU6-ht4Q-2bMnMYuwh4-MYrgExkTGOsQjdbYkfozbFlj-6vNM&t=1&usg=__5eIRVU7G8tu-V5VwT7Y717fFLbQ=
  20. We just need more former actors as presidents. Reagan was an actor... hmm
  21. I had considered a J-Frame S&W initially but found I could more comfortably conceal a single-stack auto. I like revolvers, and they generally tend to be the most reliable, but it just didn't work out as well for me in reality as it did "on paper". Also I was surprised by how "flippy" +P 38s are in an small aluminum revolver. I'm not usually recoil sensitive, but I think the fact that I couldn't get all of my fingers on the gun really affected my followup shots. I can carry my current gun more easily and I shoot it more accurately with less discomfort - all while holding an additional 2 rounds and maintaining the same loaded weight and nearly the same external dimensions (except thinner). As always, your own personal preferences will be the biggest deciding factor. Definitely shoot a few and try them in a few holsters before you commit to buying any gun for CCW.
  22. That is flat out retarded. I hope this guy isn't seriously a mechanic for any GM dealer.
  23. This. Though I love my .45s (or .40), I found it much easier to justify packing around the Kahr P9 9mm "Noisy Cricket" over all other things I had considered. Plenty of punch if I ever needed it but in the most concealable package in what I consider to be a "major" caliber (for my body shape anyway). I kind of want an LCP or KelTec for light clothing weather, but I'd rather not have to stock yet another caliber for trips to the range. Also, it's pretty gay that .32 and .380 ammunition is still more expensive than 9mm (though I understand why that is).
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