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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. Throw some rains on it pussy! Seriously though, I don't ride in the rain at all if I can help it. Maybe its because I'm still kinda new to riding, not to mention the fact that I need new tires and the bike is fairly torquey... I'm always afraid of low-siding on a slick spot and landing directly on my vagina. Since the rain makes me tense, it takes all the fun out of riding, so its just not worth it to me.
  2. http://ic2.pbase.com/v3/89/475089/2/50738722.Welltheresyourproblem.jpg
  3. QFT http://www.google.com/images?q=tbn:epcdLO4cz9RHcM::www.cs.columbia.edu/~sedwards/apple2fpga/apple_logo_rainbow_6_color.jpg&t=1&h=196&w=170&usg=___quvuYWt_VVZoOITdwZG3dVSIgo=
  4. Seconded (thirded?) I don't have the same exact gun, but one of my "drawer guns" is an old e-bloc .32 and it shoots really well with S&B. It's not crazy overpriced usually either as .32 stuff goes.
  5. It never hurts to wait it out. If you're going to wait 6 months, you might as well wait until June 2011... there will almost certainly be a newer, better, stronger version. I have to say, I still love the phone. I really don't typically have any of the "horrible issues" that I read about on the net outside of a few accidental button presses from what appears to be an overly sensitive proximity sensor. I assume that's a fairly easy software fix. Not to sound like a fanboy, because I'm most certainly not an Apple guy. I want a phone that works for me and this does it 101%. I may have considered the Samsung Galaxy S that's about to drop for AT&T, but really I have no reason to fault the iPhone for my needs or even AT&T for that matter who is supposedly so "bad". Truth be told, I don't like carrying the phone without a case anyway and the only reason I haven't bought one already is that none of the ones i like were in stock yet. I look forward to next year to see if the Android phones will continue to "bring It!", and if they do I may eventually make the switch off of the Apple platform. Time will tell. I want to see who really "Wows" me... I look forward to where the competition between the 2 major platforms is going.
  6. Yeah. Some people I know call him Sgt. Slaughter, but I'd guess he's an ex-military guy that doesn't put up with shit. Especially the WT ghetto bro's coming out on the weekends in their wife-beaters to shoot their hi-points sideways and shit. I've seen a few start to mouth off and it didn't last. He has no problem calling out armed people when they need a stern talking to. I don't get the feeling they'd want to push him to draw that Wilson .45 anytime soon (or whatever he may be carrying these days)... he shoots from a draw pretty damn impressively.
  7. For those that care... Here's my experience so far with the latest update. I updated to 4.0.1. Chris and I were looking at their new signal vs. displayed bars graph earlier and we were wondering if it would make it appear to have signal when you couldn't actually make a call because it now goes lower in the spectrum than others. That would be pretty lame. Well, if I deathgrip the shit out of it I only drop to 1 bar instead of none. Sounds cool, except I can't actually make any calls with my supposedly present (albeit weak) signal. As always, if I shift back to my normal non-retarded hold it's fine. I do notice that by Steve Jobs' "new math" I now only have 4 bars most places instead of 5. Again I don't normally have any issues, but if you are affected by the deathgrip issue don't get your hopes up about this update curing it as some may have, though Apple clearly says it changes nothing with actual signal reception. Better stick to Band-Aids for now. I'm not stuck on Band-Aids, though Band-Aid's stuck on me.
  8. All I know is... Eminem needs to be on the fucking phone with the Band-Aid people right now or he's missing the boat.
  9. I'll be there. I'm hoping to find some decent used tires for the Buell.
  10. Is Ray still the RO there? It has been a few years since I was out there. The guy runs a tight ship but he's a good dude.
  11. you can get a decent target stand at WalMart for ~$15.
  12. Yeah, The idea back then was that it fills in some of the porosity and makes it "slicker" (rather than polishing it smooth like most people do nowadays). I have never done it, just saying that some people do/did with seemingly no ill effect.
  13. Oil Paint!?!? Seriously, I wouldn't think a properly painted surface would be an issue. Guys used to paint their lifter galleys to improve oiling all the time back in the day with seemingly no ill effects. You damn sure don't want it flaking off though.
  14. Yeah, seems like an easy PR fix for them. I think most people would be satisfied with the free bumper, but they're sticking with their usual "deal with it" attitude. I'm sure that would a ton easier and way less expensive than an actual hardware recall. There are too many other attractive smart-phone options these days to keep that attitude. I like the iPhone, but I'm starting to like Apple less and less... and I didn't like them much to begin with.
  15. Possibly a silly question, but I'm not a Colt guy... Is this FWD or AWD?
  16. Also, I believe the Hippo is or was the number one "man-killer" across most of Africa.
  17. I'm a little over a week into ownership of the iPhone 4 and have experienced no issues under normal use. I did test the "deathgrip" today and was able to make my service completely go away. I have no proximity issues thus far and cell service about normal if I am not purposely holding the phone weird. I do plan to get a case anyway, though I agree its kind of shitty to only say "don;t hold it that way" or "here, buy this cover we sell" as a solution.
  18. I had some sappy spots on the Mustang that I let go too long and it kind of "burned on" and left permanent spots. Some hardcore buffing might have taken them out, but nothing short of that. I'd try to keep it off the paint or park elsewhere. I thought trucks are supposed to be ugly anyway. This talk of maple sap makes me hungry for pancakes... delicious pancakes...
  19. Needs more E85 and Vast tune... Then, Flawless Victory! (until it breaks down)
  20. Just wait until you attend your first Tomato Festival... Oh what crazy times.
  21. This. Just don't touch the corners simultaneously. It will zap you back to 1985.
  22. I think this is true to some extent, but remember a speaker is only as good as the signal you provide. Many of the high end receivers have better quality Digital Audio Converters and such and can provide a cleaner deeper sound. It's not just about the power rating, which is a whole other thing not to get caught up in. There are some seemingly low wattage receivers out there that would stomp all over some of today's "100+W/channel" receivers with their "only" 50W/channel. You can't have one without the other though, so balance is the key (ie. Not doing crap speakers with nice receiver or vice-versa).
  23. This. Though I would (and have) spend a little more on a good sub if you listen to alot of music. Any decent sub can make a decent sounding explosion, but it'll cost a bit more to get something that can do that and also reproduce clean bass in music. I run my ML Abyss a tad "hot" for movies but it still sounds clean with all ranges of music. As for in-walls I agree that Klipsch would be a good one to look at and maybe Paradigm. In my setup the hierarchy is: 1. Receiver quality - Onkyo makes some good stuff for the money. 2. Center channel speaker 3. Sub (though I actually spent more here than anything else) 4. Surrounds EDIT: I missed the $1k budget. You may not be able to get into Klipsch/Paradigm even used under that cap, but I think you could get close. Especially if you are re-using your receiver.
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