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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. Uh, yours are 4-lug unless you changed to 5-lug without me noticing.
  2. Didn't watch the video because I'm sure it's depressingly gay... ....but I did try a Four Loco the other day. I like strong beer and some strong malt liquor stuff like that (Tilt, etc) but damn that shit is STRONG. So strong that it tastes funny, but if you're looking to get drunk on one can of something this should do it.
  3. I looked into this place and it seemed like a decent facility. It's pretty cheap to join. It's not really far from here, but it's kind of a haul from Columbus. The only reason I didn't join was that it seemed like everyone was way older than me and they all basically sat around in the clubhouse reading the paper and gossiping. They have a 200 yard range and a 400 in the works. http://www.meekersportsmanclub.com/
  4. Beware... I think this guy wants to sex you up. Woo oooh ooh ooh ooh. http://www.amiright.com/album-covers/images/album-Color-Me-Badd-CMB.jpg
  5. Very possible. Initially I thought he had just taken off from the airstrip across the street, but now they're saying he was inbound. Apparently he was banking to come around and land and just stalled. I looked at the pics the news showed of that model of plane and I'm not sure I would have known how to open the damn thing in a hurry. It looks like the bubble on top pops up so I'd assume the latch is near the back but I'd have no idea without looking around for an obvious latch or a label saying "the latch is right here asshole".
  6. Yeah, it was pretty F'd up to watch it burn and not be able to do anything for him. I was out to lunch paying my speeding ticket from Monday night when it hit and happened to roll back in right as the firefighters showed up. Even more scary is that if he veered just a bit the other way that plane could have landed right in the office. Getting hit by a plane would seriously make for a shitty day at work.
  7. Big Darby? I thought they got shut down, or at least temporarily. Edit: Still no shooting - http://www.bigdarbycreeksr.com/ As many of you know, on June 14, 2010, Battelle Memorial Institute filed for and received a temporary restraining order in Madison County Common Pleas Court to shut down range operations, based on an allegation that bullets were escaping from the range and striking its property. A preliminary injunction hearing was held on July 21-23, 2010 and we are waiting on Judge Nichols' decision as to whether the range can re-open, and if so, under what conditions.
  8. This. I haven't lived there in about 12 years, but even then this was a common occurrence.
  9. http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2010/jul/28/14/osp-small-aircraft-crashes-near-delaware-airport-ar-168670/ Edit: The pilot of a small airplane has been killed in a crash near Rt. 42 and London Road in Delaware. The crash was reported at 1:40 p.m., according to the Delaware post of the State Highway Patrol. Delaware police say the pilot was flying alone. They did not identify the man. The crash scene is in a soybean field near the JEGS warehouse and less than a mile from the western end of the runway at Delaware Municipal Airport. Scott Woodruff, director of media and motorsports at JEGS, said he noticed what he thought were "white bags" on fire in the soybean field and ran toward what turned out to be the burning plane. "The pilot was in there and he obviously was not going to get out on his own," Woodruff said. He said he ran back to JEGS and called coworkers to bring fire extinguishers to the crash site. In all about 15 JEGS employees and passersby tried to help, but the fire was so burning so hot they could not get within 100 feet and were not able to use the extinguishers. "It was too late," Woodruff said The Delaware County coroner was called to the scene.
  10. This. http://www.jegs.com/i/JEGS/555/30830/10002/-1
  11. "You overfetilized and killed all my crops on Farmville!!! I'ma Kill You!"
  12. I actually kinda like the Griffin Reveal and had considered buying one. I think I'd like a clear one instead of the "Etch" one that's free, but I may take it anyway... The price is right. I'm really on the fence about a full case vs. a bumper. The bumper is well made and seems to offer decent protection, but I hear you can;t use screen protectors with it because it fits so tight. So, you have both the front and back glass exposed at all times. I guess maybe its not so bad because the bumper does space the glass up off of tables and such, but it won;t keep things in my pocket from rubbing against it.
  13. Yes, but not for free... Unless I missed something, which is entirely possible.
  14. Knowyourmeme.com is a good way to stay up on current internet comedy.
  15. I don't think it actually started on 4Chan, just kinda spilled over there. Either way, the parents should have been keeping a closer eye on what she does on the internet, and possibly what she's been doing with this band member guy. More info here: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/jessi-slaughter-you-dun-goofd-the-consquences-will-never-be-the-same
  16. This. Someone needs to put these teenybopper ra-tards in check. I'd be pretty pissed at my kid if this shit happened, not trying to take it out on the etire world via the mythical "Cyber-Police". "The consequences will never be the same" - Whut? grumpyoldmanface.gif
  17. My phone gets fairly warm after long conversations and my old one would get hotter b/c it was in a case. I think that's pretty normal.
  18. I don't think you can use Bump to swap apps, only contacts and such.
  19. For you iPhone people that don't use a MAC, I found this modified tutorial that is more specific to Windows. I have yet to verify it. I'll update when i get home and try it out on the old Lappy 2K. Tethering the iPhone to a PC In Windows 7 or XP, go to Control Panel and open Network and Sharing Center Select “Manage wireless networks” Click “Add” and select “Create an ad hoc network” Enter in a Network name (make up one), choose your “Security type” (No authentication (Open) if you don’t want to bother with a password, or WEP if you want to specify a password) Connect the iPhone to the Ad Hoc network you created, assign it a static IP of and Subnet Mask In Windows 7 or XP, go back to “Network and Sharing Center” and click on the active Ad Hoc connection to bring up the Wireless Network Connection Status window Click on “Properties”, highlight “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and then click “Properties” Select the “Alternate Configuration” tab and enter in an IP address of, Subnet Mask of and click OK. The address should now be pingable from a command prompt. Open Firefox and goto “Tools” and then “Options” Select “Advanced” then “Network” and click on “Settings” Select “Manual proxy configuration” and enter in, SOCKS Host:, SOCKS Port: 1337, select SOCKS v4 and click OK In Firefox, type “about:config” in the address bar and click past the warning prompt Scroll down to “network.proxy.socks_remote_dns” and change this value to TRUE by clicking on it. Close Firefox Open HandyLight on your iPhone and press Blue, Yellow then Red. Finally press the top right corner and it will turn purple. Open Firefox again and you should now be able to browse
  20. 80's "getting stuff done" Montage? That's how I always worked on my cars... when I had cars...
  21. Well shit, I bought it just in time apparently, but I can't figure out how to enable the SOCKS proxy on a windows machine... Any ideas? All the tutorials are for MAC. EDIT: I did try entering the SOCKS info into my browser proxy settings (Both IE and FireFox) to no avail. Am I doing it wrong? All of the other stuff should be the same b/w MAC/PC I would guess???
  22. I have/had mild TMJ. I used to wake up with a sore jaw pretty frequently (no homo). I mentioned it to my dentist and he felt around on my shoulders and said it's definitely TMJ, which I had never heard of prior to that. Apparently it was causing tension in the muscles down the side of my face also. After that I noticed that I was kind of holding my jaw funny and the more I tried not to the more it would get sore. He gave me a generic "Boil & Bite" mouth guard thing to try out and said it would help. I couldn't get used to it. I even went out and bought a fairly expensive one and it would always end up on my pillow right after I fell asleep. It may have worked fine for someone else, but my jacked up teeth probably would have required a custom guard. He also mentioned trying to force myself to keep the tip of my tongue pressed up against the roof of my mouth when I'm laying down. I just kept trying to force myself not to think about it and just keep my jaw straight. Oddly enough after a couple of weeks I stopped having issues with it. Prior to knowing what was causing it, I'd say it bothered me for over a year. Maybe try your dentist if your doctor isn't helping. I can recommend a good one if you want.
  23. Truth. They're bad enough without the rain.
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