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Everything posted by twistedfocus1647545489

  1. Mostly it's that white trash 17 year olds don't know how to be parents, though it seems like the "in" thing to do now I guess.
  2. Damn, I have been in the market for a decent SKS lately. I was kinda looking for a cheapie, but I might be able to come up with some extra cash if you still have these when I get back from vacation in a couple of weeks. PMed.
  3. Maybe we should do it again just to show that we're still bad ass. US - "Hey sorry about that craziness 60 years ago, we were pretty mad" Them - "Okay, we're cool then" US - "J/K! *BOMBS*"
  4. I assume he's referring to this fail thread. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=83356 If so, I don't think said failboat pilot can even see this thread.
  5. True. Unfortunately, though I have a decent tolerance, the jump from drunk to time travel isn't very far for me.
  6. I should look at the laws again, but I don't believe any of that is necessary anymore. If I'm carrying and driving I either leave it concealed on my person or put it in my glovebox or center console unlocked. I have never heard the Ziplock bag theory either. Seems pretty silly, but I dunno. As for drinking - Personally I never carry when I think I might even have a beer or 2. If I'm already out and carrying I don't drink at all unless the wife is driving and can legally drive the car with my gun in the glovebox (she has a permit also). Even then I keep myself in check. I'd rather not have to deal with possible legal issues even if I had only one or two beers and get pulled over, some shit happens, etc. Also, I tend to be a bit of a silly ass after several beers, so that's why I prefer to just not have guns around at all if I know I may go full retard.
  7. This. In the early days it needed to be "in plain sight" on your person or locked up. Since then that BS has been fixed and you can carry on your person, concealed, glove box (unlocked if you wish), etc.
  8. Only if you intend to use Police cruisers with the Highway Patrol Chip. First one to 215 MPH wins. Seriously though, why does this rule and any enforcement of it still shock and amaze people? Seems like just common sense, let alone a good idea for a general rule. Setting up illegal activities of any kind on a semi-public forum is a bad idea umm-kay?
  9. I have found that it works a lot quicker in IE7 than it does in Firefox for me. Maybe try a different browser. You're right, I have noticed there is an awful lot of junk in their site these days.
  10. I like them too, but I have a few bolt guns already. I actually really like the italian push-pull type bolt guns (Carcano?), but damn those are way more money nowadays too. I know, inflation and stuff happens. I'm already becoming that guy that always talks about how bread was a nickel back in my day and I'm only 31. I have been back and forth on adding a carbine to the collection for some time now. I actually had a Kel Tec SU-16CA on order for quite a while but eventually canceled it. I can't beleive how many $100 SKSs I passed up back in the day thinking I'd eventually get one... Maybe at 2-3 times the price. PWNED.
  11. Turns out the Highway Patrol employs the best tuner in the world. Hmm. I need on of those chips for my Jeep. It would probably do barrel rolls at 180 MPH.
  12. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41nTfSqwvIL._SL500_AA300_.jpg
  13. I've heard of the one in Johnstown but have never been. Is that the one you're referring to? Looks like that one is August 28th. I'll be just back from vacation then, so maybe it will be worth a try - IF I still have any money left...
  14. Is it any good? Prices and selection wise that is. I have been to the one at Westland a few times and haven't been overly impressed with the prices I was seeing on stuff. I wonder if this is just the same people at a different venue, as I'm assuming it is. I'm trying to decide if it's worth the drive down there this weekend. I'd like to pick up a basic SKS for cheap, but damn I have a really hard time paying the $250+ I have seen them going for at the Westland show. I passed one up at the lame gun show they had at the Meeker gun club last year and have been regretting it since. It was in good shape and had some basic accessories for under $200. Does anyone here have an SKS in decent shape for they'd let go for a reasonable price or know someone who does?
  15. Might be the Russian guy from the Direct TV commercials. He has a tiny Giraffe also.
  16. Completely agree. Also it's always fun when someone mentions a 700 HP engine and you find out that it's maybe 400 at best plus a 300 shot. Lame.
  17. Ah, how I miss the ol' Hilltop: http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2010/aug/02/4/victim-shot-chest-arm-leg-knee-ar-175294/ Officers were called to the area of Midland Avenue and Ong Street at about 11:20 a.m. Monday. That's on the Hilltop. A female victim in her 50s was transported to Mount Carmel West Medical Center in level 1 trauma. She suffered gunshot wounds to her upper chest, her right arm, left leg and right knee. A witness told officers there was an argument in the street before the shooting. The witness also indicated the victim knew her shooter. Initial information at the scene indicated the argument began over trash. Apparently, she was picking through the person of interest's trash. Officers took a person of interest in for questioning.
  18. http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQGzewxONXkAUrXUO4a2L031WioUiNEVCOy7LqbC98SFssefbQ&t=1&usg=__RT-lYkFCmfTAwkwoafYfOUsXwEg=
  19. Take the "Mexican Blackbird" and you'll be there in no time. [/Young Guns]
  20. Some day maybe they'll realize (probably not though) that making it nearly impossible to arm yourself legally will have little to no impact on crimes involving guns. If you're a criminal, I can't imagine you give a shit about what the gun laws are and your guns are likely stolen anyway. What a bunch of tards.
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