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Trouble Maker

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Everything posted by Trouble Maker

  1. I think I confused myself, and you. Yes, somehow I didn't know about Kenny Rd Market when I lived there. And I lived at that place for like 3 years. :fuuuu: I would typically go up to Anderson's for my beer needs. Savor used to be some other market.
  2. We found that place about a month after we moved into the neighborhood this last summer. Then a while later we looked at our chargers on our card and said 'Where in the fuck is Kenny Rd. Market? Someone must have gotten our card numbers and is spending a ton of money there!'. Turns out the business name is still Kenny Road Market but we only ever knew it as Savor. :lolguy:
  3. http://www.buzzfeed.com/mattbellassai/the-best-of-the-internets-response-to-beyonces-unflattering
  4. Sometimes they do, but you can call and ask and they will know. I asked them when is was in last night and I'm pretty sure it's great divide but I'm not 100%
  5. Already asked of FB, but I will be there tomorrow night for the beer tasting and will ask them in person. They are really good about getting stuff in if the can. Will let you know what they say. They were at Savor for a beer tasting a few months ago, seemed really cool. I would like to go to their brewery sometime.
  6. Color me surprised. I just stumbeled upon the fact that Kona Brewing is now available in Ohio. From what I can tell they just started last month! Looks like some places have the Long Board Lager in. I'm seeing if Savor can get the Pipeline in. http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/food/2013/02/06/1aa-beer06-ge9lgf57-1.html
  7. To the OP, I SEE TITOS! I've been to the brewery. :fuckyeah: And yes, I'm 99% sure you can't get it in Ohio. IDK about that, lots of people make coffee stout's. I think the roasted coffee flavor goes really well with the roasted malts/barleys in stout's. I had this one at a tasting at Savor a few months ago and bought a 4 pack. http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e316/barleypopmaker/Beer%20Blog/DSCN0099.jpg http://www.hinterlandbeer.com/LunaStout.html http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/4426/32763 I'm drinking this tonight. I've had some bad barley wines, but this one is really good, lots of fruit but not overpowering hiding behind a really good and strong balance of malts and hops. http://www.theperfectlyhappyman.com/uploads/three-floyds-behemoth-barleywine.jpg http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/26/4810
  8. We tried Amazon prime for a the month trial as a possible alternative to Netflix and it was horrible. There was more than once I started a stream on Prime, went and got a drink or something, came back started watching the same thing on Netflix and it still hadn't started on Amazon. Difficult to use versus Netxlix too, non-intuntive and very embedded into the lager Amazon so it was difficult to use as just a streaming service. I have a beta invite for Redbox I need to activate to try it too.
  9. How did the grill area get so messed up if the truck was hit from the side like that?
  10. I would think if it's worth doing, it's worth having a family/estate planning lawyer do it. Especially if you are worried about doing it correctly yourself.
  11. Dinner at my parents tonight so I can't make it. But I really want to get there sometime soon. I will let you know when I finally make it there, in case you are free. Somewhat on topic, is anyone interested in going to BRU? http://drinkupcolumbus.com/2012/12/31/bru-columbus-opens/
  12. I didn't make it far enough down in the thread to see you talking about your wife, whom I've never had the pleasure of meeting. I was talking about the OP since he was saying they are buying this car for his wife.
  13. What if his wife is the size of Aaron? :no:
  14. Well.... let's see what he retorts back with. I'm not expecting much but you never know.
  15. I'm likely to turn around mid conversation if I see that someone has a 'hoonigan' t-shirt on. I'm just about over working on cars with gloves. Especially since I work on brake systems at work. Brake fluid is nasty shit. I feel like I have it on my hands for a whole day or more after I get it all over them. The only time I don't wear work gloves, or nitrile gloves anymore is when I forget to put them on.
  16. This 10phone2 guy is part potato, I really don't think it's going to be as fun as you think it's going to be. He probably thinks economics is something you contract from a dirty sex partner.
  17. That track is straight tar sands right out of the ground to get the most traction.
  18. Although I agree with this too. I should clarify that I was talking longer term.
  19. There's still the newer one up in Dublin, off of Frantz just south of 161, as far as I know. Thought it's been a while since I've been there. It would be a shame to lose that place all together. https://maps.google.com/maps?q=salvis&hl=en&sll=39.961176,-82.998794&sspn=0.670498,1.234589&hq=salvis&t=m&z=15&iwloc=A http://www.columbusunderground.com/forums/topic/salvis-bistro http://www.salvisbistro.com/ We were just talking about going to Sunday brunch there the other day, but ended up at Betty's instead. I had a Beermosa, it was delicious. http://www.bettyscolumbus.com/brunch.html
  20. Hey man, what they do in their own bedrooms is their own business. If they like shoving things up their own asses that's fine.
  21. I'm not saying the budget thing is not an issue, but I see no issue with this. Right after the automotive crash my company did a very similar thing. Better to keep the talent you have than lay off and have to rehire non-trained workers 6-12 months later. If it's a foreseeable temporary issue it's the best solution for all sides imho. Bigger picture, we need to reign in spending in EVERY area.
  22. Uhhh, isn't gap insurance to cover the GAP from your loan to what your car is worth? So either you needed the gap insurance ($30k loan, ins says it's worth $25k, you get $30k to pay off loan), or you didn't ($20k loan, ins says it's worth $25k, you get $25k). I'm pretty sure it's not you SAY you paid $30k, loan is for $25k, company wants to give you $20k, but you say you paid $30k so they pay that amount. You never go full potatoe. So they paid off your loan? So you did put down the $13.5k, iirc. That was your 'first payment'. Plus the $7k you bought the car for. Plus the money you put back into it. Still probably got a deal for that insurance fraud you committed. Has no one asked why in the fuck the detective was calling your mom?
  23. Go idea. Wait a minute. http://www.hark.com/clips/hxqjmfyhhx-yeah-i-remember-grinding-my-feet
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