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Trouble Maker

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Everything posted by Trouble Maker

  1. I would fucking gouge my eyes out if I had to use OpenOffice at work, or anywhere I use things like excel like I do at work. At home for very, very rare use it's fine and perfect for the price!
  2. Anyone here ever had hot chicken down in Nashville? http://www.roadfood.com/Photos/9369.jpg http://data.whicdn.com/images/6128764/Me-Gusta_large.jpg
  3. Fixt. I expect better cinematography on Vimeo. Other than that awesome video and he has a very, very awesome garage. I highly suggest anyone who find themselves around the LA area to take a day, half a day, take whatever car you have, even if it's a mini van, and go north, north west and find some canyon roads. Pretty much if you follow 1 up and if you see a road that's windy and goes up, take it. Amazing roads to drive on, regardless of speeds. I'm sure there are lots of places on the coast like this, but this is the one I know pretty well. https://maps.google.com/?ll=34.115216,-118.78006&spn=0.362121,0.617294&t=m&z=11 If you zoom in, you might notice some road names. I've heard PCH South of San Francisco is good too, but never drive down there. North of San Francisco is really nice too, but not exactly like the roads in that link.
  4. That.is.fucking.awesome on so many levels. :fuckyeah: Unless you would use it often just rent. I will probably rent one the next time I do a big hiking trip.... just so I can call/text someone from the top of a mountain where I have no business getting cell reception. :lolguy: I guess it's supposed to be relatively cheap, especially if you don't actually make a call. I guess the real question is why do you need it? IIRC the new ones have bluetooth and you can send text with them... maybe included in the rental cost? That would be enough to send an "I'm safe or not" text every day
  5. Sentra dude must be 1/16 potato to be able to understand imstock that well. At least that means he can get reparations from the Irish government for the great potato massacre of 1852.
  6. Looks like a CTS-V coupe and a Camaro fucked and had an inbred baby. I'm trying... it's hard when the pics look like that.
  7. Wow, I bet that guy is uninsurable for life.
  8. What are we talking here? Do you get baffled by those stupid ass equations everyone (especially Brian) post on Facebook? Or are you in a diff eq class? I can probably help a bit, no charge needed, buy my time is pretty limited right now. Maybe if a few others could do a little bit we could all see you once a week or so. LOL, if it were summer we could just do it weekly at C&C.
  9. I totally get doing a rally and all, but there's nothing at the state level being proposed right? In fact didn't the state just pass a law that allows CCW in more places?
  10. Bump, just got done watching BSG for the first time and going to start Firefly today to eventually watch Serenity whenever I get done with that.
  11. I fucking dying here "Nice to see a Pole stop a German" :lolguy: If that guy were on CR he would have posted an 'Is this totaled?' or 'What will insurance pay for this?' thread.
  12. I really wanted to see how bad the front of that E30 was wrecked. They probably cut it off so there wasn't a video of their friend crying like a little bitch on the internet. Watched about 30 seconds of the OPs video, meh.
  13. Probably one of the extremely bull shit ones where a car company tries to claim copyright over any pictures with their cars in it. IIRC there was a big deal about this with one of the big 3 and a large forum a few years ago?
  14. Pink barbie jeep towing a little red wagon attached by twine rope with Clay curled up in it under a fleece blanket. Clay will have to do some performance upgrades to the Jeep to upgrade the towing capacity first.
  15. I very highly doubt Clay is asking for the reason you assume he is asking.
  16. ... a form of illegal search and seizure. INBJones :gabe:
  17. Maybe look over in UA. I don't know anything specific but it's a quick drive and really nice area. I'm sure there is plenty over there in that range.
  18. Why is what he paid for the item any of your business?
  19. It can take a long time for stuff to show up on other websites and a long time for it to drop off. We would have never seen the house we ended up buying if we hadn't been getting info from our Realtor directly from MLS listings.
  20. All of them! I bet this guy even threw a party to celebrate.
  21. Exactly, what incentive do they as a for profit company have to upgrade their systems to withstand these storms if they know they can just tack any storm cost as extra onto our bill? And we have no choice in the transmission arena. It's pretty redicilious that they seem to have 0 interest in burying lines where I live even though there are tons of ancient trees here and everyone who lives here assumes if we get a big storm to expect to not have power for a week. I guess it usually happens about once every three years. I really need to buy a generator!
  22. For most people the best case outcome for that approach is to either not enjoy it and/or not learn very much and never come back because of those things. Worst case they crash their (probably expensive) car that they very well might be making payments on and the insurance company at the very least tries to deny the claim. Hopefully the don't get hurt in the process.
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