You people are so misinformed about the iPod it makes me sad.
First off, I sold my 10GB iPod to a guy here at work, and the battery is still holding a full charge after 3 1/2 years. That's about 10 hours or straight play on an old old battery. The new batteries are even more amazing. I charge my iPod mini once a week.
It does not cost $255 to get your iPod battery replaced even by Apple. They charge $90 to do it for you. You can get the battery and necessary tools to open the iPod for $40. That's even if it does go out, which isn't likely. Also people that have problems usually don't break in their batteries correctly, or let the iPod die at least once a month to keep the chemicals fresh.
As for iTunes, it's the most simple music program I have ever used. It's cake to operate and as soon as I hook up my iPod it takes no time to update my iPod then eject.
Also, iPods will break. It's a given that electronic devices are fragile, especially ones with moving parts such as hard drives.
Apple's customer service is second to none. Just check Consumer Report's ratings.
Any more rumors or heresay I can dispell smile.gif