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Everything posted by tandm

  1. Soundboard! http://www.scottwills.co.uk/flash/teamwork/teamwork.html Edit: BWAAHAHAHAHAH! http://leroyjenkins.ytmnd.com/ Mortal Kombat Remix! http://pages.prodigy.net/lordt6/leeroy_techomix.MP3
  2. I've heard of Project Gotham Racing for the Xbox
  3. That was just insane. Sam is a brain, and Nationwide's phones are magic.
  4. Plan to spend about $500 just for the system.
  5. What's a sonwflake? tongue.gif
  6. tandm

    Someone Help

    I can say this stuff becuase he's my brother. David, don't be a fucking MORON. You need to get your head on straight before you even think of a car like this. You screwed yourself when you bought that Vibe, and now you need to get yourself out by paying it off. You'll need a much better job than the one you have to get a Cobra. You'll need to two cars to drive becuase a Cobra would be a horrible car to own in the winter. Trust me, you know I drove the T/A the first winter I bought it, and it was hell! Unless you sell those drums, you'll still be in serious debt(you know what I'm talking about). Once you get yourself out of serious debt, if you wanted to, I'de gladly sell you the T/A. Probably wouldn't want it beacuase you can't bang your gears. In conclusion, think before you do stuff. Stop oogling over things you can't afford, and concentrate harder on how you can get out of your current situation. I'm only being a hard ass becuase I care!
  7. tandm

    girls are shit

  8. If by wired 10 base you mean our network is 10baseT hard-wired, then yes. We do have the slowest network known to man.
  9. Welcome to Tiger tongue.gif Microsoft has their copy machines running overtime
  10. Yeah I'm right here at Nationwide with him. He really won the bike. CONGRATS!!!!!!
  11. I deem Folkvang King of All Media smile.gif
  12. http://www.countingdown.com/movies/3277097/board?viewpost=3585910
  13. The woman ended up just wanting a solid yellow number one. Oh well.
  14. Thanks for your help Folkvang smile.gif
  15. Think of a big number one (1) in 140 font made out of that pattern instead of being solid black or blue etc. Does that help at all? I guess it's kinda hard to explain.
  16. I'm making labels for little bottles of bubbles. They are for a co-worker who asked me to make them for her, for her 1 year old daughter's birthday party. What I am asking for is the number 1 filled in with the attached pattern. I'de like it in about 140 point font with a thin yellow or maybe blue outline. If anyone could do this, or if it's not possible, just let me know and we'll go from there. Any help is greatly appreciated. http://www.fabricattic.com/forties%20retro%20daisies.jpg [ 14. May 2005, 06:55 PM: Message edited by: 00 T/A ]
  17. http://msxb.wmod.llnwd.net/a274/o2/ourcolony/TheColony_v1_750k.wmv
  18. His brother works on my floor at Nationwide. We got an email about it Monday. So sad.
  19. Seriously, Steve wins graemlins/lol.gif
  20. That was awesome graemlins/thumb.gif
  21. tandm


    What makes this even funnier, is that they're not doing it on purpose graemlins/lol.gif http://rainbow.arch.scriptmania.com/rainbow_tv_episode.html
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