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Everything posted by Mallard

  1. Exactly. The system functioned as intended. These systems are for SAFETY on the ROAD. They do not tune them for the g-forces encountered during drifting. Pulling the fuze will not put the car into limp mode and it's advised to do this anytime you are pushing a car (any car, any manufacturer) to the limits and beyond on purpose.
  2. That's one fast Lambo! Looks like fun, but I don't think I would call cops swarming on the lot and a helicopter landing "missing out."
  3. On Woodward they ticket very heavily. I would not do anything illegal on Woodward. If you move off Woodward there is opportunity for hooning. I'm not sure if there is a best place to stay. Hotels around Woodward are going to be expensive this week. I would look for something reasonable in Troy, Rochester, Bloomfield Hills, or Birmingham. There's also a Courtyard by Marriott and a Marriott in Pontiac on Centerpoint Parkway that are pretty nice. (that's where everyone at my work stays) ANY car can cruise Woodward. You'll see old, new, kits, homebuilts, abortion activists, shriners....you name it, it's there. GM usually has a Coney island around 13 Mile with a bunch of things out of the historical collection and a fairly large area on the south side of Birmingham. Ford usually has downtown Birmingham. Chrysler usually has a shopping center around 11 mile.
  4. As I always say, anyone who is truly into cars should be at the Dream Cruise. People will start crowding the road early this week through Sunday. Park on a side street around 11 or 12 Mile and walk north, at least through Birmingham. I can't go this year. The wife's due date is in 4 days, so I'm on stand by.
  5. Awesome. I was waiting for someone to do that. Just made the car 100% better
  6. How nut swingers does this guy have that there were this many camera angles and that many people chasing after him, running through the middle of the intersection too?
  7. I learned a lesson too. When you know the market is going to plummet, buy double weighted shorts of the market (QID). Get in, get out, profit.
  8. HA! I saw that this morning and wondered if that meant we could give Sarah Palin to Canada. They fixed it, BTW.
  9. You def. did the right thing. I would have just called 911, told them a crazy guy is making death threats to me in the parking lot and described his behavior. It's never worth the confrontation. There's no good way for you to come out of it (all risk, no reward).
  10. The source of the chart was The New York Times/Congressional Budget Office/Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. It was the first result that showed up on Google Images, so that's where I linked it from. Is this better? http://www.nytimes.com/imagepages/2011/07/24/opinion/sunday/24editorial_graph2.html?ref=sunday Without additional revenue (taxes or increased tarrifs on imports) it will take us years to chip away at the deficit and produce a surplus. Cutting entitlement programs and reducing the budgets of government programs is going to meet heavy resistance in congress and nothing will get done. Taxes are most likely going to return to the levels seen in the Regan era.
  11. So is the giant deficit Obama's fault? http://www.salon.com/technology/how_the_world_works/2011/07/25/george_bush_owns_the_deficit/chart.jpg The bottom line is, spending needs cut, revenue increased, and tariffs increased (to promote domestic production of goods). We're going to have to feel some pain in order to get into a position where we can start paying some debt off. We'll probably never stop being the world police because too many foreign nations own US debt, although if our credit rating keeps dropping who cares if they threaten to call our debt.
  12. Word on the street was the coupes hood was sloped too much to fit the V8. There's got to be some serious restyling to the front end, if this is true, and lets hope it does't just get a tall hood and look like a rhino.
  13. You may want to look at corn too. US is the largest producer, China imports a fair amount, and countries like Brazil had a horrible crop so their going to be importing more, plus the weather in the US has put a lot of pressure on it. I doubt oil will be falling that much. If people are afraid of inflation due to the US's credit rating being lowered they will probably be buying more.
  14. Better in every way of going to the grocery store?
  15. They don't look so good with the doors off because of the "B" pillar, IMO. But they look a lot better if you put the Mopar half doors on them instead of fully removing.
  16. Interesting...I lived at the corner of Dupont and Flushing from 01-03, then Chevy and Dupont from 03-04.
  17. They drive ok, are loud on the freeway, and the automatic's suck. Get a 6 speed manual that's a 2011+ model (much improved interior), or an even better idea would be to wait for the 3.6L in 2012. Buying used could be a decent deal, depending on price, options, etc. They can be a handful when the steering damper goes out, but that's an easy enough fix.
  18. NOPR where in Flint did you live? What bars did you go to? I spent a lot of time in Flint and at OSU and I must say my experience on OSU's campus doesn't even compare to the stuff I saw in Flint. To keep this on the subject of Dearborn; TLC has a new reality show about being a muslum in America where they follow 5 family's in Dearborn.
  19. Last school term at Kettering there were 3 freshman walking back to the dorms at night. They were stopped and robbed at gun point. When the students only had a couple bucks cash on them the guy got mad and pistol whipped them in the face. Still sounds pretty violent to me.
  20. I lived in Flint for school from 2000-2005. There were students that were woken up at gun point, marched to the living room, and forced to stand againt the wall while guys emptied their house of all valuab es. As bad as it was then, I hear it's worse now.
  21. Check out my friends photo album from Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. http://eatondigital.com/Album/album2.html
  22. haha, I was in Flint 10 years ago and it was still a total shit hole full of crime. Do what Tim said and stay north of the coty. Troy, Birmingham, Rochester, etc. Mouch nicer, and much safer.
  23. These have been all over Detroit lately. The platform is being shared with a next gen Dodge/Chrysler model, so there is a fleet of them over here for testing.
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