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Everything posted by Mallard

  1. And it can send 100% of the torque to the rear axle... Drift van! (At least in the snow) Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  2. The thing is, he hasn't actually claimed Executive Privilege over anything. He blocked all documents and all officials from cooperating with the investigation (most likely because he knew documents existed that would incriminate him that he couldn't claim privilege over), which is the definition of obstruction of justice. Executive Privilege can only be claimed over very specific things. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  3. Yeah, pretty sure we didn't end shit. Nobody on either side of the aisle is shedding a tear over this guy being dead, but strategically his assassination was a horrible decision. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  4. His original "rules" were that it had to launch within the last decade, and while the original Compass/Caliber/Sebring/Avenger were awful cars, they launched in 2007. Also, whole they were incredibly cheap and had horrible interiors, they were still reliable transportation, unlike the Focus. Chrysler even backed them with a lifetime powertrain warranty for a period of time around the bankruptcy that people are still using. I also wouldn't include the Dart in a "worst" list. I know people with 1.4L manuals and 2.4L's that like them. There were some initial launch issues, as with any all new vehicle, but again, it's reliable transportation, has a decent interior, and can be fun to drive. The 500L is an abomination. I agree that the ELR is definitely not the worst car of the decade. It missed the market, sure, but it's fundamentally a decent vehicle. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  5. Off the top of my head, the Focus (with the dual clutch auto) easily takes the cake as the worst. There are investigations into Ford's engineering team knowing the transmission was a faulty design that could never be fixed, but it was pushed out anyway. Even Ford dealers are refusing to work on them and telling owners to dump them and run. There are other cars that were ugly, had some quality issues, bad ergonomics, etc., but nothing that was knowingly defective from the start. The BEST is a much more difficult prospect, as I see that as much more subjective. I see the Tesla as a significant vehicle in the marketplace but "best" comes in many flavors. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  6. Wrong. The Democratic voting base is not going to change their vote based on anyone "looking like pussies." Trump forced their hand with his behavior. This is setting a precedent for acceptable behavior of a President, and if these allegations are not impeachable then what is? Absolutely, 100% wrong. Absolutely, 100% wrong. Biden "threatening them" was official State Department policy that was aligned with the European union. The prosecutor that was removed was NOT investigating Burisma, and the reason he was removed was because he was not investigating corruption, so logic would say that if Burisma was corrupt he would have been calling for their investigation. The testimony so far is pretty clear that the State Department officials were acting under direction that Joe Biden and his son needed to be investigated. The investigation didn't even have to occur, it just had to be announced publicly. There's no direct, written communication from Trump stating a quid-pro-quo, but that's not how this typically works. There's also a lack of evidence with direct communication from Trump because he has directed all of those officials to defy a congressional subpoena. It's not necessarily because it doesnt exist. What Hunter did was not illegal, may have been unethical (although passed ethics checks of the time and even Republicans never cried foul until now), but the optics are not good. Trump also asked about a debunked conspiracy theory in Crowdstrike, and has said he believes Ukraine hacked in 2016, not Russia, because Putin told him so. This is a man that believes Putin over his own intelligence agencies, as well as crazy conspiracy theories born on the internet. He also has his personal attorney running a shadow program in Ukraine in order to conceal his methods and motives. I agree that it changes nothing, except for attempting to set a bar for acceptable Presidential behavior, and I guarantee that Pelosi and other Dems knows this as well. Again, if these allegations are not impeachable, what is? Our government is based on checks and balances and he is openly, purposefully preventing that. I actually prefer that he's not removed from office and runs for reelection, because that increases the odds of the Republicans losing the seat next year. His base may be strong, but he's lost swing voters that he had in 2016, and if a different candidate ran I'm 2020 those swing voters could largely excuse his behavior as his alone and not that of the Republican party. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  7. I actually disagree that this has lowered the bar for Impeachment, when in fact Trump (and his administration's) behavior has lowered the ethical bar for the presidency many times over. The voting is also not completely down party lines...on Democrat voted present and any Republican that says the slightest thing against Trump gets kicked out of the party. The blind partisanship started with Mitch McConnell and only gotten worse, it's not a Democratic phenomenon. I'm tired of hearing that this was about the Democrats reversing an election and keeping him out of office in 2020. Even if Trump were removed from office there's nothing keeping for running again, and his campaign donations basically guarantee it. If they wanted to keep him out they would have stalled the investigation until after the election and impeached him in 2021. Trump's behavior forced their hand when he instructed everyone to defy congressional subpoena. Had they shown up and claimed executive privilege the obstruction of justice charge wouldn't have stuck and it still may be stuck in the courts. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  8. Depends on how far north west you are of 270, but generally yes. I lived off Bethel Rd not far from 315 and found it best to take either 315N (through Powell) to 23N or 315N->270E->23N, depending on traffic. With the reconfigured 270/23 interchange and the bypass tunnel I've just been sticking to that with no problems. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  9. If you go from Columbus it's US-23 up to I-75 at Findley. North-ish of Delaware there are no more traffic lights. The driver assist packages are going to be tuned similarly (due to some of them being regulated), but the 3, 5, and X5/X7 have the latest hardware and more steering support (which would be nice on the drive to Columbus and back). I'm on the other side of the city from you, so you'll have it a little easier going up 275 than 75 through Detroit. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  10. Looks nice for the weekend commute. I'm surprised they haven't updated the X3 to the latest driver assist package, but the ACC is really nice on a long drive like that. Where in the Detroit area? Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  11. Yeah, I wasnt going to go there, but this family has owned their house for 15 years and they have 4 kids. All graduated HS within the last several years, he just paid for his daughter's wedding this summer, and he's trying to help his kids pay for their college (why he was selling this car), so I do feel for the guy. There are people in the neighborhood that bought their Mcmansion and still haven't put in grass after 5 years, but this guy takes care of his place. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  12. Good question...he said the cops told him the only thing he could do is sue the driver. Remember, Michigan is a "no-fault" state. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  13. So last night there was a high speed chase in my area, in trying to evade the police the guy turned on our neighborhood and smashed into my neighbor's car parked in front of my house. The poor guy had the car for sale, had a couple buyers lined up, and didn't renew his insurance for December. He was selling the car to help pay for his kids stuff and doesnt have to money to replace it. If anyone is looking for a Civic 4 Door automatic parts car, I can put you in contact with him. I'm ~40 min north of Detroit. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  14. They would be stupid to do it unless they knew 100% that they'd win, however they wanted a fair fight so I assume Ford would use their BEV F150 that towed that train. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  15. Ford has invested $500 million and Amazon has invested $700 million in Rivian. GM was in talks with them, but that fell through and opened the door for Ford. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  16. The only thing the Tesla reveal did was boost the interest in Rivian. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  17. . Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  18. ... Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  19. OMG THE AWFUL RENDER WAS RIGHT Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  20. Would you like to speak to the manager? Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  21. Oscar is awesome. I was glad to see a video of the cruise out of the convention center where it looked like he was driving. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  22. To sum up what I told a friend earlier: it's ugly, the interior is a copy of Tesla, but it will sell to a certain segment of the population for the simple reason that Toyota doesn't make a RAV 4 EV. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  23. I've been following the build on his YouTube. They made a few design choices that I wouldn't have, but I think it turned out good. They also built it from a salvage Huracan, so it's not like they cut up a good Lambo. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  24. Model Y Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  25. Should have just called it the Mustang II. I get what they were trying to do, but they missed the mark. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
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