Ran an 11.34@123 with a 1.72 60' then had to run the nittos. Track went away as the day went on. Found out some things on the way home. Tried to turn on the A/C and it didn't work. Hmm. Weird. Everytime the car was taken out of gear it would stall. Got back to the other side of town and the check engine light came on. Stopped at Autozone and popped the hood. My friend says "TPS is almost out". One screw was gone and the other was 3/4 of the way out. Needless to say, the sensor wasn't doing anything. Went in and bought a couple of screws and put it back in. Tried the A/C again and it worked. Without a TP signal I guess the computer goes into safe mode and won't let the compressor kick on.
Stopped at said friends house and unhooked the battery to get rid of the code. Unload the tires and hook the battery back up and start the car only to get some horrific noise. Sounds like the blower went to poo or something in the valvetrain on the drivers side
Blower is already off and apart and looks to be ok, but I will be rebuilding the front drive anyway. Took valve cover bolts off to find out that 4V covers on the drivers side don't want to come off when the motor is in the car. Spent 3 hours taking it apart only to not really find anything out. Stupid Friday the 13th.......