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Everything posted by DKilbourne

  1. Against the best defense in cfb as far as yards per game....and I hope that Wisky gets Bama in a bowl game. That would be another smash mouth game for sure. Either way the playoff goes, there will be a rematch of one of us against Clemson round one.
  2. This feels like the 2014 championship game. Dominated the 1st half, but mistakes kept us from blowing the thing wide open. Wisconsin, the 2006 Buckeyes....haha. Speed kills.
  3. Play no one and go undefeated, but act like it's a big deal to beat Mercer? Got it :gabe:
  4. Shhhhhh....I'm fucking with him and he knows it
  5. Not safe to say that was what happened for Bama and UGA's 1st game against Auburn. Auburn didn't have their stud to lean on tonight and it showed. Georgia took what beat them in the 1st match up and took it away and exploited Johnsons injury. I'm not surprised that you would make some half assed statement based solely on making Bama's loss their own fault and not due to Auburn playing a good game. Typical of you to twist the story to whatever benefits you most. I'd bet $100 that if Auburn would have won you would have said "look, look!!! Bama's only loss is to THOSE GUYS!!!"
  6. Well, I'd love to go to a new to me restaurant, but I don't live in town anymore and I don't drink anymore either....haha
  7. They showed Bama's strength of schedule at 42nd and their best wins against a 3 loss LSU team and a 4 loss Miss St team. That should keep them out of the playoff, but who knows. Wisconsin should be a handful. Their defense has been really stout and their offense has done more than enough to get the job done. Virtually zero respect for them and 59-0....just sayin. That's not a chip on the shoulder, it's a bazooka shot blowing off the shoulder to give them plenty of bulletin board material. We shall see. Did Auburn blow their wad today and will Georgia be more prepared for the rematch? Will TCU ram it down Mayfield's throat and keep the Big 12 out of it again? How badly will Clemson beat Miami? 20+? 30+? PAC-12?.....Who cares :gabe:
  8. I assume shit flinging, but maybe I'm wrong. Beilema is a GIANT DOUCHE. Biggest fucking cry baby coach out there.
  9. The only team we need to worry about losing a game and still getting in is Bama. The winner of the Miami Clemson game should be in. Loser is probably out. Fuck Xichigan
  10. Saw this on lunch today. Way too young
  11. It's 11:19 and Xichigan still sucks....yes, it's that week.
  12. We don't have to agree. Saying that the judges should mandate the addict to move 500 miles away is just silly. Most of the people out there are at the point that they just don't care and don't want to stop. I do agree that staying away from old friends and enablers is an absolute must. Obviously, old friends who aren't in to doing shit are fine. Most of the "so-called" friends aren't really friends at all. Just using buddies. I think if you and I had a sit down discussion on the matter that we would be much closer on thinking than trying to convey it on the internet. I have heard too many people convince themselves that a move is the answer to all of their problems only to find out that the baggage comes with them. That is why saying that moving 500 miles away should be mandatory is silly. So much more to it than that.
  13. If you guys think that moving someone far away from where they are will cure them of addiction, then you are clueless. Yes, you need to remove yourself from old associations and places, but just dropping someone 500 miles away doesn't solve anything. Addicts will find a way to get what they are looking for no matter where they are. There are almost always deeper seeded issues that need to be addressed as well. How many of you guys who "know how to solve the problem" have actually gone through it? I don't mean that you know someone who was addicted, but that YOU were addicted and are no longer drinking or taking anything. Just read Andrews post. Haha.
  14. It was a play on the quote from Fast and the Furious....haha. I'm an idiot :fa:
  15. I think the boys are pissed today.
  16. More than you can afford....Ranger....haha
  17. Looks solid. Cool to see older vehicles in that kind of shape too. Enjoy it, for however long you end up keeping it
  18. The stories that I have heard of the same person getting hit with narcan multiple times in the same day, different instances, is a little much. In the time that is given to them, there could be someone else in true need of help that doesn't get it. Im not saying that people don't deserve a second chance, but when it's a 3rd, 4th, or 5th revival via narcan it's time to either throw them in jail or let them go. Some people are beyond saving and I don't mean reviving, I mean getting clean and staying clean. It's rather ugly out there for sure. Should we just start executing cartel members like the cartel does to innocent people in Mexico?....
  19. I ran into Rob not too long ago and he did have a plan for another shop space. I don't have any specifics, but he did say that he will be doing something.
  20. Very cool. I was watching on speed video on Sunday. Some bad ass cars running out there.
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