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Everything posted by DKilbourne

  1. It's 11:21 and -ichigan still sucks New thread time too
  2. Umm......so, how good is Mississippi state? :gabe:
  3. Thought A&M was the real deal? Guess the committee isn't that smart...shocking
  4. Hahaha. Fucking fantastic. Someone posted the bread and milk with the title "Columbus people when snow is predicted" or something like that. Hahahahahaha. "THE end is near!!! 2" of snow is coming in 4 days!!! Raid the store now!!!"
  5. Wow. What a game. Wish it would have gone the other way, but Im ok with it.
  6. Says the life long white sox fan.....nice try troll. Go back to the dance studio and let the adults in here talk about baseball. Thanks.
  7. Yep. I won't say this game is over, but it might as well be.
  8. And we thought ES (EC)PN was dead.
  9. Quality loss is quality :gabe: Even outweighs wins!!!!!!
  10. Awesome news!! I have a back fusion coming up now too. Hope it goes as well as your surgery has gone.
  11. Make offers guys. Need them gone!
  12. She really does wear the man pants in your relationship, doesn't she? :gabe:
  13. How? Well, let me explain. People with "more" football knowledge than us make these decisions :gabe:
  14. Wow....this would be an awesome daily.
  15. I got to Akron last night at 7:50. I saw 2 cars in the ten minutes it took to get to my mom's from the highway. EVERYONE watching the game up there.
  16. Yep. It's a cluster fuck unless a cop is close by. Then, magically, everyone understands how it works.
  17. Ok. Had another dumb bitch blow the same 4 way stop again. I had come to a stop and she was slowing down to stop, or so I thought. I start to go and the bitch speeds up, withough stopping, and blows by. I honk and surprise, surprise, get the bird. I really hate people in general. Maybe she will run herself off of the road and hurt no one else in the process. Why is it so fucking hard to admit to a fucking mistake these days? RANT off.
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