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Everything posted by trbmiata

  1. that and its an 01 you will find 04-05 with low milage in the high teens low 20 range. Plus if its a 5 speed you add about 2g's to the asking price. nice car and good price. Good luck.
  2. trbmiata

    Chris Brown

    pretty sad....The police have basically admitted that is the photo since they publicly stated they are looking into how the photo was leaked. On a side note rumor is she got choked out and then got her ass beat while she was unconscious lying on the sidewalk. Bite marks too....WTF!
  3. trbmiata

    Weight Loss

    note if your trying to gain muscle and lose weight...please eat a little something before you workout. If you want to lose weight and dont care about gaining muscle, but you dont wont to lose any either, take a couple amino acid pills before working out. This is regarding the working out in the morning on an empty stomach statement.
  4. funny shit..Dodge pulled out and wouldnt give them a challenger to test so they went out and bought one.
  5. I sat in 119 about 10 rows off the ice. That game sucked! Sloppy!we gave away a game that will cost us come end of the year.
  6. I know your making the playlist but you better play these: Pac Biggie Snoop Ice Cube Warren G. Craig Mack Cypress Hill Bone Geto Boys 3rd bass Pete Rock and Cl Smooth Pharcyde Das Efx LL Gangstarr Method/Wu Krs-1 Tribe The roots naught by nature The fugees Will smith-summer time Hell even Jay-z in teh 90;s wasnt bad. Need more let me know.
  7. Well that was one of the best games I have watched them play!!!!!!!!!
  8. That was my co-workers cousin...The one who got car jacked. He was telling me about it the other day at work. shits nuts.
  9. My friend in westervile got a warning from his HOA about his lawn furniture being green. Rules are that it has to be "wood color". Oh and he got a ticket for parking in vistor parking for three days while they put a new roof on his house. Fucking old people who try and rule the world.
  10. Didnt know Andy Katzenmoyer was in jail....last I knew he quit playing cause of a neck injury and was coaching at westerville south. As far as top ten picks...MAYBE one(jenkins). Rumor is wells might not even get pick in the 1st round if he doesnt have a good combine.
  11. Just two songs I caught at the gym today that felt good. I know most of you dont like Hip hop anyway. jay-z (Brooklyn we go hard) outkast (BOB)
  12. you will lose weight and muscle too.
  13. depends on what you want to do...bluk up or lean out? Its tuff to do both at once but possilbe. At 145 I would suggest bulking up first and then cutting and with your weight you can get away with eating more shit than others. In fact your going to be sick of eating while bulking cause your calorie intake should be pretty high. Lots of egg whites and oatmeal in morning. Then brown rice/black beans with chicken X2 a day. Then some fish or lean steak at night with veggies... Dont eat with in 2 hours of going to sleep. You sould be doing very little and even in some cases no cardio to start(depends on your build). Ive always be told to start with your weakest body part at the begining of the week cause of the carb build up over the weekend when you tend to cheat. Thus giving you more energy. As far as lifting it all depends. Just make sure you get max pump or fail or your not going to bulk much.
  14. Heres the problem....You have no idea how this might affect you later in life....Lawyer up asap.
  15. Urban Active.....Theather room FTW!
  16. blah dudes 37, has a groin injury and I fear what Howson will give away youth in order to get him. I would love to see this team trade nash for a top line center and maybe draft pick.
  17. hope you guy didnt go to the game cause this is just plain sad.
  18. e36 M3 or even an e30 M3. Then go talk to these folks..... http://www.tcklineracing.com/
  19. big was better....but as someone else mentioned diddy should just let this go already.+
  20. and lewis hamilton is bangin it.
  21. trbmiata


    Last one I saw was in Myrtle Beach about 4 years back.
  22. Build thread http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1023928&pp=25 .....but this car usually gives the gobstopper a run for its money with half the money in it. http://www.zenperformance.co.uk/p/team-zen-2008/the-car
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