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Everything posted by RedLudeSH

  1. prolly a repost if so delete it...... Fuckin hilarious thou...... http://media.ebaumsworld.com/drugtest.mp3
  2. ya we exchanged the disc he brought in for a new copy of NCAA 2005.
  3. okay i work at target and we had one hell of a weird return today. Guy came in with his wife and 2 kids, high school and middle school age boys. He returned NCAA 2005 for PS2. Now we've been getting alot of these since the game came out everyone says the game freezes and is choppy. This one was different. Guy says he put the disc in his PS2 and instaed of NCAA 2005 playing, the movie (13 going on 30) played instead. Immediately i was like WTF and grabbed the disc to look at. figured it would have a cheap computer generated label on that movies disc or somethnig. NOPE the label on thew disc was authentic, same texture and holograms and shit as any other copy of the game. So i have someone bring up another copy. I go back with the guy to a DVD player to make sure this new copy doenst play the movie too. The new copy said invalid disc and didnt play. The version he brought in, sure enough played (13 going on 30) was a legit DVD, previews at the beggining menu and everything. This wouldnt be as strange if it was a common movie or something, the thing is (13 going on 30) doesn't come out on DVD until next Tuesday. Could not figure out WTF happened.
  4. The video where the dude fucks the girls mom and keeps telling her "I'm going to fuck your mom" and the chick freaks out. Anyone have an address for that????? Thank you
  5. fuckin columbus state, been trying to register since 11:55pm on the web and on the phone..... anybody get through either way???
  6. RedLudeSH

    ebay ho

    looks like the person steals shit from Home Depot and has some chick with tig bitties pose with them. Nice lil business he has there smile.gif
  7. I think his new sone Shhh. don't tell is hilarious but can't find it anywhere on the internet, anyone have it or know a link to it??? Thanks
  8. I've been hearing about the shows there on Thursday but have had class that night. I was wanting to go tommorrow night but didn't know if it was still going on, anyone have a webvsite with hours and such. Thanks
  9. Ya that dude is the biggest bitch ever. What the fuck was he (Marcuz)so pumped about it was night his shirt was off, no way the dude saw him. Must think he's like a getto ninja or some shit.
  10. Why come when I go to the WalMart do people always beat their kids in the aisle and then think their Trucks are fast???
  11. I paypaled my payment for the track which was rained out just wondering if it was going to be paypaled back, or if I had to pick it up at a meet or something. Just wonderin.. Thank Ya smile.gif
  12. TSUDO is the top of the line of the "C" class shit for Preludes. It's made in Japan and is all stainless steel. It's not bad at all, better than Megan or OBX or the other ebay shit. Just not in the same class as Apexi, Thermal or Greddy.
  13. http://i24.ebayimg.com/03/i/01/8d/2e/8e_1_b.JPG Picture above is from someones ebay auction, only way to show it without hosting. I was going to put it in my beater but had a change of mind with all the break ins in my neighborhood. I'm just going to stick with my $10 rampage radio smile.gif Anyway is 2 weeks old purchased new- have box instructions- screws that came with it- think it came with conectors too I have it all. Runs a little over $100 everywhere will sell to anyone for $55. Will deliver- have sold things to many people on Columbusracing can be vouched for. Anyone wants????? [ 23. May 2004, 11:00 PM: Message edited by: Red Lude SH ]
  14. Stir of Echos was another movie with the exact same premise....
  15. ya I rather enjoyed Dawn of the Dead and 28 days later, they at least were different from these other movies.
  16. How come ever since the Sixth Sence every horror- suspense movie is exactly the same???? Ghost picks soemone to haunt/ beat the crap out of etc. the ghosts shows the person a series of clues and the person has to solve their horrible murder. The Ring, Dragonfly and I'm sure more are like this. I just saw Gothika which was the SAME thing. Just sucks cause you see it coming a mile away there's no suspense anymore.
  17. I gotta get one of these...... http://www.frequency-rc.com/drift/sg3rd.mpg
  18. I wanna buy that Cavy and call up Pimp my Ride smile.gif
  19. DAMN she's an evil bitch. CONGRATS on getting rid of her, best thing that EVER happened to you, you'll see....
  20. I wanted him to go in the draft and get picked in like the 12th round. That would have been great. No way teams want him......
  21. I'll take it, lemme find some1 with a truck and I'll come grab it.
  22. Whats the best out there and where can I get it, this is driving me nuts. Thank You.
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