okay i work at target and we had one hell of a weird return today. Guy came in with his wife and 2 kids, high school and middle school age boys. He returned NCAA 2005 for PS2. Now we've been getting alot of these since the game came out everyone says the game freezes and is choppy. This one was different. Guy says he put the disc in his PS2 and instaed of NCAA 2005 playing, the movie (13 going on 30) played instead. Immediately i was like WTF and grabbed the disc to look at. figured it would have a cheap computer generated label on that movies disc or somethnig. NOPE the label on thew disc was authentic, same texture and holograms and shit as any other copy of the game. So i have someone bring up another copy. I go back with the guy to a DVD player to make sure this new copy doenst play the movie too. The new copy said invalid disc and didnt play. The version he brought in, sure enough played (13 going on 30) was a legit DVD, previews at the beggining menu and everything. This wouldnt be as strange if it was a common movie or something, the thing is (13 going on 30) doesn't come out on DVD until next Tuesday. Could not figure out WTF happened.