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Everything posted by RedLudeSH

  1. Just tell your mom or dad, you took it in they said engine is blown a new one costs $2000 and theyre sure to loan you the $700 for the DET lol.
  2. I'm no expert but it sounds like it needs a new engine maybe a SR20DET
  3. I'm doing a 55 shot with the best possible plugs, no platinum prolly NGK iridium or whatever people on preludeonline recommnend. I'll prolly get a bottle warmer too I plan on only using it in hot ass summer thou and I really only want 40 or so hp out of it anyway I'm trying to be as gentle on my engine as possible. Thanks anyone willing to help. The beer is whatever you want it to be, i want the best possible install so I'll even snag some expensive imported shit if it lures in good help Thanks yall.
  4. Just wondering if anyone has and if theyd be willing to supervise for beer or money of course a Zex kit + purge kit install on my car. Bdubs on here and I will be attempting this 2 saturdays from now but neither of us has installed anything harder than an intake I believe. Just wondering. Thanks.
  5. Ricky, your word on Hondas is gospel to me, no ignition I am gonna buy a timing retarder thou and some 1 step colder plugs. I'm just trying to be as safe as possible with my nitrous. Thanks for the info everyone you saved me $300 smile.gif
  6. Thank You!!! I'm gonna go to JEEEEEEEEGGGGSSSSSSS tommorrow and talk to them and prolly get either an ignition or one of those CraneCams Timing retard controllers.
  7. Is there something cheaper that allows me to retard my timing manually when i wanna run spray??? Thats the main thing I'm after.
  8. I think I'm gonna get the Digital 6 MSD I'm not talking about wires and such but the whole big box. The Digi6 looks like it'll give me alot of needed protection for my engine. For one it automatically retards your timing when you spray. It allows you to set a soft rev limiter in 2 stages. So I can have it for to give me a perfect launch at the track everytime rather than over or under reving and another to cut my revs before I hit the factory rev limiter and bend all my valves. (I've hit it a couple times). I was just wondering if there's stuff you have to buy on top of the box and there was a Neuspeed/Accell ignition I was looking at for Hondas that I was hoping Ricky or someone knew something about. Thanks all.
  9. Just wondering if anyone on here knew a great deal about ignitions?? Like MSD digital, Holley Annihilator etc. I need to get one there's 3 I'm torn between and I just had some questions. That I'd PM the person. Thank You.
  10. I have a 97' prelude SH and just bought a V-AFC whats the best place around here to have it dyno tuned????? I've heard a great tuner can get close to 10 wheel horsepower out of it, where as a shitty tuner gets 3. thanks for any info.
  11. I know someone selling a BIG Vortech Supercharger off a Type R it should work for your car not sure thou both B18 you'd have to look it up thou. It was on for a week and I'm betting he'd let it go cheap had it sitting around for a year.
  12. I shave .2 off my quarter mile with the addition of 2 silver ones
  13. I shave .2 off my quarter mile with the addition of 2 silver ones
  14. I like that Harlan one Thanks man. Think I'll get a red one. Anyone wanna help with the install????
  15. Cool,Thanks. I was wanting one cause when I'm at the track I find myself staring at the tach and not at the road which is fine you have barriers seperating you from harm on either side. But racing anywhere other than the track you need to be aware of whats around you, cops, cars, people etc. Since it's so important that I shift right at 8000rpms any less, no power. Any more, blown engine. I thought it'd be a good idea.
  16. Are they hard to install? Also how much would I look to spend on a good one and what brand would be good for a Honda? Thanks...
  17. REPRESENT!!!!! http://flathat.woodstream.net/ColumbusRacing/AaronsVids/crcom.jpg
  18. REPRESENT!!!!! http://flathat.woodstream.net/ColumbusRacing/AaronsVids/crcom.jpg
  19. UPDATE on my POS Ok last night I did a little better. I managed to get my time down to 16.31 my old best was 16.45. I was also able to get an 88mph trap. So I was feeling a little better. But the other dude with a red lude was there running low 15's like it aint no thing. It seems that with a perfect run i might manage a 16.2 still not good for a lude. The 2002 160hp Civic SI there last night ran consistant 16.2's.
  20. I weigh 250. That was my first question to Preludeonline am I a full second off what I should be cuz I weigh 100 pounds more than other people who run low 15's in ludes. Everyone responded that 100 pounds at most whould cost me .1 to .2 seconds. Then a couple people with stock ludes that weighed over 250 posted mid 15 second timeslips. I wasn't convinced till a few weeks ago at the trails when I talked to this dude that was easily my size that was driving a 150 hp Accord EX same curb weight as the lude and he showed me a 16.0 second timeslip. I'm gonna try to get a much skinnier person to drive the lude tonight we'll see what that produces.
  21. Yea I've got stock plugs. I don't think i chirp in any gear cept when I launch. I maybe need an awesome driver to make a run in it. Oh yea I do use BP gas the one on corner of Polaris and Worth. Galena. i think its Amaco there. I'll fill up at Shell acroos the street before i head to grudge night. I always use premium too. [ 30 July 2002, 11:05 PM: Message edited by: RedLudeSH ]
  22. If I don't deflate my tires it's UUUGGLLYYY I've ran an 18 before and a bunch of 17's without deflating. I wheel hop like crazy.
  23. I shift at 8000 rpm's thats what gets me my best times I've tried at 7500 and its not as fast. Everyone on Preludeonline says 8000 for our cars. my 60' is usually 2.4 or 2.5 I had people post 15 second lude runs on PO (preludeonline) and some of theres were 2.6-2.7 yet they all trapped at 90+ and ran well into the 15's like low to mid. It's like I'm losing the time later in the run. My 1/8 miles are generally 10.5-10.6. I'd gladly let someone else that is a great driver drive it to see if they can lower the times. I hope it's just my bad driving. I'll be at grudge night tomorrow if anyone wants to drive a really slow lude. Yea I'm that desperate.... Looked at Motor Trend today at the time thing in the back 2002 115hp Civic LX 1/4 time 16.4.....very desperate!!! Thank You very much everyone for helping me on this.
  24. Yea I have no warning lights coming on. It runs and idles fine as well Can anyone suggest a cool Honda dealership like that I could talk to about it being slow at the track that whouldnt be asses. I bought the car at IMMKE and I know there theyd be like "what you took it to a track, your warranty is void forever now!!!" So if anyone knows a dealership thatd work with me itd be much appreciated. As far as the first time at the track thing unfortenately it wasn't I go at least once usually twice a week and have made over 20 runs each time trying something different. It's just frustarating thats all I wanted a car to take to the track thatd also be reliable but i seemingly got a bad one!!
  25. Here's the timeslip from my best run yet. This was at 10:30 during this weeks Grudge Night at The Trails. It was great conditions. 60'-2.411 330'-6.979 1/8-10.657 mph-66.30 1000-13.822 1/4-16.458 mph-84.35 This was with my tires deflated to 25psi as well. All the other timeslips I've seen for stock SH's ave trapping at no less than 91mph that is what concerns me.
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