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Everything posted by RedLudeSH

  1. If so wanna make some money smile.gif I'm thinking about buying a Viper alarm and I have an alarm install book for my car. After reading it thou i'm a little leery.
  2. http://www.linkydinky.com/lopez.shtml prolly old as shit, but ive never seen it
  3. Selling my old camcorder just got a new Digital8 one. It's a VHS-C (it's tapes fit in your VCR with an adaptor) it's a palmcorder so it's as small as any camcorder out there, (that takes tapes of some sort) it's smaller than the one i replaced it with. It comes with an almost new Duracell battery that doubles the battery life of the battery that came with it. It also include the charger for that battery and a blank tape I happened to have left over, still in package. Price $40, I'll bring it to ya. There is a tiny scratch on the lense off to the side. The way the lense focuses it is barely at all noticable during playback. The scratch is thiner than a hair and as long as this ___ The camera has 1 22X optical zoom (no enlarged pixels), a built in light, and it takes the best night video I've seen. where Sony turns everything green at night, this camera keeps everything in color at night and makes it look almost daytime. Pic below. http://absoluteprelude.com/forums/uploads/post-12-1107621587_thumb.jpg
  4. graemlins/thatfunny.gif I heard he's trying to pass fake $1's Sell it to me smile.gif
  5. Discount Tires has a company they send wheels to that need repaired. They do a really good job too. Stop by a DT and ask them. Said company is Wheel Medic. Wheel Medic is the shit, go there smile.gif
  6. that works just lemme know when and where
  7. how much you want blownteg???? I might be going to uwrench it this wekend depending no the weather but I know the one yuo have will work. So if you wanna sell it just lemme know. Thanks.
  8. I just need a 4x100 lug pattern spare tire. if anyone has a junker or whatver with one in it and would like to sell it just lemme know. Thanks.
  9. http://images.southparkstudios.com/img/content/news/1908a.jpg
  10. Dyson's the new super cool vaccuum are @ Target for $399.99 you could always sign up for their credit card and get it for $360. I have no idea whats so special about it, I think it's the one on TV mentioned above and people buy them like crazy. must be something to it cause no way i'd pay $400 for a vacuum.
  11. here's something to whet every1s appetite smile.gif http://idm.lsdrift.com/Drifters-Delight.wmv
  12. From 1up.com Electronic Gaming monthlys site- The game was originally scheduled for release on December 3. Today's announcement from SCE states that "more adjustments remained" than the developers had assumed, necessitating the extra development time. "I didn't want to release it this way," said Polyphony Digital director Kazunori Yamauchi. GT4 was expected to arrive in North America a little less than two weeks after its Japanese release, on December 14. Now, however, it's been pushed back to the first quarter of 2005, to accomodate the extra development and localization time tacked on by the delay in Japan.
  13. SOLD- remove please smile.gif [ 28. November 2004, 02:21 PM: Message edited by: Red Lude SH ]
  14. Basic $50 weight bench from Target with leg extension. approx. 180 pounds in sand filled weights and a bar with plastic sleeve + 2 endcap things to keep the weights from falling off. $40 for everything.
  15. Selling 4 215/45/17 Avon M500 Tech Ultra High Performance tires. Bought em like a month ago. Put em on my car and they rubbed cause of my wheels offset. Drove on them to my friends house like 10 miles away. Found a dude on a prelude site willing to give me what i paid for them, for them so I took a bunch of pics of em for him and took them off to send them to him. After 3 weeks of BS I'm guessing he won't be buying them. They cost $104 apiece on tirerack.com <-- the only place in the US that sells Avons as far as I know. Check out tests on these tires, they beat out Yoko AVS100's , BFG GForce, etc. like all tires in their class. They have under 20 miles on them, you can come see them anytime, theyre sitting in my friends garage. Here's the pics I took for the deadbeat. http://increasedvelocity.com/members/redludesh/tyres/ $300 for all 4 which is $116 less than tirerack and you dont have to pay the extra $40 for shipping. Come see em they have 100% tread on them.
  16. LMAO graemlins/thatfunny.gif
  17. i watched it 5 times WTF am i looking for????
  18. http://mosh.eminem.com/video/ here ya go choose QT or Windows media player.
  19. My friend is doing a speech on why street racing is bad mmmmkay. I'm trying to find that video where a street racing Camaro or Stang cant remeber launches, loses control and takes out a crowd of people. Anyone know where I can find that, it used to be posted all over but that was last year. Thank Ya ... smile.gif
  20. o2simulator.com $25 shipped, splice into 02 sensor wiring, OBD2 code goes away smile.gif
  21. This is a 4 min. video of the hotel I stayed in for NOPI in Atlanta. Maybe normal for the Flea Bag Hotel for $20 a night. But for a major hotel chain for about $100 a night????? This is the video I sent to their corporate HQ. The manger wanted to give us a 20% discount..... What do you think???? http://increasedvelocity.com/members/april/NOPI2004/HotelVideo/qualityinn.wmv
  22. http://www.alwyngreer.com/~joblack/j5_Swiss_tour_StaMaria_Zurich0019.JPG EDIT: Added 56k warning and moved to Pics section. ~Anthony [ 15. September 2004, 02:31 PM: Message edited by: Cranked ]
  23. anybody able to replace a blown head gasket on a 96 Olds with a 3.4. I figured there's prolly some pros with these engines on here. Friend at work blew his and i said id ask. Mechanic qouted him $1200. Good $ making opp. for someone. Thank ya...
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