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Everything posted by Veritas

  1. That's fine, I can gleen what I need from your friends lists if you guys have them enabled.
  2. Could I get me some xbox 360 names to add some of you fools to own? PM them if you like so you don't get hassled... didn't know you people played :X
  3. Interesting argument but I don't know if you want to use the term "racist" so much as stereotyping. EVERYONE does stereotype to a certain degree with regards things period. We're human. No one is perfect and a lot of where conflict comes in is where one person differs from another. That being said, people try to surround themselves with the familiar (well at least ohioians do) and by doing so make stark differences between the "us" and "them". By creating that line, we start that stereotyping process. Varying degrees of stereotypes lead to racism and everything else that follows, but the better person knows when to take that stereotype they COULD use and ignore it as best they can and just take the person as the individual they are. That at least is where I see product vs environment coming into play and ways to get around/rid of it.
  4. I don't care so much for the editing, because I know not all of that could be edited in >.< but its more of just what you know a lot of folks feel/think anyhow. Just hearing some people say it out loud is a bit disheartening.
  5. Yep, that's what I found comical about the whole thing. He said that, being RIGHT in front of the rally they did a few days back... lol.
  6. Lol I gotta see that flick, wouldn't happen to know the name of it would ya?
  7. It's fuckin' gonna take them a week to get my shit in if I go through advance, and i'm waiting for others to chime in for prices from a couple different shops. Looks like im bouncing my ass to ren fest this year :/
  8. I didn't know this section even existed :| Thought maybe to put it in tech, but that wouldn't be right so then I thought well maybe the passing lane but obviously that was wrong also
  9. I've been knowin' will was on here for years... aint no thang. I think im going to end up doing that too.
  10. Well I spoke with Jeff yesterday but he hasn't called me back yet... I was asking for prices for a couple things too. I have the parts just sitting here with cash in hand too :-/
  11. I just picked up my kyb agx strut that I had to replace (yes I know its odd to only replace one but they work fine save for the knob seizing on the one that's bad) and my eibach pro kit springs as well as my front brake pads. Is there any recommendations for people I should pm or call a shop or what not to get these things put in for me? I haven't ever messed with suspension much so I don't know hide or tail of what i'd be doing. Post if you guys got any suggestions, looking to get these things put in ASAP before saturday.
  12. Well i've already got a greddy bov, i'm just trying to find a worth while front mount that will be better than my stock sidemount.
  13. Yes. I know they are. And guys are always like "hahahah male nurse, hahahahaha." Yeah... have fun with whatever course work you're in that's a sasuage fest :X Love the ladies in my class.
  14. Over at COTC now since cscc is just taking far, FAR too long. How ya like it there?
  15. Guess i'll be calling you then. I've not seen ant's car in a while, but I know he's rather anal about things let alone his car and judging by the pic It looks cool. Still though, what kind of turn around time would a typical smallish car paintjob be? I don't care if it will be snowing soonish, I'm tired of my car looking like poo especially now that i'm actually having to drive it. (the woman's car got totalled after some random ass woman hit me from ONCOMING TRAFFIC on broadstreet in the mouth) And what time will you be in tomorrow 360?
  16. I just now saw that thread AFTER I posted this. But I don't know if THIS pics there... if it isn't it doesn't matter because i'm awesome, too. And i've been fuckin' cool man workin' out the LPN then shovin' on to my RN bro. Got myself a little geektrest who's into cars and computers and what not too, so life is rather swell. Fill me in I guess in pm or else i'll get kenny in this thread throwing his vagina around trying to call us girls too.
  17. http://imagebot.org/debate.jpg I lol'd.
  18. Holy damn, thanks folks but I wasn't hoping for my thread to get any bad blood out there :X my fault Anyhow I've got a number of different people to try now... i'd like to actually see some of the work these people have had done to really gauge how good the people are. And would anyone out there happen to have any idea how long a typical paint job to get done?
  19. So your leg healed up all good and stuff then gimpy... good. What's that job you're doing now anyhow? I personally want to find myself a pretty nifty evo if I could or maybe a legacy GT. I like the legacy's since they're sporty enough and can haul people, plus i can slap an exhaust in the B and get some rather respectable numbers too. I think they go for 12-16 for a solid used deal? I'm not one for WRX's since they just feel so small inside.
  20. I'm wanting to find a GOOD shop - GOOD doesn't mean overly priced though, but I know you get what you pay for so if anyone knows of a good, solid shop out there that may be a little pricey but does quality work let me know. I need to get my 90 eagle talon which is the black and gray repainted either back to stock coloring, or a black with a metalic flake to it or some such. Trying to see if I can get it done before the end of the year and winter is here for us all. Thanks again!
  21. Veritas

    fmic f/s

    Wouldn't happen to have the piping to fit a first gen would ya? Any problems with it?
  22. Trying to replace some things that are dated on the car and get some stuff i've been needing for a while. I'm looking for a DSM link if I can find one locally I can pick it up from. I also need to find a decent price on some kyb agx's and some eibach springs if anyone knew of a good site to hit up for either i'd appreciate it, or has a spare set of what not laying around. PM or what not, got cash in hand - thanks!
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