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Everything posted by Veritas

  1. Oh I forgot to mention I do also have the plastic paneling, it was just off due to the engine work.
  2. I promised I'd take them last night and I did. I'm taking better ones today though since it's daylight out. They'll be up sometime this evening. The crap quality is because I don't know how to use our dslr yet and didn't think it would much matter since I couldn't pull it out. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3639/3485962713_887c50fa93.jpg?v=0 http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3583/3485962839_ee8d5b26a3.jpg?v=0 http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3280/3485962791_42e8b45c55.jpg?v=0 I'll take it outta the garage today and actually try to take some more indepth shots. The things pretty much been rebuilt fully engine wise and as you can see the body was already prepped for paint (they had actually repainted it once but their were a couple imperfections they didn't like so they scrapped it to redo it again).
  3. I don't know poop all about bikes man hahaha
  4. ROFL fine if you want to see it that bad, i'll take a horrible night shot of it (my garage doesn't have power in it )
  5. I've got an older motorcycle for sale that needs someone to replace the tires (just old) can tune the carb and can buy a battery for it. I haven't had the time to really work on it and it's just been sitting in my garage. I got it from my friend for the thought of finishing it (he bought some new honda after sanding it down/buffing it and getting the body prepped for paint but I just don't have the time right now to finish it. If the price isn't aggreable just let me know, trying to sell it pretty quick though. I'll try to get pics of it when its not raining to bring it out.
  6. My Registered Nursing shit then eventually my CNP. Pseudo Doc at your service.
  7. Trying to find a daily car for my fiancee and myself for a couple months that can last drives from here to dayton and back with ease. Having air would be kinda nice, and it's gotta be an auto. Would prefer it to not be a truck. Any how, thanks and post if ya know or got something.
  8. Damn, why were you not selling this thing like two days ago with a lens. lol. Just bought the woman a d60. Fucking hell cameras are expensive. Bump to a badass camera.
  9. Sup fool?? You need to hit me up on aim or something, haven't seen you since that unfortunate occurrence of a mutual friend. Hopefully that will spur a lot of us on to meet up more regularly and what not.


    My aim name is esclavebaby. I keep a machine with it on at all times. Holla!

  10. I'll have my cash now tomorrow, is it cool if I come up to the shop and just hand it off? BTW pm me your number ricky.
  11. I can't order mine until about thursdayish? BUt I want one, will it be too late then?
  12. BTW Can someone hook it up with a sticker or let me know how much they are or a shirt? I plan on rocking whatever for a while.
  13. I'd like to THINK I was in that old group of folks from the day, seeing how we started this shit.. (I was just lazy and you kept telling me to sign up for the board, lol) but Kenny would of been shocked I think to know how well received he was from EVERYONE, og or not. I don't want us to have to go through something like this...for quite a long, LONG time.
  14. Two please. Both white. We're rocking em.
  15. BTW can someone give me a sticker tomorrow? I'm going to pass on the funeral as parking will be hell, but I am going to be apart of the cruise. If someone could PM me their cell or I can give people mine so when this is going down tomorrow, someone can let me know its time to meet up and roll out. I'll be cruising around the funeral home about the time the end of the funeral is happening, so if someone that will be there tomorrow could like I said pm me, i'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks again and everyone just be safe out there.
  16. I think this is worth quoting for a few reasons. One item to note is this: there are specific things in life you just don't have control over. Losing Kenny the way we all have is something that should prove to be a slight wakeup call for some, an eye opener for others and a smack upside the back of the head for the rest. We need to be safe with whatever we're doing, and try to watch for the other guy because they usually aren't looking out for you. This is going to sound random as hell, but do any of you guys know if he had any online games he played? Yes, he had all of us here and beyond who knew him but did he have any other games or the like he played where people may be wondering where he is/how he's doing? These are real ties people build over the net, and a lot of folk go through situations where people or friends have passed away and their online aquaintences never got the opportunity or message that they passed. So i'm asking if anyone out there knew any or the rest of his online people too, try to let them know the news. It was good seeing you all there today, he would have been happy as shit to see that despite his attitude (or rather because of it), he had a shit ton of people that loved/cared for him just like he did for everyone else. (of course not overtly - he'd be way too faggy if he did that)
  17. Sup Joe. Those pics of Kenny from your wedding capture who he was: "Fuck ya. I'll smack you in the mouth with a baseball bat" ah man I remember that conversation he had with someone... lol. I'll be at the showing today around 5ish. Tomorrow i'm not sure if i'll be at the funeral, but i'll be at the ride directly after. I have a feeling the place won't be able to contain everyone who wants to go.
  18. Comin to ya today.
  19. I'm actually tearing here. I just saw kenny a few weeks ago and we were bsing about back when he had his broken leg. He was always such a smart ass lol, but he had such a good heart. He helped me a time or two and it REALLY meant a lot to me(helped keep me out of jail). Rest peacefully man.
  20. It is now that my clutch is on. Thanks for the warm welcome man ;D slowls1huh... a lot of people have switched up cars since the last time I was "regular" here. Gear, yeah ill be bringing them back either later today or tomorrow, i've got a shit ton of homework to do in my organizational ethics class - by wednesday.
  21. Yes, Rob is the g.d. man. Had it not been for his timely intervention with a couple well placed phone calls, and some tool running I wouldn't of got the shit done. Thanks a ton man. BTW got the shit in. That bitch. Plus I get to do it again in a couple months... sigh.
  22. You're awesome gearhead, thanks again brother.
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