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Everything posted by Veritas

  1. I'm needing a notary for Emily today to get tags for the woman's car since her dad signed the title to her mustang over to her but didn't do it with a notary present. Is there anyone around that may be able to help us out with this this morning by chance? Or at least before the BMV closes? We'd be super appreciative. Just shoot a pm or text on here if you can.
  2. Did they show the kids inlining yet? That's my shit.
  3. Bump, this really, really needs to go like yesterday.
  4. I've got just no time for this now Does anyone mind taking this off my hands for 150 instead by chance? $150 for the pipes and core.
  5. No one? Boo. Make an offer that's reasonable c'monnnn.
  6. I had hoped to get to do some nerdy shit with you this summer like we did way back when since I moved into a nicer, larger place. Like others have said - Do work.
  7. Title says it all. I will post up some pictures later today, but they're in excellent condition. I actually have the boxes for everything also as well as the connectors. The platnium card has all its things including the front bay and the remote sans new batteries. If interested gibe me a pm here and we'll work it out. Fyi the video card is a pci-express card with 896 megs of ram, and the sound card is pci. NOT pci-e x1.
  8. It's got both. I was going to use it for my dsmlink but I changed my mind since money >> tuning atm. lol.
  9. It's an intel pIII @ 1 ghz, 512 mb ram and a 20 gig hard drive. It comes with the docking bay and charger that came with it and if I can find a spare pcmcia card, ill throw one of those in as well. Can come with or without an OS on the buyers choosing, has xp installed on it currently. Not looking for trades, just cash if anyone is even interested.
  10. Fuckin' hell man! Congrats!
  11. And sold. Thanks again Tim, was good to meet ya also. Thanks to everyone who inquired about it!
  12. It's my best friends dad. I do know someone though.
  13. The bike currently has no battery like I said and needs someone to tune the carb and to tweak with the electric start, but yes that's about it though I do believe someone else is seriously interested about picking it up tomorrow... I had a question to ask though, I have my title for the bike and its signed over to the point that I could take it to a notary or title place and get it signed over in my name. (space is blank above it for me to fill in etc. not dated). At the top he had started to sign in his information instead of filling out mine and drew a line through his name, then filled in the line below that. Am I able to take it to the title place as is or do I need to get a notary to see me or whoever buys the bike sign it? I'm a nub about titles.
  14. Yep. I forgot to take a picture of them, they're sitting in a box in my garage as well.
  15. Yep. The mirror is apart of the bike though... I was just tacking on the other two for people if they wanted it. PM me your number and what not to finalize this stuff.
  16. That's fine. What about the foot rest part? And when would you be able to take a look or pick it up?
  17. I think it was finicky and I had to mess with it from what they had said. They had left that to being the last thing to mess with since they did everything else mechanically. Also I have the badging in white and what not, all that plastic stuff. It's just off for the obvious reason of ease of engine.
  18. C'mon help me out man the price is right, come check it out. The soon-to-be soon to be mrs. carroll tried to take some good shots for people to see the engine stuff. And also I can't take a check unfortunately because my credit union account won't let me deposit personal checks just cash or direct deposit. So either cash or paypal for it works. Anyways like I said trying to get this by friday early if I can folks. Thanks for checking it out. Im down near the grove city area.
  19. The extra being the sissy bar and the foot rest stuff, we had to try tracking that one down.
  20. no, the bike is still 390 the other stuff I had to buy for it is extra. I figure 60 isn't bad for what I had to pay for it. If they don't want it no biggie, im selling it together on craigs like that though.
  21. Oh and i'm trying to sell this by THIS friday early as possible as something important is going on and i've got some things I need to finish up with this money for it. Thanks again!
  22. Sissy bars + everything else thats off (the mirror is fine just unscrewed so I wouldn't have to worry about hitting it with my car) http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3408/3486648991_9d6be3ce20_o.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3369/3487464632_2bd4bbb350_o.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3585/3486649103_137f6fc97e_o.jpg Now just the bike http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3599/3487464768_997e8d869c_o.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3572/3486649453_f6a94cc6fe_o.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3414/3486649657_a7b6fe1ff0_o.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3410/3486649861_291fa98b52_o.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3623/3486650141_0b5599347d_o.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3569/3486650383_0d8d704254_o.jpg And that's it. I'm offering the rest of the additional stuff with everything else and the bike for 450, I don't think that's bad for the CR crew. Im craigs'ing it for around 6ish. I'll gauge it better if someone here doesn't pick it up.
  23. It was a pain in the ass trying to figure out how to make my phone sit still long enough to take the shots. Our point and shoot was dead :/
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