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Everything posted by Veritas

  1. she's got physical crap that has been hindering her from really getting into it, finally dealing with it plus i been with her for a year already, couldn't just drop it like it's hawt;) but thanks neo for the suggestions, we try some of them now ;D and nitrous - i know you're trying to come from a "caring" perspective or whatever, but im no more willing to drop someone i love/care about over something like that. Thanks, but no thanks for the comment. T.c. [ 28. December 2004, 09:50 PM: Message edited by: Veritas ]
  2. People need to have personal accountability. Dude ran over his own daughter because he's fucking retarded for not watching/keeping an eye out for where the fuck she was especially at age 2. Sick, this kind of shit just makes me sick. T.c.
  3. yeah my complex was continuously plowed from when the snow first hit to when it was icey, they did a damn good job to the point it was better driving in my apartment complex then it was driving on holt road - which Im trying to figure out why the hell it was so bad??? Demorest was great, litterally, compared to holt and holt is a widely used road also. T.c.
  4. Veritas

    Your Ideal Girl

    yeah i am partial to irish girls for some reason - current gf is irish and i thought zeta was part welsh or welsh? Ah well. Anyways the girl in that pic would be good also.
  5. Veritas

    Fuck Tards

    s'ok, and if the guy had of been saying that with only driving an FD, id still smack him, either way dude was being a tool.
  6. Veritas

    Your Ideal Girl

    This would be mine. Im partial to brunettes, I dig the accent, the fullness/length of the hair is also a plus. I love someone with light colored eyes and a shapley but not too jagged face. http://adorocinema.cidadeinternet.com.br/personalidades/atores/catherine-zeta-jones/catherine-zeta-jones03.jpg
  7. im running out of ideas of things to try. gimmie some damn suggestions - PLEASE!! t.c.
  8. ...or ever EVER have to say shit about anything sexual for the rest of the relationship. Should be a "her-understood" type of thing.
  9. Veritas

    Fuck Tards

    what the hell are you talking about that a mid 90's rx-7 is 5k? are we speaking blown motor, shitty interior, and everything else about it being wrecked? You can't find a FD rx-7 for anything under 10 if it's working right. And that's a stretch too. Tc
  10. my gf's not into it, so cutting out a little firehose action for a year wouldn't be too hard either.. yeah id do it. T.c.
  11. and any person who says something is "just a whatever" - put something they value into that last line. "Oh it's just bracelet - it's just a tv - it's just a sofa" whatever. Just because you can't appreciate the work/time spent on the vehicle doesn't mean it's not worth a shit load to me. Anyone, girlfriend, mother(tho i really could care less what she says anyways) anyone that was close to me did something like that and tried to pawn off "oh it's just a car" id go off. I've spent numerous hours/pain/and yeah, tears over my rx-7. To dismiss the hardwork gone into it like that is like a slap in the face. /rant off
  12. yeah people period who don't know how to drive in the snow, let alone drive in the snow in a RWD vehicle that has some get up and go - that's a no no. I love my girl to death, but to let her drive my rx-7 once it's fixed and everything out in weather like this? No. T.c.
  13. 97 mkiv supra tt can't remember the name but the rx-7 that was an FD that came bright yellow with the sports package the ferrari that was in bad boys II 04 dodge durango - hemi 04 yam. R1 gun metal gray/black daily driver - 05 vw jetta (either the 1.8t or just the sports model under that one.)
  14. It's a great underarm deoderant!!!!!
  15. for what you wanna know, it's just a different way of coding the disc up. Dual layer means you can use either + or - discs and read either or. Most burners are one or the other. T.c.
  16. there was a video already of where he was dancing, like him and three others dancing all sweet to some sweet japanese sweet music. Heh. T.c.
  17. true, the ideal behind it is good in itself, but because people are people it's fundamentally flawed.
  18. and it wouldn't be so god damn bad if people didn't try doing that while they're on the DAMN CELL PHONE. EITHER GET A HANDS FREE SET OR GET THE FUCK OFF THE PHONE DURING RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC.
  19. i don't have alarge car as you guys know, just my rx-7. I don't drive slow, i don't drive fast. I go 5-10 over the speed limit. That's about it. Well people are dumb fuckers and like to try to cut in front of me when im going along behind another car at the proper distance so if they slam on the brakes, i have enough stopping room. You can tell when these tools are about to do it also, to fuck with them at that last second where I see they're trying to just cut in front of me without using a signal or anything like that whatsoever, I just speed the fuck right up so im half way to where they're door is from the front of my car. You'd be surprised how many times people look over at me to give me the rude face and ill make that angry mug at them and they sorta just slow down and turn away. I love that. People in ohio drive like ass. Is it the same everywhere else? I've only driven on a regular occasion in canada and that's just a different world.
  20. just wait till it comes out later on so there's more bugs/kinks worked out.
  21. Wow rarest, just wow. graemlins/nonono.gif Freedom of religion
  22. Big Papa, i have to take back my negative comments i had said about you earlier. Despite the whole "mustang driver" thing i have (sorta a self competition thing) you've shown yourself to be quite the knowledgeable person on a lot of stuff. And I respect that. So my apologizes for things said prior. T.c.
  23. but something based off of false hood is by proxy wrong. Saying that something is the gospel and not knowing, ESPECIALLY with reguards to something that important isn't something we should hap-hazardly just wade ourselves thru. Anyways anyone who knows anything about the whole reason jesus came down, it had nothing to do with the birth - it was the DEATH that was important. "Do this in rememberance of me" if you knew what that was pertaining to then you'd understand why it really doesn't matter the fact he was born but so much why he died. T.c.
  24. The earliest reference to Christmas being marked on Dec. 25 comes from the second century after Jesus’ birth. It is considered likely the first Christmas celebrations were in reaction to the Roman Saturnalia, a harvest festival that marked the winter solstice—the return of the sun—and honored Saturn, the god of sowing. Saturnalia was a rowdy time, much opposed by the more austere leaders among the still-minority Christian sect. Christmas developed, one scholar says, as a means of replacing worship of the sun with worship of the Son. By 529 A.D., after Christianity had become the official state religion of the Roman Empire, Emperor Justinian made Christmas a civic holiday. The celebration of Christmas reached its peak—some would say its worst moments—in the medieval period when it became a time for conspicuous consumption and unequaled revelry. That's the one i was thinking of.
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