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Everything posted by ChevyMan1972

  1. +++ 1 Million, my dad has known him for years, and it was a shame he had to close up shop, because he has an engine dyno... I can also say about Bob Beach does good work and has been for 35+ years and everyone is right not real easy to talk to but work is top notch. Dan
  2. This thing is bad ass, I would buy one for my kids, because I would be to big to drive this thing, but it would be cool!!! http://www.chopsnbobbers.com/about4.html Dan
  3. Greg Mathews 614-523-7575 It's on the corner of Cooper and Shrock road. My wife is a Paralegal there, very good firm, been there for 20 years... Dan
  4. Check out Ohio Auto color on Feris rd... Always done us right...except like everything in this US we live in it's expensive anywhere you go.... Dan
  5. +100000, I have had nothing but good luck with them, good prices on all our car's! Dan
  6. You have no idea what our company is about now...we are an inustry leader now and have orders till 2015 and beond... Hrm....what 100 million dollar company with 4 good profit and sharing checks a year....oh well not good enough for Mr. "nad" (my left nut) thomas.
  7. I have been reading this thread, and getting scared to death....But I think I will be alright, I am about ready to hit 80K miles on my quattro 3.0 Looking into buying timing belt equip, here shortly...but I absoutly love my car!!! Dan
  8. Last one... Best of Scarface (Half Baked) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrVkkJpckvs&feature=related Dan
  9. Half baked....(dont bend over to pick up the soap) LOL!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEGYV8NCxNU Jim Brewer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_LIQB2NPtM (CLASSIC!) Scarface quits work: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1IEGEs0lIk&feature=related I can watch this move over and over again!!! Dan
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXQKl-28zn0&feature=related That is insane... Dan
  11. As the title says one of my most favorite movie's of all time was Rocket Man... Good one here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOrT0X8i8zI And: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kx6pF4TFOvU&feature=related (the monkey sequence was the best!! Had me rollin... Another: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDlbDMI6-ME&feature=related Last one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_OS9-Hs99s&feature=related Everyone need's to see this movie...it has me in tears everytime I watch it... Dan
  12. In addition to DJ's thread http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=47816 We are also looking for Pattern makers, (Cabnet/woodworking) folks that are good at reading blueprints and draftsman skills a pluss, this is a wonderful job for 1st and second shift. Awesome pay baised on experiance 14 bucks an hr + unlimitied overtime, 4 profit and sharing checks a year. If anyone here is looking for this type of job, this is for you....feel free to send me a pm for more information... Thanks, Dan Weaver CSC Quality / product specialist
  13. Where in the heck does everyone get there money? I sure would like to know... Dan
  14. Check this out.... This is one bad 60's camaro. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/Spiro-Pappas-Turbo-Camaro_153137.htm Dan
  15. YEP!!! Her in the Howard the Duck....and back to the future...ftmfw.... Dan
  16. Anyone in the market for a nice mustang, check this out.... Nice price too... http://www.racingjunk.com/post/1141371/LOW-9sec-89-PUMP-GAS-MUSTANG.html Dan
  17. I see Nick Hogan is at it again....LOL!! Dan
  18. Solidworks FTW....I make solid models of castings with it everyday, and create .stl files and run it through soild/flow/opticast solidification software program...on 100 ton castings....the only way to go!! Dan
  19. This car is freakin sweet, listen to this thing rev on the street....whoa! http://videos.streetfire.net/video/91f3556f-eda1-4924-b305-9a5400e4352a.htm Dan
  20. Saw this today.....OMG! He has the edge now... Cash-rich Obama Buys Yahoo http://www.huffingtonpost.com/andy-borowitz/cashrich-obama-buys-yaho_b_88623.html Dan
  21. If someone had 35 grand lying around, they should think about picking this up.....quad turbos OMG!! http://www.racingjunk.com/post/1131677/Quad-turbo-528-Hemi-1400hp-20mpg-pump-gas.html Dan
  22. My wife has the most beautiful looking hands (Pic coming soon) Dan
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