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Devils Advocate

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Posts posted by Devils Advocate

  1. No Tanks or vehicles



    shotty snipers :) or SWAT




    I own Left 4 Dead but havent played it at all, my roomate plays its all the time when I am gone.



    Uh, I'll play you MLG rules. Actually, I'd destroy you in shotty snipers, too. SWAT doesnt exist in Halo 1. Please kill yourself.

  2. I'm not saying it will ever happen, or that I am really for any sort of legalization.

    The law is clearly written, if you are stupid and get caught with drugs of any kind, sucks to be you I guess.



    ... But why?

  3. I am in favor of legalizing it. I don't encourage anyone do that stuff. I just don't see the need to throw people in jail for years for having a bag of it.






    Srsly... I know this will offend you, and I dont mean to make you feel that way, but I'm impressed by the increase in tolerance that you've showed over the past year or so.


    I've been on here for like 5 years, and this is the first time I think I've said that.

  4. So where does that leave out you making the choice between 2 things?

    What if I have 6 choices in a given situation? Are half of them right, and half of them wrong? Is it 60/40? Does it depend on the weather, or time of day? Do I get to change my mind later and be forgiven for the first one? Do I have to clasp my hands and talk to myself to receive said forgiveness? Why is it necessary to have a mystical robe wearing deity to tell you how to make the right decision?

  5. I can agree with that too. I do love how the American Muslims say Islam preaches peace and all that BS, but so far a majority of terrorists/attacks are carried out by their fellow Muslims. Crusades me all you want, but you don't see Catholics rioting and bombing shit.





    LOL..... Um?



    ......HAHAHAHAHA. I'm actually laughing so hard that the energy required to remind you of the crusades and the inquisition is drainin.....sgeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeec

  6. Trowa, do we seriously need to bust out that pic again of ur gay ass sittin in that old rental Ferrari?




    It's alright, Trowa has made it abundantly clear that the only reason he's even still around here is because the mods have gotten soft in their old age.



    Scott: Yeah, no shit. My momma raised me right, I'm not about to unleash the full internet battling fury on a chick/broad/skifooza.

  7. A. I gave you negative rep because I don't like you.

    B. I think we're past the just "slobbing on his knob" stage. I'm not some little slut that he just met last week.

    C. You don't know me, therefore you don't know if I'm a bitch or not.

    D. You are the fucking bitch, you are the one that is whining because someone gave you negative rep.




    I'm laughing so hard right now. I didnt even remember making this thread until I logged on two minutes ago.



    A. Doesn't this contradict C?

    B. Nobody really gives a shit about what point in your relationship you're at with Hal... seriously. This is a car website, not OMGHIGHSCHOOLCRUSHEZ.COM

    C. Doesn't this contradict D?

    D. Youre not one to talk about getting butthurt on the internets, since your boyfriend/fiancee/sweetheart/flufferbunny disappears from the forums every couple of months in a huff because somebody says something on here that hurts his feeeeeewings. Add that to the fact that I was obviously less offended than previously indicated by my original post, and we begin to see how dumb and gullible you really are.






    WnaPlay: I won't even mention that you used an internet zinger that was actually invented before the internet, I'll just repeat how you actually got so mad at me on the internet one time that you called Anthony and asked him if you could beat me up. LOL!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


    JohnnyB/Doctor Colossus: Cant do it. Too busy working and chasing the muff around. However, if I ever have a job that lets me sit on my ass in a computer chair all day for exorbitant amounts of money, I vow to return to CR to rid it forever of the brain cell deprived.


    Anyon else who came to the defense of miss prissypants: Do you all have tiny dicks? Srsly.

  8. For letting your bitches run rampant on here. I just got neg repped by hal's woman for talking shit... Ive been on here since i was motherfuckin sixteen, and I dont need to be disrespected by some bitch because she is slobbing on somebody's knob.





    Disclaimer: Internet reputation on a website infrequently visited by me is VERY important to my self esteem.


    DDisclaimer: Im very drunk... And I still make more coherent posts than most of the sober rednecks on this bitch.

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