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Devils Advocate

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Posts posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Well lets do the math. If it was like 100 people that ran over him and each of those people saved maybe $200-$300. Then there would be a total savings of around $20-$30k. Now Ive heard of people putting out "hits" on people for as low as $500 so if you look at it that way, there werent enough people killed. ;)


    I just like to think of it as natural selection. its makes it easier to not get all upset.






  2. Oh, hey Paul, maybe you could lighten up just a bit so maybe our new friend to the forum here won't feel so ostracized?




    I can actually hear you talking in a patronizing tone. HaHA!

  3. Hey Mike... Lure me away from big city livin'/restaurants back to columbus with a solid paycheck. If necessary, I have a resume on file that I can send you friday that includes a management position at a high volume Lettuce Entertain You restaurant.




    PS: I hate illiterates more than you do, if possible.

  4. For real?!? Yeah, I know that guy - total jerk. One time, I got a flat on Roberts Road, and I called him and was like, "Hey, Dan, I got a flat; can you bring me another tire?" And he was like, "What, do you think I work at a tire store? HAR HAR HAR!" and then he hung up. So, then I fucked his wife.




    Im literally in tears.

  5. LOL, don't listen to Skinner, he's just messing around. Really, it's mine. I've worked at that Tire Discounters for only a few months now; I used to run the one in Polaris. Anyway, my plans for it this winter are to put a bigger single on it and maybe run some spray to help with spooling.



    I think this is the first time this has ever been used without hyperbole, but...



  6. Bannim. HES FRIGGIN BUGBOY!1!!1!!1! I was like seventeen when I first heard that story and have never met him person... yet his grammar, ideas, and mannerisms are so frustrating OVER THE INTERNET that I have an almost physical revulsion to any reference to him or post of his. Its unhealthy, and I feel bad about it.
  7. ok you have 62 posts you are hardly an active member. if you want to see an active member look at brorape he has over 1000 posts in a year. I go to a lot of events and post on the board and im not a SM...Quit getting buthurt about the internet its not that big of a deal





    You snatched Vtak from me. I demand royalties.







    It was my Idea to have a senior members qualifications rule. Therefore, I am technically the cause of all this woe. Woohoo!

  8. Uh I highly doubt this list is even close to be right. There are so many other people I know with way faster lsx cars not on here.




    Does Mario still have his car, and is it even a lsx car?







    Look, you belligerent alcoholic slur-fest posters. I'm frigging wasted and made a perfectly understandable post. No more of this ZOMG, WHAR IS TEH SPAYSE BAR?!?! crap.

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