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Devils Advocate

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Posts posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Uh... using pictures of girls as ammunition in an argument about college football teams... Is so fucking asinine that I sat here for an entire 60 seconds and couldnt come up with a plausible analogy to let you know just how big of a cockbagel you are.



    USC outplayed and outcoached OSU, and I dont really know any buckeye fans who saw it going any other way even before the game. When every defensive position player on your team is a top 10 player iun their position in the country and you've got SIX runningbacks, you're going to be really friggin hard to beat. Is it Buckeye fan's fault that we get these miracle pre-season rankings? Is it the fault of Buckeye fans that our team was the one who didnt fuck up their easy games during the regular season (stanford, for christ's sake. And people give us shit for barely beating OU without our heisman caliber runningback) the past two years? I don't think it is.


    I know that what I'm saying will probably fall on deaf ears.... But maybe you should think next time before alienating yourself from a very large group of people for the sole purpose of making yourself feel better on the internet for a few seconds.

  2. This thread is gay as fuck, because guess what... the mods dont give a shit who anyone on here wants to be banned. Theres like seventy three moderators, none of which seem to have anything remotely important to do other than pound the refresh button harder than I pound Hal's mom. Believe me, if someone on here deserves a ban, they will be bant... OHNOEZ!



    PS: I spit Hot Fiyah.

  3. I cant believe some of the things that I am reading in this thread.


    Giving up our individual freedoms for the greater good is not a good thing. History is something that will always repeat it self.. As we pass through the history books we find pages and chapters that are filled with leaders that place restrictions on the citizens "for the greater good". In 1918 the Bolsheviks took over in Russia for the "greater good" of the people. Millions suffered and died. The KGB emerged, Gulags were filed, and the people were not allowed to even travel without permission.


    The same was repeated in China, Germany, Cambodia and so on. If those are the type of governments you like, Go to N. Korea. Our Government will continue to erode the civil liberties of our citizens, someday we will look back and wonder what happened.



    Never, EVER thought I'd say this.... but A-men.



    So while I'm trying to have a legitimate discussion to debase the "Opinion by Generalization" theory used broadly throughout this site, you're arguing into a dead-end using bad jokes and stupid statements (I dont like sunlight, they should have more coastline... Please. What is this, fifth grade?)... for what? To prove that people have opinions that are completely ridiculous? You win.... I guess?

  5. I can defend myself just fine against the likes of you.


    Morals are not set in stone. He believes them to be immoral, end of story there.


    Great job arguing opinon on your second point. When are you going to show you're capable of a real argument. Research before you start talking about their ethnic "mixing pot".



    Argument number 3, half opinion, half truth. Perhaps the portion of California that I like, is infact the part with the best food?


    Wouldn't it be nice if they had more coastline?


    What's wrong with rain, I dislike too much sun.


    You're correct about the homosexual population but, that's not the issue.




    Whoops... look like somebody actually jumped in the deep end without their swimmies.



    So wait... Youre defending a position that considers genocide-by-nature a good thing, and personal choices that dont affect anyone else a bad thing? Abuhhhhhhhhhh.....


    You asked me to give reasons to like california... How is a diverse population of attractive females a bad thing? How is that an opinion? If youre only responding to me presenting my opinion int he same statement, I'll forgive you... I know theres probably smoke coming out of your ears at this point.


    Your comments about more coastline and disliking sun are obviously filler, perhaps to give that monster cranium of yours a cool-down period after those intense bouts of sentence-composing.


    The Food Culture of California is not debatable, especially not by you with me. If you'd really like me to tell you of all the reasons why that debate would be like Charles Barkley debating Golf Techniques with Tiger Woods.... Nah, it's not even worth it. You're lucky I've wasted this many words on you.

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