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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Jesse is a biotch, we'll have to make him bong a few on wednesday to man him up a bit... Fuck Delta Sig.
  2. My mom told me once that I'm not supposed to stick anything except my elbow in my ear...
  3. Tex mex. Get two dice and a cup. Fill the cup halfway with beer. The object of the game is to NOT be the one with the lowest dice roll. the "points" go like this: Highest number rolled first, then the second number is the second. Example: You roll a five and a two, your score is 52. If you dont like your score, you get up to three rolls (if youre the first person). dice pass to the left, and after the circle goes around, the person with the lowest dice roll drinks the beer. Catches: If someone rolls a 21, thats called a tex mex and the cup gets filled with beer. If the first person uses more than one roll, everyone gets as many tries as he does to beat his score. If you're trying to beat a score and roll doubles that arent snakeyes, you're safe. Snakeyes must instantly drink the beer. Rolling for the next round is always started by whoever just drank the beer. Disclaimer: this game gets you fucked up QUICK, but it's fun as shit.
  4. Hahaha wow... I'm not even responsible for posting threads about a gathering at my own House? This is a lazy man's dream... Marc, you can't come.
  5. Tilley, come to my house wednesday for some poker. DJ, Eli, Ben (theoretic), and Jesse are probably going to be there, plus some buddies of mine/theirs. However, if your girlfriend comes, tell her that Eli can bitch at people for poker ettiquette all he wants, it's my house.
  6. What an original idea, why haven't any of us ever thought about meeting in a parking lot with our cars during the summer? Make this guy a mod, post-haste.
  7. Ayone on here have any good condition, running Chevy 350's for sale? Don't know much about em, but must fit in an 89 camaro. Thanks in advance, Jon
  8. Isn't this the same messageboard that was laughing their asses off at the people selling their "pimp my rides" cars? You're all a bunch of fickle fucks.
  9. Come to my house wednesday, it's going to be a long, drunken CR evening.
  10. Haha wednesday = repeat, so you betta rest up... We're getting a real beer bong this time. Hell, Andy and Jon, you guys can come if you'd like.
  11. You guys are the worst shit talkers ever... If you fight like you talk, then I think even stealth Geoff could whoop your asses... Disclaimer: Not a threat. Additional unrelated note, ben hooked up with a cute asian chick last night, after him jesse and I killed a bottle of 151 in 2 hours.
  12. and im getting married on April 16th</font>Pownt.
  13. you mean the evil guy from Ninja Turtle cartoons?
  14. Shut up fag, go do some roids and bone some sluts. <---- drunk as piss
  15. The lack of defense in this thread means admission to both defeat and the subtle accusations of homosexuality. graemlins/nod.gif
  16. wow, buying a vehicle together? That's committment. Great lookin bike, have fun and be safe. graemlins/thumb.gif
  17. Jon: " We're cool because we're masculine enough to appreciate a small pink anime cat, right?" Andy: "Of course man, guys who like girlie things are definitely less gay than guys who think it's only for japanese teenage girls" Jon: "Hey, kinda like how our cars are better than CR because they're retro, nevermind that the combined horsepower is less than that of a V6 camry!" Andy: "For SURE! Let's go play Pokemon"
  18. I'll be nice and let you guys start. Go. graemlins/nod.gif
  19. haha Turns out that the hello kitty crew are some shrimpy girly men, too.... Cut your hair, supra boy.
  20. Is that Homey D clown?
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