Lydell Ross is to Buckeye football as Herpes is to a pornstar's career. In two yeyars, smith, pittman, and ginn are going to bring the championship back to columbus.
I WOULD rip on Adam... But I've never met him, and I know better than to make decisions on a person's character based on how they post on a messageboard. Besides, the rest of you seem to take care of that on a daily basis anyway.
Last year, the school board rpomised a bunch of stuff (that it wouldnt fire teachers, take aw1ay programs, etc) if a certain levy was passed. Well, that levy was passed, and the school board didn't keep a single one of it's promises.
Smoking kills you, makes you smell bad, looks retarded, kills you, costs an assload of money, offends those around you, and kills you. Why are you people angry about a bill that bans you from paying people to kill yourselves?