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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. The best oart is, there are sooo many four and six cylinder cars on here that blow yours the fuck out of the water.
  2. That truck is thugged out.... I like it.
  3. Tina posted that the Michigan fans in this thread are being dumb jackasses. Good thing that you agreed with her. ... On a side note, not to be a dick, but I'm nowhere NEAR jealous of someone who has a wife. Sorry, Ant. Calling someone with a PH.D dumber than hell is absolutely hysterical. Good Job.
  4. Oh, shit. You're a fatass. I'm scared. Sorry if I'm on here on my laundry day, talking shit to a bunch of people who can't read or write. I'm also not small, and even if I were, why would I be jealous of a fat kid? You still haven't made any sense at all in any of your posts. I did like the part where you used a line from a Budwieser commercial (remember the whole "get some class thing?) New points made by The Fat Lonely Michigan fan: -I'm 18 -I'm not as fat as he is -Periods don't exist - He/she/it thinks I'm cute... graemlins/puke.gif
  5. EVERY MICHIGAN FAN IN THIS THREAD HAS ALLUDED TO THE PAST MICHIGAN/OHIO STATE RECORD. SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT LIVING IN THE PAST. I'm in college, but nice try. Again, in the very same run on sentence, you said : "you are living in the past like most osu fans", followed closely by "Yea it was the first time ever to go undefeated, but Michigan has done that before". You obviously didn't go to college. Then, you told me to "get some class", asked me if I "even live in Columbus", and "do I have a car?" 1. You couldn't find class in an elementary school. 2. My home is in Columbus, but I am in Athens, at Ohio University. Why does that matter? Are you in Ann Arbor? 3. I have two vehicles, a daily driver and a motorcycle. The motorcycle is down at the moment, due to a bum starter and it being a 2 hour drive away from me. I guess you have shit to talk about that now, though. Seriously, dude. Stop posting, you're losing face with each monstrosity your thick fingers thump into the keyboard.
  6. Earth to the sensitive women in this thread: This is the flame room. Go buy some more vagisil, and make Anthony a pot pie.
  7. I bet Jim Tressell would be pretty dissapointed that you don't want to play for him, because with your size, you'd make a fine offensive lineman. As for the rest of that blathering bullshit, did I see you say that Joey Galloway was giving someone head behind House of Japan? I know neither where the fuck that came from, nor why you decided to make that up, but damn. That's both sad and disguisting. You tell all of us that we don't post anything of substance, and you quote riots that happened a few years ago (as if any of us were involved), that our players give hand jobs in jail, and then call us white trash when the english language is obviously out of your feeble grasp? Get the fuck away from the keyboard, put down the cheetos, and go get some exercise. I heard Wal-Mart is having a sale.... Women's Plus-size pants, buy one, get one free.
  8. <3 for Hoop-D Mesteno, I can kindof understand where he's coming from. He is selling something, and you chime in and say that his prices are too high. If this were in the Corrall, that shit would get deleted. Just think about it.
  9. Wow. This is the flame room. Get the fuck over it. Does anyone have the Britney Spears "My Pussy Hurts!" picture? ... and Jenn, don't send me Instant messages telling me that "reverting to personal attacks is not a good idea" like you're going to start something, or that I'm going to get banned for it.
  10. I would shit my pants if I even saw an sl65. graemlins/eek2.gif ...Pics?
  11. Misspelled words... Complete lack of ANY punctuation, or, for that matter, factual statements... extremely unnattractive poster.... Yup! It's a Michigan fan posting again! Silly Michigan fans, the "post reply" button is for people with brains!
  12. ...btw, you spelled moon, not moron. Sorta ironic that you spelled that wrong when calling me a moron, in a barely legible paragraph full of poor abbreviations, absolutely no capitalization, and totally devoid of any sort of factual, helpful statements. Good Job..... graemlins/thumb.gif
  13. You want ME, a fan of a team THAT WON THIS WEEKEND, to come at you, a fan of a team THAT LOST THIS WEEKEND, with "substance"? This thread is full of Ohio state fans posting such facts as: - "We won this weekend. Michigan didn't". -"Ohio state is consistantly good, we win about 80% of our games every year, if not more (like the National championship season)." -"We have won two of the last three Ohio State/Michigan games" -"Michigan was heavily favored to beat Notre Dame, who has a true sophomore quarterback and mediocre specialty position players, but lost." You have come back with the following points: -"Ohio State's mascot is a (pretty) nut!" -"Coaches should definitely NOT try to recruit good players for their football teams" -"Michigan won a bunch of games forever ago!" -"Michigan may not have won a national championship in the last few years (Like Ohio State has)... But we're still good!" -"Notre Dame is a good team, I swear!" (This is a lie) -"Since I don't know anything about you, you are obviously a bandwagon fan, even though that has absolutely NOTHING to do with the argument at hand!" If you need ANY further help in deciding which team is better, all you need to do is look at the current rankings. Losing to an unranked, 0-1 team sure does hurt that BCS score. The only thing this thread has proven so far is that Michigan fans are overweight, unattractive, ignorant, stubborn, pathetic, illiterate, devoid of any creativity or logical thinking skills, and that they probably all smell bad, too.
  14. You're going to make a very good father. Good luck! graemlins/thumb.gif
  15. Devils Advocate

    the A TEAM

    Lol look at the questions at the bottom of the page. I love E-bay. graemlins/thumb.gif
  16. Damn, I wish that any of what you just said made any fucking sense at all. Not playing as a team? The buckeyes have won like 80% of their games the last three seasons, beating Michigan twice. Also, I've been a buckeyes fan since I was born. My dad has always had a deep love for them, and that's been passed on to me. It's a good thing you know what you're talking about though. graemlins/thumb.gif
  17. So Geoff just bitched out, eh? Sound slike a true Michigan fan to me.
  18. We had three mistakes by the same guy, too, and we still won. Notre Dame is not ranked, either. Even if they were, you guys were supposed to beat them by two touchdowns. You lost the game. Marshall has been a consistantly good team year after year for a long time, and they are getting better. Marshall played a great game, and OSU played better. That = a win. Did I just hear you say, Jen, That Ohio State (again, the team that DID win this weekend) relies too much on the talent of their players? I don't even want to disect this statement, but I will for the sake of everyone else who thinks this is an absolutely pathetic attempt at shmack talking about the Bucks. .... I guess it's because I (and all of the college coaches, too) don't possess the infinite football wisdom that you do, but what's so bad about having players that are good? If I were a coach, I would try my best to recruit as many good players as possible (Hasn't OSU had one of the top five recruiting classes the last 5 years running or something?) every year. I guess Michigan should try your system, because they bring in pretty good players every year, and still can't seem to win a National Championship (all to themselves).
  19. Hot damn, there were some beautiful cars there. I hate to say it, but I actually liked those turboed civic hatches.... They were clean as hell.
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