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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. I havent been a Virgin for awhile.
  2. She brought em to me this morning, cell phone intact. Erik, If I finish this quarter with a 3.5 or above, you owe me a case.
  3. Come pick me up, and I'll give you the twenty that i owe you.
  4. 1 Pair of Jeans. Abercrombie and Fitch, Dark denim with faded patches. Last seen around my waist last night around 12:30 AM, in a girl's room down the hall. If found, please call 614-323.... Oh, wait. Cell phone was in the pants. Still drunk. I love this place.
  5. LOLOLOLOL He said that there were no Infernos in the towers. That's when I stopped reading.
  6. Smells like absolute ass.
  7. Jack is my favorite CR member. graemlins/thumb.gif
  8. My Econ Prof's Yacht was on the news, he showed us the tape on the first day of class.
  10. Devils Advocate

    Body Farm

    Anthony, stuck under his hood after it fell on him. Stillman, Death from choking on Faigley's strapon. DJ, gunned down in a drive by, because he's blaq.
  11. What the Fuck? Is this guy serious? I haven't seen a complete sentence yet, and he's started at least two threads. Someone ban this jackoff before he destroys too many people's brain cells.
  12. Actually, my sig has been like that for over five months, Don't flatter yourself. ... Can I have a ride in your car?
  13. I wish I knew what language he was speaking.
  14. ....... Did Evilevo just tell Mark that he wasn't making a point? I'm not sure, but I think that defines the words Irony and Hypocrisy perfectly. All that guy wants is attention from people, let him cling to his pathetically unsupported conspiracy theory and the fact that "everyone is entitled to their opinion". In my opinion, you're a lonely, ignorant, excitable, gullable fool.
  15. Devils Advocate


    BDHG, shut the fuck up about the SEMA show, you fucking squirrell. No one cares enough about your gay ass 100k cars to host some videos of proffessional drivers drifting them. From what I've heard/seen, Dan built that whole fucking car himself, on a pretty low budget. Whenever you've done something along those lines, feel free to talk shit. Until then, go back to "almost buying built Silvias for 100 bux, lolz?!10ne111?!"
  16. WHERE ARE THE JEN PICS? ....Sorry.... Drunk as sheeeeit.
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