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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Apparently, you were terrible at learning your native.... er, sorry, "National" language as well. OSIKBURN. But no, really... How do you know that these people aren't trying to learn the language? Do they absolutely refuse all type of english interaction, or what? I've never met an immigrant, legal or otherwise, that wasn't nearly obsessed with improving their english skills, and I've worked with alot of immigrants, since I am a cook. Maybe it's the fact that these people want to avoid conversation with people who judge them so quickly... anybody ever think of that? Having an open mind hurts no one. Having a closed mind hurts you and those you judge prematurely.
  2. Kinda sad that that isn't an option in the first place, eh?
  3. Why is everyone so angry about this? It's perfectly normal to "forget" to take your child to her babysitter, and to leave her in a hot SUV all day long, especially when you work with kids.... all day, every day.
  4. Just hit her... Chicks dig that.
  5. Just go ahead and send those paws to me right now. PS: Defensive driving course would be the way to go. Have some fun, learn some stuff, and get over your fears, all at the same time.
  6. In ohio, the only information that holds up in court is what the officer knew at the time of the arrest. If he arrested you without cause and then found out a bunch of shit afterwards, none of it can be used. I learned about this in a class we were forced to attend as part of joining a fraternity, a campus lawyer detailed all of it for us. You've all seen cops lie to people to get them to admit to things before, this is no different. They rely on the fact that a ridiculous percentage of americans have absolutely no idea what their rights are/what the police are allowed to do/request. Keep in mind when reading the following story: I was as respectful and levelheaded as humanly possible throughout all of this. I've always found that being courteous to people can get you much farther than being a jackass. I was in Chicago in december of two thousand five for a halo tournament. We were in a hotel, and the person sharing the room with me was twenty one, so there were empty beer bottles in the room. We were being kinda loud, laughing and what not, because we were playing Halo. The hotel security guard came to our door, and once he saw the beer bottles, he called the police. When they got there, they asked who had been drinking. The guy who was over twenty one said he had, and everyone else said they hadnt. The cops then asked everyone for IDs, and I told them my name, date of birth, and address, which is the only thing Im required to give in that situation by law. I also asked for a breathalizer test to prove that I wasnt drinking, and thats when they got angry. They slammed me into a wall and cuffed me, yelling some shit about how I was "Some sort of lawyer smart-ass punk kid." They walked me out through the hotel lobby where about a hundred halo people were congregating, threw me in the car, and took me down to the station. Once they got me there and chained me to a bench in a holding cell, they tried to scare the crap out of me by telling me they could keep me in there for three days without a phone call or anything. Once they finally figured out that I knew my rights, hadn't been drinking, and wasn't going to "succumb to fear," they wrote me a bullshit "local ordinance violation" and took seventy five bucks in cash from my wallet. My court date was set for a few weeks later, when I would be back in ohio. I called about a week prior to my court date and asked the guy what would happen if I didnt show up. He told me that not showing up would be an admittance of guilt, that it wouldnt even go on any records outside of Rosemont, and that all they would do is keep my seventy five dollars. If you're completely okay with this story and see no reason why people shouldnt do whatever police officers tell them, you're completely out of your fucking mind.
  7. Hell no. Wanna fite abowt it? Ill totally beet u up.
  8. Did he say anything about hating america? Oh wait, no he didn't. Did he say anything negative about the military? Whoops, he didn't do that either. Hey guess what... You're ignorant and stupid. Thanks for playing, there's a side exit where not many people will see you leaving in shame, feel free to take it.
  9. LOL. "I hate dem Democrats.... Theyse be moar evil den mah party that I is uh-filly-ated wif..." Do you guys seriously believe or put any stock in the things you say?
  10. Whatup playa?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!?!??! Good to see that you're alive.
  11. Oh... You mean like what we're doing in Iraq?
  12. ohhhhhhhhhhhh we dont give a damn bout the whole state of michigan, the whole state of michigan, the whooole state of michigan... Noooo we dont give a damn bout the whole state of michigan, 'cuz weeee're from Ohiiiiiiiiooooooooo1
  13. By the way.... I'm not sure if Michigan fans can ever talk shit ever again after a loss like that. I dont give a fuck about the big ten or what it does to OSUs schedule, it's worth it to see the scum lose to a 1AA team.
  14. Wow.... Just..... wow. How far will you go to try and clown on somebody/talk shit about something? Side question: How many times will you make yourself look like a giant ass while doing it?
  15. Those rims go great with that car. Good luck on the sale.
  16. Reading general CR idiots fight with nitrousbird is like watching two really small dogs try to eat a really big ham... Not necessarily funny, but quite depressing and pitiful.
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