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Devils Advocate

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Posts posted by Devils Advocate

  1. you would have got your shit packed in buddy ;)




    I dunno if you're aware of this, but... You drive a Civic Hatchback. Sorry to be so blunt, I just find that exposing reality as quickly as possible tends to produce better results in the long run.

  2. This thread is creepy, you're all pedophiles.



    However, the smurf guy is my new favorite.What a sick sig picture.




    ...Oh.... Theres a chick in this thread somewhere? Well then... "Moar bewbeez plz, U r Teh hawt" or something... Whatever it is you people say these days.

  3. Get the sand out of your vag, it's not my fault you have to now benchrace your friends cars. I wasn't aware I even asked for any race. Maybe I have trouble reading what I type, or, maybe I said I would like to have raced your old car. I'm also not sure where you come up with my car being slow. As far as I know, there is no claim to fast or slow with this car. It has never been down the track. Hell, this thing could run anywhere from 10s to 15s I just dunno. Lastly, I'm not sure where I made any claim that I care how many cyls a car has.


    Before you even start typing, you should just assume you're going to fail. Once you realize you're going to fail, you should just turn off the computer.





    Nice. I'm impressed.

  4. Do they have pokemon in the middle east? If they had pokemon, none of this would happen.



    BTW, I Havent read any actual serious debates on CR in awhile, and I'm pleased to see the level of civility and actual quality debate thats going on in this thread.

  5. congrats man. the wife and i recently put some cash down on 5.25 acres on lake michigan in wisconsin (i'll be moving there in 1.5 yrs). pretty sweet to look forward to building on that land, but i can only imagine how excited you are.


    congrats again.




    You'll love living on lake michigan... I do.

  6. Someone should designate someone other than Thorne to yell at people seriously on the internet. It's kinda like getting fired by Flavor Flav... You just cant take anything he says seriously.
  7. Eric wasn't saying that Ghost in the shell is a reason that we shouldnt have dropped the bomb you dolts, but it shows hows some people in Japan view the way that the united states handles foreign policy/war.



    PS: One of two anime shows that I can force myself to watch... and I actually really like it, it's very intelligent.

  8. Uh, you mean when I was at School down in athens?




    I believe the terms were, I drive all the way from southeast ohio to your shop, so you can beat me up kuz I said meaniehead things to you on the internet.



    Sorry that I applied sound logic to my decision making process.... I'll be sure to just thump my chest and howl at the moon next time someone fucks with me, it's obviously working out for you.

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