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Devils Advocate

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Posts posted by Devils Advocate

  1. I'll be friendly, noobs do not welcome noobs. You don't walk up to people and say "Hi, I'm new here so I'm welcoming you to something that I'm barely even a member of."




    Welcome, LS1's suck. I'll try to forgive that mistake of a buy though ;)



    omg y dew u ckrap in errywuns thred?!

  2. I know your a new guy, and sorry to bring this into your thread, but I have been on this board for "awhile" and have seen dumbasses like him come and go. I have seen him being a complete dick to people for no apparent reason, I have seen his idiotic logic on a bunch of different topics. To say he deserves it would be a severe understatement. Again sorry to jack your thread.




    I dont know if you know this, but a requirement of being a dick for the sole reason that you've been on here for a long time is that you have to be funny/not make yourself look like a complete jackass while you're doing it.

  3. Gotta love dublin kids saying they pay for things with cash.



    Im from dublin, and In four years of highschool there were roughly three kids who paid for their cars, and all of them worked thirty hrs a week since they were fifteen to buy them. Apparently you don't even have a job?

  4. Bon Vie.


    Good food, large, slightly noisy restaurant, decent prices. She'll feel liuke youre treating her special, your wallet wont get completely dominated, and if shes annoying as fuck you can just pretend you cant hear her over the noise... or punch her and run.


    Tip: Order the Bisque, it's unreal.

  5. If I was paied atleast $35K a year, free ammo, beer, and food, I would be more than willing to sit on the Mexican boarder and shoot all tresspassers.



    Why would you shoot them? Because theyre doing the exact same thing that your ancestors did when they came to america?



    You'd think that, since you faught in the army to protect people, you'd actually enjoy the fact that you're helping more people/offering more people safety and shelter by not "shooting" all of "dem illegals."

  6. How about you idiots stop bitching and whining about spanish, accept the fact that there is absolutely no feasible way to remove all the "illegal immigrants", learnt o speak spanish, and profit by being more useful and desireable to employers.








    God damn, some of you people are retarded.

  7. I'll put forth to stand by what's really good for the country. Not just momentary bliss like the Democrats seem to try to do.




    None of you can even get past the two party system that the government uses to polarize and confuse the nation. Both parties are rife with people who will sell their souls for a dollar/to win an election, and EVERYONE in politics is willing to tell you whatever you want to hear to get elected.


    I dont consider myself Democrat or Republican, and I'm frankly getting sick of even hearing either word. Heres a tip: Stop automatically dumping people into one of two categories, open your mind to viewpoints differing than yours, and actually maybe consider that some of your views might be wrong or skewed.

  8. I think that living in Chicago is starting to mess with your head, giving you a twisted view of the world. Don't fear though, there is still time to return to reality.



    Chicago has absolutely nothing to do with it, the city's population most closely mimics the overall countries population with regards to race, religious beliefs, etc... I think a large portion of you clowns would benefit from moving out of a state thats so concentrated with people that share the same viewpoints as you do.



    People discussing differing viewpoints > Two idiots yelling the exact same thing loudly.

  9. Outside of your home; no way. IF it were to be allowed, I wouldn't call it legalized, it should be something your residence is taxed for, apartment or home owner. The amount should be regulated as to how much can be on site. From there it would turn into, I don't want to live next to pot heads. And, because the address has to be registered for use of the substance, it would be known to the public.


    You don't have to like this idea; I don't like any that have been said. This would be tolerable though.


    Med use is a whole different thing.



    Wait.... Wait. Theres certainly nothing even approaching a registration sytem for people who drink alcohol, which makes people angry, impairs their decision making ability, and makes them do outrageous things they would never do while sober... Yet you want a registration system so that you dont end up living next to someone who is happy, relaxed, and somewhat more hungry than a sober person?





  10. 1: Border jumpers have kids here, kids are then legal. Ooohhhh, big hoops. (assumption, just like you made)

    2: Or $$ to support his illegal family (again, assumption)

    3: Because the US Gov't doesn't make mistakes

    4: Flash enough money to someone, and they'll do a lot of things you wouldn't think they would do.


    I love how it is not his fault he can't speak English. If I lived in Mexico (I'll pass, thanks), I'd sure as hell learn the language, and I'm terriable at learning foreign languages.




    Apparently, you were terrible at learning your native.... er, sorry, "National" language as well.







    But no, really... How do you know that these people aren't trying to learn the language? Do they absolutely refuse all type of english interaction, or what? I've never met an immigrant, legal or otherwise, that wasn't nearly obsessed with improving their english skills, and I've worked with alot of immigrants, since I am a cook. Maybe it's the fact that these people want to avoid conversation with people who judge them so quickly... anybody ever think of that?



    Having an open mind hurts no one. Having a closed mind hurts you and those you judge prematurely.

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