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Devils Advocate

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Posts posted by Devils Advocate

  1. He doesn't send suicide bombers to their death all for their religion. They aren't fighting for freedom, they weren't oppressed by us in anyway, shape or form. Their tactics are sheer cowardism. It takes no effort to set up a road side bomb and detonate it half a mile away, it takes no courage to fire around a corner, and certainly is most cowardly to fly a plane full of innocent people into MORE innocent people. I'll say this, when we did go head to head with an Al-Qaeda group, it was no contest. Man to man, we shoot better, and always have more firepower, even when the odds were 5 to 1 in THEIR favor. They're a bunch of rag tag pieces of shit that try to justify what they do with their backwards ass fucked up religion.



    Using this logic, wouldnt it also be prudent to say that Firing a missile 300 miles from it's target is cowardly also?


    Bin Laden is the exact opposite of a coward... To take responsibility for such actions against the greatest military power in the world takes balls the size of which none of you have any inkling of.

  2. Youre honestly using the idiots on here for parental advice?



    The Pool of "talent" that you have to work with here include a raging bible thumper who hasnt opened his mind since it was formed in the womb, a bunch of dudes who drive really nice cars, do a bunch of drugs, and bang strippers all the time, a ton of backwoods rednecks, and MAYBE a handful of good parents.



    By the Way, if you read that now and he finds out about it... He wont trust you. Ever. Think about that.

  3. Ive never eaten a slider in my life. I bought four once because my buddies were going there, and when we got home and i pulled it out of the box, it was fucking soggy and literally smelled like dog food with dehydrated onions on top. Oh, wait. Thats exactly what it is. I gave them to my buddies dog and get queasy whenever I even see a white castle.



    Interestingly enough, Ive found that this allows me to enjoy Harold and Kumar alot more, because the ridiculous amount of advertising in the movie has no power over me whatsoever.

  4. Matt said everything I wanted to say. Youre seriously going to call the fucking cops because one of the people you pay minimum wage decided that he doesnt give a fuck about working at Pizza hut? Be a fucking man and find out who it is and discipline them accordingly, dont be a total wussbag and call Johnny Law, who may or may not smoke pot himself.




    Disrespect? Please. You're a Pizza Jockey, even if you are a really good one. People have been and will always be disrespecting you, deal with it.

  5. Music nowadays sucks, except for the occasional great band that comes along. Every once in awhile when I'm high I try to watch the cartoons that children nowadays are watching, and I dont understand a single god damned one of them.
  6. I had an officer fly up on my ass on the bike when I was doing the speed limit. He rode my ass so close I was scared. I had talked to my mom about it (shes a cop) and she said she has herd other complaints but since I did not have the cops car number nothing I can do.


    This was not a intemdation tactic he was not paying attention. He was so close If I would have braked to avoid something he would have hit me .




    When you come to a word that you dont know how to spell, say it out loud slowly twice, then quickly twice. You'll definitely get closer than "Intemdation."

  7. Ah, great example. I don't think you restrain from posting that picture in fear of "some fat bitch" getting offended. Instead, it is the fear of that fat bitch complaining and it becomming a sexual harassment issue. Big difference. Do you really care what "some fat bitch" thinks? I know I don't. Hell, the women here are the one's with pictures of half naked guys. Funny stuff. And I'll tell you what, I don't have shit on those half naked firefighters. I need to work out more.


    What images do knives bring to you? Probably stabbing. How about Isotoner Gloves? Probably OJ killing that bitch and getting away with it. How about guns? School shootings, murder, etc... You know what offends me? Some punk ass white kid in a Mercedes. Damn that pisses me off. I wish I had a rich dad.


    PS: When I think of 24" spinners and gangsters I think of gang fights, shootings, drugs, NBA, etc... Yeah, I threw the NBA in there for giggles.



    Can you stop being racist, please?



    There are some unbelievably ignorant things said on this website.

  8. Yeah, the parents are treating so im not worrying about the budget. i know they dont mind spending money on a meal thats worth it. And as far as the beer goes... im bringing them back to a party at my frat that night, so we might be trying to take it easy at dinner, haha.


    thanks for all the suggestions!


    what frat are you in?

  9. it would be great for a learner bike and if it gets fixed it would be good for riding street. it just recently broke like a month ago. like i said just skip second gear. no one tought me to ride and i picked up really quick with it. i personally have never laid it down or dropped it even when i was teaching myself to ride in the neighborhood and in parking lots. so if u loose ur balence if u have any kind of uper body strength at all you will be fine not to lay it down. u wont have to worry bout wheeling it if u take off too strong either im sure it could if u really got on it and put a lot of effort into it but its not something ur gunna do on accident. ive never tried to do it.




    Yeah, as long as you start on a slower bike and are careful/not an idiot, and take it slow, learning to ride is really easy/really really fun... Plus, you never really stop learning, once you start.

  10. The birth control in school is not a "behind your back" method. Its the system trying to fill in for the parentless children. I want to thank you all for being good parents, but not every kid is that lucky. I also want to point out that my wife went to a private school and they end up just as pregnant as the public school kids. The only difference is that the rich parents dont want to hurt their reputation so they drag their kids into the doctor and make them have abortions (this was an observation made by my wife, not me). As my wife says all the time "private schools are a joke!", She graduated from CSG (Columbus School for Girls). There were girls that would go have sex in the parking lot during lunch. Private school is great for a better education, but it doesnt stop horny ass kids from giving blow jobs in the parking lot.


    I would also like to point out that they are handing out pills and condoms to help prevent babies and stds. They realize that the pill is not enough so they give both to stop the spread of STD's. Ultimately the choice of using the protection is up the the kids (just like the choice of having or not having sex).


    Personally I want my daughter to be able to come to me for anything. However I can't force her. You could have the best relationship in the world with your kids, but may never even know at 16 they were pregnant. Kids that dont want to dissapoint their parents will hide things just like kids that hate their parents.


    In closing I would like to say it's good to see that CR has a lot of people with good heads on their shoulders. If you parent with the conviction that you type then the world may have hope after all.


    Vote for Pedro!



    Catholic school bitches are the worst... And they always liked us public school guys, so it worked out.

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