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Devils Advocate

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Posts posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Slow down, OSU played them at home, that game was in Ill.



    LOL. I live twenty minutes from Evanston and have driven through there a bunch... The campus is like the size of OU's, and Chicago is CHOCK FULL of people from michigan/people that wear UM gear all the time. It'd be like saying that OSU playing at OU is a tough away game.


    ok ok ok lets get off then wolverines nuts for a second, when the final standings come out does it say um 28 nw 16 or does it say um (w) nw(l), thats all that matters, near wins are still loses, lets not forget osu fans , in 2002 all your games were won by 14 pts or less.and didnt you win the championship that year? wins a win thats all that counts


    Uhm. We beat NW by fifty one points, UM beat them by 12, and were losing for awhile during that game, sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....................................................... You're dumb? And it's impossible for anyone to be on Wolverine nuts, because they sure as shit don't have any.




    Oh, and Michigan sucks. 3-2, with wins against a 0-5 Notre Dame team, a close win against the worst team in the big ten besides like.. indiana, and whoever else they beat. Plus, they still have that glorious loss to Appalachian state, a 1-AA team that lost to a school named Wofford.



  2. Talking to ones self and believing in something that you know is real are two totally different things.



    "In conclusion, I think that faith is a mental disease. Not necessarily a major illness, but nevertheless something quite worrisome. This disease needs to be and can be cured. "


    Wow strong words for something that will never be backed up. You cannot take ones religion away. Heck people bring there "OTHER" religions here everyday and we have to jump through hoops to accommodate them.


    Im LOLing, because christianity has pressed itself on non-christians for two millenia.

  3. so uh... You beat an overrated team in "one of the toughest places to play in the country" by five points, and now Michigan is going to win the big ten?



    If they do, congratulations and thats impressive, but.... don't you think it's a little early to be making assanine statements?



    Oh, and if the MSU/UM rivalry is bigger than the OSU/UM rivalry, why does it get voted the biggest rivalry in college sports every year when they do the poll during football season?



    Oddly enough, when they do the poll during basketball season, it always ends up being UNC/Duke. Wieeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrddddddddddddd.



    Its two PM central time, and Michigan still sucks.

  4. Too bad my ultimate gaming PC and appropriate input devices are now defunct, otherwise I'd take you up on that. I used to humble

    people on CR that said they couldn't be beaten in the PC version.




    Console, not PC... However, I DID get my start playin Halo PC< just havent played in four or five years.

  5. If you have to ask you will never understand. Driver's in the pro series are as in shape as most sports athletes. And if it is so easy why aren't you doing it? Seems like a super EASY way to make some $$$ the way you are describing it.



    He can't hear you. Try typing louder.

  6. Thats more like it... Now I'll take a BLT, hold the mayo, tomato, and lettuce.



    My accusations of closemindedness refer to the unbelievably negative judgements of character/intent/usefulness of immigrants by people who have never had any sort of interaction/conversation with the people they are judging, among other things. Forming an opinion about something without any actual experience other than recieving a wrong order at wendy's doesn't free you from criticism, nor does it give you the right to yell " BLAH BLAH BLAH I CANT HEAR YOU" while covering your ears and shaking your head.



    BTW, you drive a chick car that looks suspiciously like something I always get in my Chipotle burritos.

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