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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. I fully support this logic.
  2. That sounds baller. I have flavor ice to eat...
  3. Cheuhhhh, second. Team Young Guns win!
  4. Thats rly rly kewl dood.
  5. So rob is really delusional enough to believe that I would join a board for a state that I dont live in anymore and make up a fake name just to harass him? I can make him look like a fool all day long on here, why would I even go to the trouble? Here's an idea: Less mountain dew and chewing tobacco, more reading and vitamins.
  6. Uhm... What? When has ANYONE ever "confronted me" or "gotten in my face?" Oh wait, you're making shit up again. I forgot that I'm dealing with someone who has seen literally thousands of captioned cat pictures, and seems to find all of them hilarious. Shouldnt you be bench racing or performing some short of shady business transaction/service?
  7. Insert miscellanious racial slur here.
  8. ..... Zibba Zabba? BTW.... I'm the only reason anyone cool ever visits CR anymore.
  9. I love you too, buttercup.
  10. I'd like to give a shout ot to lil boozie, justin timberlake, and mah mentor, Tha Deej. Three rednecks at once, in two different threads is nothin.
  11. See, now thats just too bad. I always start these e battles for humor, and then someone has to start making physical threats and get banned. Oh well, have a good one. And lelani, Never once did I insult his father? Maybe you should spend less money on the camaro, and more money on reading lessons.
  12. Who on EARTH are you even talking to?
  13. Wait... You work WITH them, or FOR them? If you're helping them... Im glad Im not paying Ohio taxes anymore. And are you saying that if I talk about your family again, which hasnt been relative to the conversation in like four posts, you're going to show me that "You a faggot?" Are you suggesting that you're going to rape me? Thats illegaLOL.
  14. If for some reason I ever get lifeflighted from Chicago to columbus, I'll make sure to stop by the janitor's closet and say hi to you when I'm on my way out.
  15. You seriously can't spell jealous? You were an Art major, weren't you. And puhleeze dont be a'mad at me on tha internets massuh, I dont fink I could handle alla dat now.
  16. PS: The college that gave you a degree, given your conduct/command of the english language, should have all of it's state funding taken away ASAP.
  17. Uh Oh.. I have a whole garshdurned fambly of inbreds madder'n buhjeebus at me... I better watch out fer deranged cows tryin' to trample me. So you list the same cars as your "cousin," and you both type like someone who recently just lost both arms in a Tractor accident... Seems fishy to me, but I'm no detective.
  18. So wait... You've met me, but it wasn't at a meet? Yup, you're completely out of your mind. Good for you for owning a farm? I knew you didn't get any of that money by being intelligent. Must suck to have to make a second account because your old one was put on global ignore... Did you just not get the picture, or are you really that lonely?
  19. You win the million dollar prize!!1!1 Sorry that I misplaced your trailer's location.. You just talk and act like you're from grovetucky. PS: I'm never an asshole at meets because I'm around people that I actually like, so you're either completely crazy or wayyy too stupid for me to put into words.
  20. LOL Oh Noez! Fuck you!1!1 I dont think I know more than two people from grovetuckyportcity.... So you're either delusional or just stupid.
  21. For sheezy. Also, never pay more than a dollar for a fountain soda. Each soda literally costs the establishment three cents.
  22. Man, is this Rob's second account or something? Everything you both post is always nearly identical. ::Cues Deliverance banjo music::
  23. Hm.... I like the sound of this already.
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