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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Never show their face in public? I was going to meets 2 years before you even joined here. 98%? Good statistic. Is this your brother or something?
  2. Oh Snaps, All Day Son. All day. Imma change my name to "Big Jesus" and start wearing a cowboy hat. Quick! Someone find me a car with too much horsepower and the ugliest paint color possible!
  3. Did I just see some guy boast about how big he was on the forums? If Fighting has "Gotten boring," then why do you "stay strapped?" In case one of the people you childishly throw pennies at decides to try and fuck your world up? You sound like a confused jackass. OMG HE KUT ME OF, ILL TEECH HIMLOL!!!!! Everyone gets fucked over on the road every day without retaliating in a way that only has potentially negative results. Stop being a giant dickhead and behave, Macho Man.
  4. Close... It did have something to do with rx7s.
  5. Hahahahaha wow. Bring up the Doc's douchebag alter-ego and Hilarity ensues. I miss my RX-7. Big money prizes to whoever can remember my original Login name that doesnt use mod powers to look it up.
  6. No, it would be "I'm an idiot" style. I charge $300/hr to teach Internet Supremacy.
  7. You should probably delete this post, since it's retarded. *prepares for incoherent yelling on the internet*
  8. Damn son, 85k? Fuck being a chef, sign me up.
  9. I be strapped wif dat Glawck Nine, ya herd meh?!
  10. Wow. I hope you throw pennies at someone some day, and they counter with the appropriate course of action (shooting you).
  11. You still going to do me on the side? Congrats, cutie.
  12. ...Wow. You know it's a whole lotta stupid when I'm speechless... ....Wow.
  13. Or he's making a joke, you dumbass.
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